Serenity Interest Check

Started by Jineriq, October 03, 2008, 04:34:46 PM

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I'm hoping to find some interest for a Serenity game, based on the rulebook by the same name.

The characters wouldn't have to necessarily start in a Firefly class ship, obviously, and coming with a different ship and floor plan is just fine by me. I'm hoping to find a decent sized crew, though please remember you don't have to fit the archetypes of the characters from the show and we don't have to be flying around doing crime either, though that's probably the most fun way to go about it.

The level of erotica involved is completely dependent upon how much you'd like to see. I'm personally not geared much toward sex-filled games, but I'm comfortable with matching anything you want or initiate. There's just very little that I would be looking for on my end, so I can't promise all manner of tangling limbs in coitus. I do, however, plan to make it fairly descriptive and I hope to have a whole lot of fun. I'm too much of a fan of the original series/movie to let it be done poorly.


I get dibs on a Companion and I will have to find that quicksheet online for doing characters I have played the game areound here, but don't own a copy. $30+ is alot of money.


I agree, the book is hard to get a hold of. If you contact me, though, I might be able to help procure you a copy.

The character generator, though, I believe goes by the name of Composure.


I'd love to join.  Are we talking about the same size crew as Firefly, say a max of 10 or so characters?  I'd like to lay claim to the medic position (though my little lady will be QUITE different from our dear Simon :) ).

Kitty's Do/Don'ts

I'm not crazy.  I'm insane, there's a difference :P


I really didn't expect the turnout to be even quite that good. 10 characters is more than fine with me, and depending on the ship type, I could see more. Hopefully, though, that doesn't become an issue.


[waves hand excitedly] I'd definitely be interested in this :) I guess I'd put a dibs on a gunslinger type. Since Ruby beat me to companion hehe.

Destiny Ascension

Oooh sign me up...I'll take pilot if its available. Also, DARN! I saw Serenity I thought..."Companion...woo!"

But if pilot is available, I'd like that. I love Wash <3
"Build courage when courage seems to fail, gain faith when there seems to be little cause for faith, create hope when hope becomes forlorn."
Andraste's flaming sword! I know where babies come from!


lol.  If we don't get some boys in here as well the Captain is going to have himself a nice little harem on the ship :)

Kitty's Do/Don'ts

I'm not crazy.  I'm insane, there's a difference :P

The Great Triangle

I'll go ahead and take the conn then.

Does an indiana jones type badass academic who has an innapropriate fascination with the Reavers work for your campign?

Also, what power level will it be at?

Give me a bit to dig up the old character creation notes from the last Serenity thread.  (It went decently well until the first combat started up with the party outnumberd 6:1 by heavily armed thugs and two of the party members were pacifists, increasing the odds to 10:1  And we were greenhorns too.)
Meow!  I'm a kitty; made of fire.

Ons and Offs

The Great Triangle

Here's the system primer:

Totally not mild piracy!

My character's stats, in Greenhorn and Big Damn Hero Variants:


Agility: d6
Strength: d4
Vitality: d4
Intellegence: d12
Alertness: d10
Willpower: d8

Life Points: 12    Initiative: d6 + d8

Perception: d6
Knowledge: d6
-Cultures: d8
-Literature: d8
Linguist: d6
Influence: d6
-Leadership: d10
Pilot: d4
Athletics: d6
-dodge: d8
Guns: d6
-Pistols: d8
Scientific Expertises: d6
-Historical Sciences d8
Covert: d2

Assets: Highly Educated (minor), Talented (minor), Trustworthy gut (major), Leadership (major)

Complications: Easy Mark (major), Hero Worship (survivors of Reaver Attacks) (minor), Prejudice ("superstition") (minor), Credo "People deserve to know!" (major), Deadly Enemy (Rim Pirates) (minor)

Big Damn Hero:

Agility: d10
Strength: d4
Vitality: d6
Intellegence: d12 +d2
Alertness: d12
Willpower: d10

Life Points: 16   Initiative: d10 + d12

Perception: d6
-Intuition: d8
Knowledge: d6
-Cultures: d8
-Literature: d8
-History: d8
Linguist: d6
Influence: d6
-Leadership: d10
-Persuasion: d8
Pilot: d4
Athletics: d6
-dodge: d10
Guns: d6
-Pistols: d10
Scientific Expertises: d6
-Historical Sciences d8
Covert: d4

Assets: Highly Educated (minor), Talented (major), Trusworthy gut (major), Leadership (major)

Complications: Easy Mark (major), Credo: "People deserve to know!" (major), Things don't go smooth (major), Deadly Enemy: Alliance Operative (minor), Hero Worship (survivors of Reaver Attacks) (minor)
Meow!  I'm a kitty; made of fire.

Ons and Offs


Hmm, should I use the Greenhorn or the Big Damn Hero variants?  Doc's going to have spent a few years on various ships but I'll abide by either.

Kitty's Do/Don'ts

I'm not crazy.  I'm insane, there's a difference :P


If there is still room, I'd like to play.  Would have to think of a character idea, probably a merc or the like.
"Are you into whips and chains too?"
"No, chainsaws."  (just kidding)

Ons and offs:


I made my character a greehorn I can upgrade her if needed. She has a code against killing but its a little grey regarding kneecaps or using a stun club on an attacker. And she might learn how to use guns if there is a future version of a taser.

Overall she is green unworldly outside the central planets, a perfect companion, loyal to her Guild and the Alliance and thinks the Alliance is the best government ever concieved even if some eggs must be broken such as that little matter of the Unification War. People don't get the government is doing what is best for everyone and to bring civilization the galaxy.

The Great Triangle

Technically, if your character has a lot of cash to throw around, you could get one of those futuristic stun guns the alliance is so fond of using on the core worlds.  I'm not quite sure off the top of my head how costly those are though.
Meow!  I'm a kitty; made of fire.

Ons and Offs


No I meant the dart, with a wire to a battery that you fire into the target and hit the juice like a modern tazer pistol now.

At least those are likely legal and cheap.


Wow, we actually got some really decent turnout! I'm pretty happy about that, considering I was iffy on even seeing if there was interest in the first place, let alone enough players for a whole crew.

Mr. Triangle - I'd prefer to start at Greenhorn, but only because I want to see the characters grow. I usually hand out experience like it is free candy, so you should have plenty to increase your character with as we go. Your excitable researcher is also fine with me, so we shouldn't have a problem there either.

Mdazfrench - Even though I'm sure the doctor will have experience in the field, I'm going with Greenhorn, for the above reasons.

Max - You're more than welcome to come up with a character! We still could use a decent Mechanic, I'm thinking. Perhaps even a cook? Or, like you said, you could be a merc hired onto the ship.

But, so far, just so I'm not completely behind, I have:

Great Triangle - Professor Jones
Mdazfrench - Doctor
RubySlippers - Companion
Trinity - Gunslinger
Destiny Ascension - Pilot
Max - ?

Is that everyone or shall we see if we can get a few more?

The Great Triangle

My character will probobly be the captian of the ship, having funded its purchase from his academic career.  Also, I could use some notes on what my characters assets and complications actually do.  I'm pretty sure highly educated gives me a 2 die step bonus on knowledge skills, but I can't really remember.

A ship without a mechanic can still function, of course.  It just means lots of fun running around while you try to find someone to fix your ship who won't put a bomb in it.   :D

Meow!  I'm a kitty; made of fire.

Ons and Offs


Sabine Yayve'  (pronounced Yay-Vee)
Registered Companion

Alluring (major)
Friends in High Places general contacts as a Companion that are favorable to her (minor)
Friends in Low Places general contacts as a Companion that are favorable to her (minor)
Good Name as a Registered Companion (minor)
Registered Companion (minor)

Credo code against killing other humans, even Reavers (major)
Credo support the Companion culture, customs, Guild rules and the traditional ways of doing things (minor)
Loyal to the Alliance (minor)
Loyal to the Guild (minor)
Memorable (minor)

Agility D6
Strength D6
Vitality D8
Alertness D6
Intelligence D8
Willpower D8

Life Points 16
Initiative D6 + D6

Artistry D4
Athletics D6
Craft D4
Discipline D4
Influence D6
- Conversation D8
Knowledge D4
Mechanical Engineering D2
Melee Weapon Combat D4
Perception D6
- Empathy D8
Performance D4
Pilot D6
Planetary Vehicles D2
Technical Engineering D2
Unarmed Combat D4


Born on the Alliance core planet Londinium home of the Alliance Parliament and the Alliance Fleet HQ and educated at the Londinium Comapanion Training House the more political and businesslike of the two great academies the other naturally on Sihnon. Her father Representative Nathen Yayve' is an elected official known as a staunch supporter of Unification and of the war and her mother an college professor with a political science specialty and repsected in her field. Most of her family are in Alliance service her three brothers in the Alliance Fleet as officers and her older sister is involved in politics. She was lucky enough to get into the prestigious Companion Academy mostly due to her merits and her fathers influence its hard to ignore a member of government.

Her training was generally standard and traditional that was enforced by the strong political and traditional bent of the Guild there. Sabine is generally pleasant and professional but does hold strongly to the perfection being formed of the Alliance and the need to bring the galaxy under control even if its not always a straight line.


Name: Faith Rousseau
Sex: Female
Ht: 5’8” Wt: 115
Hair: Brown, Eyes: Green
Age: 22
Occupation: Gunslinger/Trick shooter/Rancher
Heroic Level: Greenhorn
Faith is a tall, lean, long legged and pretty young woman who has straight brown hair that falls to just below her shoulder blades and pretty green eyes. She tends to wear a pair of faded, tight, blue jeans w/ both knees blown out and another tear on the thigh on her right leg. She also wears a tight sleeveless white t shirt, brown cowboy boots, a red head band and a cowboy hair w/ the sides rolled up on it. She also wears a gun belt w/ a quick draw holster on her right side.

Faith was born on Athens and lost both of her parents and her sisters in the war for independence. When the Alliance went to bombing the cities to root out the Browncoats, she ended up losing most of the rest of her family, while some of them fought against the Alliance some of them were just civilians. It didn’t matter though civilians or soldiers the Alliance was willing to kill anyone to achieve their goals and she hated them for it.

While she sorta sides w/ the Browncoats since they weren’t directly responsible for the bombing, she doesn’t care much for them either since if it wasn’t for them bringing their war to her home her family would still be w/ her.

She was pretty young but some of her neighbors took her in and helped her out and she left w/ them and one of the many groups of refugees. She ended up going to live w/ her cousin’s family of ranchers on Ezra. Things weren’t too bad on the Ranch (other then getting over her loss which was rather difficult for her) but they took care of her pretty well and she became very close w/ her cousin Katrina, the pair of them becoming pretty much inseparable.

In her time living on the ranch she learned how to be a ranch hand, and learned how to shoot. She spent a lot of hours training herself how to shoot, since she felt deep down that she had to be able to kill people that tried to hurt her and her loved ones, since nobody but Faith would protect Faith and her loved ones. She spent a lot of time learning how to draw quickly and shoot straight, taking any chance she could to pick up some up some trick shooting skills, which she managed to make some money w/.

It wasn’t long though before Ezra started falling apart though, when the governor bit the big one, along w/ all the war refugees, it caused a lot of trouble for the planet, as the planet started to slide down hill she had to put her gun to use more then a few times killing her first men when she was 17. The bastards deserved it though; they were a bunch of slavers trying to bag a little something extra on the side when they tried to snatch Katrina. Fortunately Faith wasn’t to far away having still been in the store while Katrina was hanging around outside. Hearing her cousin scream she ran out to find her. She found her being carried off by a trio of men who were trying to gag her and pull her down an alleyway. 

By the time it was over the three of them got fit for coffins. She was surprised how little it affected her, while she knew that killing was wrong, and she didn’t like the idea of hurting anyone in general, some people deserved to die and she wasn’t about to let anyone or anything hurt anything that was precious to her. It wasn’t the last time she had to use her gun in the next few years, and her rep grew as someone you didn’t want to draw against. Eventually Katrina got married and the pair of them spent less and less time together as her cousin settled down into the family life. It wasn’t the same w/out Katrina and she ended up moving on to see what was out there in the ‘verse.


Well, if your still looking for players...  I'd be happy to throw in my hat.  I'm thinking a catspaw assassin the alliance hired to take out a nuisance,  now,  they're looking to eliminate her in hopes of tying up loose ends...  so she sold her services to the crew as security so she can keep moving and hopefully not draw attention to herself.
Ons and Offs

This was never my world, you took the Angel away....


Name - Tomiko Nagamisha
Sex - Female
Height - 5'6
Weight - 120
Age - 24
Description - Tomiko, or 'Tommy' to her friends, is a slim and delicate looking woman with flowing raven black hair tied into a simple braid.  Her sharp asian features are softened by an easy smile, and the humor that often glints in her large, expressive brown eyes.  Her clothes are usually simple but comfortable work clothes, designed less to emphasize her supple form than to hide the bewildering array of medical tools she always seems to have on her person.  A quiet and introspective woman, Tommy rarely speaks of her past or how she came to serve on the ship.

Fighting Type(Major) - Knives
Lightning Reflexes(Major)
Military Rank(Minor) - former Lance Corporal(Core)
Talented(Major) - Medical Prodigy

Chip on the Shoulder(Minor)
Credo(Major) - Hippocratic Oath
Hooked(Minor) - Alchoholic
Loyal(Minor) - You're part of my crew.  Why are we still having this conversation?
Traumatic Flashes(Major) - The War


Agility - D8
Strength - D4
Vitality - D6
Alertness - D6
Intelligence - D10
Willpower - D6

Life Points - 12
Initiative - D12


Artistry - D6
Athletics - D4
Covert - D6
Discipline - D4
Guns - D4
Linguistics - D6
Medical Expertise - D6
    - Triage - D10
Melee Weapon Combat - D6
    - Knives - D8
Perception - D4
Survival - D4
Unarmed Combat - D6

((Sorry it took so long to get this up :P.  I also have her equipment worked out but I didn't want to take up the space.  I have a related question though, is the Doc responsible for the medical supplies on the ship or does that come out of some 'communal fund' for maintenance and whatnot?))

Kitty's Do/Don'ts

I'm not crazy.  I'm insane, there's a difference :P


By all means, Valkyr, join us! I'm willing to take on the added players!

As a side-note, don't worry about combat skills if your character wouldn't normally have them. I know that it can get a little intimidating when you think of how easily your character can die, but I'm not trying to kill anyone. I won't throw anything at you that you can't handle. Just make it believable!

GT - Your character can be the captain, by all means. I think it would be interesting if you were more the monetary backing, and actually hired a captain to keep the ship, rather than be the captain yourself, but we'll run with whatever you want to do.

I'll end up running any NPCs or passengers you end up with on your boat. This may or may not include a mechanic, depending on how we develop the ship and how much room we have.


Quote from: Jineriq on October 07, 2008, 12:02:22 PM
By all means, Valkyr, join us! I'm willing to take on the added players!

As a side-note, don't worry about combat skills if your character wouldn't normally have them. I know that it can get a little intimidating when you think of how easily your character can die, but I'm not trying to kill anyone. I won't throw anything at you that you can't handle. Just make it believable!

GT - Your character can be the captain, by all means. I think it would be interesting if you were more the monetary backing, and actually hired a captain to keep the ship, rather than be the captain yourself, but we'll run with whatever you want to do.

I'll end up running any NPCs or passengers you end up with on your boat. This may or may not include a mechanic, depending on how we develop the ship and how much room we have.

If NO ONE lays claim to it, I'll be happy to run the mechanic as well (to help take weight off the GM's shoulders :) ).  This will have two proviso's though - One - she'll be female, Two - she'd never have a real relationship with the doctor.  I do it occasionally but I've never felt comfortable talking to myself :)

Again, I'm placing myself as an emergency fallback, and only if the GM wants to surrender her.

As well, I still had that question about the medical supplies in my previous post?  Thanks dears :)

Kitty's Do/Don'ts

I'm not crazy.  I'm insane, there's a difference :P


Sorry, it looks like I forgot the supplemental info from my last post!

GT - Yes, it gives you a 2 die step bonus. I'll have to consult the book when I get home, but I believe that's what it is.

Mdaz - I find it horribly unfair for the doc to worry about the supplies for the entire ship, therefore, barring any objections from our Trigonal Captain, I'd say it comes out of the communal fund.


I will play the mechanic, just need to sit down and work up a character.  Will try to have it posted tonight.
"Are you into whips and chains too?"
"No, chainsaws."  (just kidding)

Ons and offs: