Craving a bit of 'Buffyverse'

Started by Inked Harlequin, December 02, 2011, 06:24:34 AM

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Inked Harlequin

Okay, so I've finally got into Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Yes, yes, I know I'm about ten years too late, but I'm 19 so when it first came out, I was more interested in Cartoon Network and the likes.

I've fallen in love with Spike, as a lot of women do and I'm looking for someone to play him really. I'm more than willing to take on ideas for other characters and plots.

OC/Giles (Maybe a girl that's a LOT younger than him?)

I know this thread is short, but I've gotten across what I'd like to say.
PM me for more details, or with any ideas you may have! :)

Callie Del Noire

No worries.. Buffy still occupies part of my roleplaying imagination. I used to play a few games on RPOL but they've stalled out.


Id' be interested in Rping buffy if your interested


If you're still looking, I'd absolutely love to play Spike against your Faith, Buffy or Willow(maybe in that order, I dunno)!  If it includes him in lots of bondage I'd love you forever as well!  ;D


Absolutely interested if you still have room/time/story idea left :P I am great at doing spike (Yes I know I am girl) I just seem to play bad boys well, and I don't know why.


I was curious if you were still looking for someone to RP with?