Corrupt a wish

Started by Twilightfiredragon, October 04, 2011, 02:08:49 PM

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The vodka is more or less fine, save for the decaying Russian hand still clinging to it.

I wish for a bed time story.


Granted, but it gives you horrible nightmares.

I wish I was one of those type A personality folks.
"And possibly i like the thrill of under me you quite so new"-e e cummings

"There is nothing to writing, all you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed."- Ernest Hemingway

I'm standing here defiant, waiting for you to bend me,willing you to break me.

On's & off's


Granted, but the A stands for "anteater."

I wish for new silverware.


How can you corrupt vodka?! Ummm...okay, the vodka turns out to be water. lol

I wish for a good, stiff drink.
I liked your response better, BlightRaptor.

@BlightRaptor - It is a bedtime story filled with monsters, carnage, and death.

@daddysgirl - Granted, and you work yourself to death.

@BlightRaptor - You get the silverware, but you lose both your hands and can no longer use it.

I wish for...yeah, a good, stiff drink.


The drink is literally stiff and solid, preventing any use of straw. My new silverware may be required, but I can not lend it to you without hands.

I wish for new hands.


You're given a pair of 'new hands'; they're the hands of yourself as a newborn child, attached to your adult wrists, and you'll have to wait for them to mature at the normal rate (give it fifteen years or so before they start feeling right).

I wish there were a pretty young lady sitting in my lap.


Granted, but her bony ass is digging into your thigh.

I wish I didn't have to get up so early.
"And possibly i like the thrill of under me you quite so new"-e e cummings

"There is nothing to writing, all you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed."- Ernest Hemingway

I'm standing here defiant, waiting for you to bend me,willing you to break me.

On's & off's


Granted, however it's because you've been put into a soap opera style coma.

I wish for a pet bunny.


Granted, but it's Bunnicula.

I wish I had an angel for a girlfriend.

Damned Eternally

You get your angel, but t'is the Angel of Death.

I wish I could drive.
Damned's Dirty Mind / My Games / Damned's Ideas
Tentatively Available for Games

My A's and A's
Updated 09/08/2018 14th Oct 2016

Not a daily poster, muse has been preoccupied with earning cash.


Granted but you get a tortoise with a saddle. Hope you don't have anywhere important to go!

I wish I had new shoes.
Don't wake me 'cause I don't wanna leave this dream.

Damned Eternally

You get the new shoes, but they were made from cursed material. With every step you take, it's like walking in wet cement.

I wish I could fly.
Damned's Dirty Mind / My Games / Damned's Ideas
Tentatively Available for Games

My A's and A's
Updated 09/08/2018 14th Oct 2016

Not a daily poster, muse has been preoccupied with earning cash.


Granted, but only a foot off the ground.

I wish my french fries were done cooking.
Don't wake me 'cause I don't wanna leave this dream.


Wish granted, but they're burnt. :P

I wish I was'nt up so late, doing absolutely nothing useful!


Granted, but now you are performing useful chores while sleep walking.

I wish for a chew toy for Bunnicula.


Granted! Your arm falls off and Bunnicula begins gnawing on it... ;D

I wish I could regenerate any part of my body bigger and stronger without having to exercise.


Granted... however, the first part you try that on is your head... and that don't come back *nods*

I wish I had could see through solid objects...
Angry Sex: Because it's Impolite to say," You pissed me off so much I wanna fuck your brains out..."


Granted! You're now encased in a cement wall...but you can see everything going on outside of it. ;)

I wish I could travel faster than light.


Wish granted, but you can never stop.

I wish I had a full sleeve of tattoos on my left arm.

The Jackal

Wish granted, but they're all horribly scarred and unrecognizable.

I wish I was a character In Silent Hill.  (Good luck corrupting that one)


Sleepwalking doing chores. xD Wah.

Wish granted, but since I don't know what that is your're denied the wish! :O Sorries!
I wish I could manage time better.


Granted. You manage time exceedingly well, rigorously scheduling everything for every moment of the rest of your life. In the process, you become extremely neurotic and utterly inflexible in how you conduct your activities, eventually costing you friendship and partnership, and estranging you from your family.

I wish I were a superhero.


Granted Master...  You transform into costume and are granted super strength and are impervious to all harm but...  The bullets.   You find this out at your first bank robery.   

I wish I could watch every book I read like a movie. 


granted, but as is the case with a lot of books to movies, it is nothing like you imagined, the actors are terrible, and random parts are changed for no reason, making you hate it and the book.

I wish to have an amazing adventure, in which death is not the end (:P)

“Being a geek is all about being honest about what you enjoy and not being afraid to demonstrate that affection. It means never having to play it cool about how much you like something. It’s basically a license to proudly emote on a somewhat childish level rather than behave like a supposed adult. Being a geek is extremely liberating." - Simon Pegg


Its an amazing adventure as a sea-turtle baby, where you hatch and dig out of the sand, and scramble down the beach and into the ocean! But you get capturee by a human teacher, who stuffs you into a plastic container, and shows you to the students in marine biology class. :O

I wish i was a yellowstone national park wolf!