Ideas ! + Dresden MAge !! m for f =]

Started by Jagaan, August 29, 2011, 08:02:09 PM

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I'm looking back to starting some RP's , here are few ideas I have , but of course if you have any ideas please let me know ! I know this whole thing is disorganized , but im attempting to make it clearer!

Im quite versatile in my roles (at least I would like to believe this), and will play almost anything. I love the longer , more descriptive Rp's.
If you have any ideas , especially if they are epic in nature , dont hesitate !

1) If anyone's read the Dresden files ....PLEASE pm me ! I would really love to start an roleplay about this amazing series. We could do , actual characters from the book , or we could just use the world that has already (quite brilliantly) been described. I have a few ideas.

Ok this is the basic plot for the Dresden RP

) As a Mage of the white court , he was supposed to be quiet , efficient and above all able follow the 7 rules of magic. Taking residence in a relatively non-magical city , he thought he would go by unknown. After all , he didn't want people to know that his skills were mostly fraudulent. He got by with trinkets and artifacts. The only thing he really was skilled at was making people believe in his strength.

Times are changing , however. Changing for the worse , changing to make life harder for him. The Red Court of vampires had declared war on the white court. The white council of magicans has seen fit to send a watcher to where the mage is , to protect their interests.

What ??? doesn't know is that this watcher is the same who was apprenticed to him all those years ago. He had kept them for a few weeks , before sending her back , telling the council she had no skill. This was to hide his lack of power , he could not have anyone close to him.

All hell is about to beak lose.

(you can do whatever you want with your character)

2)I also had another idea , and its quite vague so forgive me. It could take place in a fantasy type world Here , both are characters are already together and married. Both are still quite young , in love and both are part of some sort of guild ( It could be a magician ..or anything like that). However one is actually a spy/evil something (we can work that out) , and has been this entire time. Slowly the pieces start to come together for their spouse ... and the react.

I know it sounds rushed ..and it is. I'll obviously expand on the plot , the characters and the world. It will be a lot more interesting!

3) Anyone up for a Vampire/Vampire hunter ? I know its old , but we would set it in modern times. My character would frighten and/or kill somebody important to you ... Several years later we meet again , you as a powerful hunter. I do have some more ideas on this if anyone's interested. It could be any supernatural creature , if you so wish.

I'll add some more ideas soon ... they'll mostly be fantasy, sci-fi and historic.


**** Clear Dresden plot added. BOLD and large font means I will do anything to start an rp of that nature. I was going to start another rp , wrote the first post but it didnt work out. I will post it here. If you like it please let me know !

Screams filled the air. Death touched every sense. People and soldiers danced about as they tried to clash against him. It was almost beautiful, he thought, as his weapons flowed from moment to moment creating a mesmerizing form that had only a single intent.


Bodies littered the many streets as blood flowed freely from lifeless bodies.

The elegant and beautiful city of Nueva Tabarca was in chaos as various sorts of invaders came in at all sides. The last of the cities fleeing populace long since left. The rest were all dead.

They had made him think he was the stronger, that they were normal weak humans. But then , this.

The blasted woman, Artemis thought, his bloodied face scowling. Too much power had been used already; he could feel his limbs creaking in protest, his hair already a fine white.

Artemis had never felt angrier in his life, not even at his accursed father for bringing this demon darkness into his soul. She had swooped in with her blood red hair and with her allies and just like that destroyed his empire.

I suppose it makes sense, really. My opposite...My equal …she knew all about me …? He thought looking down at his missing arm and gushing hole all over his body.

A movement to his side, without even thinking his remaining hand, which was deformed and broken, grew a dark moving like object. It had eyes, as blue as the sea. Within a second, it moved his whole body in a flash and proceeded to cut the head of the fool who had been foolish enough to be near him. The head rolled up, blood gushing upwards, the body moved around for second and then fell down.

Coughing blood, Artemis carried on … he would be back to fight her. He would not underestimate her again. Seeing a shadow behind him, he turned around lightning speed, but was too late. She was there, and with speed he couldn’t even comprehend he felt something slam against him hard, his ribs cracked.

Funny, he thought as all sensations started switching off everywhere, he was about to die, and he just realized, she was quite beautiful.
Lifting her weapon; her eyes a myriad of emotions of pity, anger and disgust, she ended him.

But the Blue eye watched on, as she left.


Now this on here can be a continuation of the one listed above or something completely new !

Bright green eyes blinked open with shock, as he felt the cold water hit his face. Everything was blurry, what was going on, he thought in panic, trying to remember. How had he reached here? He was working in his manor ..doing ..what ?

“Listen, pal. I don’t know what kinda freaky stuff you in, but sleepin’ in a kid’s park … and naked? Get your ass up , man !What’s wrong with you?!” said a loud exasperated voice.

His eyes finally focused, he tried to make sense of what the funny looking blue man was saying. Was … he was a eunuch? Back in his palace all the eunuch’s used to dress …well  , bright.

Clearing his throat he tried to give an order to the man, “Fezist estrellas e luna, e el sol pora escalentar?”

His response was a blank , stupid expression.

A few minutes of tried but pointless conversation from both parties later another blue man came and together they put something, binding his arms.

And that’s when everything went crazy. Putting him in a box, both got in, and suddenly it started to move!

Mouth open, Artemis stared at everything in shock; eunuch’s walking… Well everywhere, and the giant towers which went so far up , it hurt his neck looking.

“Cayó en la mar …” he swore, wandering what planet he had just reached into.


Tried making everything a bit neater , I didn't realize how bad it looked ! Sorry !