For Ferelden (Dragon Age, Non-Con, Dark, Seeking Loghain)

Started by PocketFullOfPosies, March 24, 2010, 02:05:26 PM

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I know this is my first request here, but if you have any concerns about my literacy or capabilities as a  writer I will certainly provide you with a sample post if necessary.

For Ferelden, you have sacrificed everything.

Blood, sweat, love

All in the name of securing the freedom and sanctity of this land. Your land. Everything Ferelden ever was, and will continue to be, is thanks to you…You are Ferelden.

30 years since River Dane, your name is still one of great esteem in the hearts of the citizens of Ferelden….And one of great fear. The Battle at Ostagar rose suspicious brows for those foolish enough to question your judgment, but they were too busy with their tails tucked between their cowardice legs to take a stand against you. All would be well in time. Ferelden would unite against this so called Blight…..under your hand.

It would be, as it was meant to…as soon as those damned Wardens who insisted upon surviving their intended slaughter, were properly taken care of. One was Maric’s mistake…Easily forgettable, a blundering thorn in his side if nothing else. The other….

A Cousland. A red haired poison spreading her rebellion at every village she decided to play Maker's Chosen Child at....Bah! She is the true blight to be dealt with…

Howe failed in finishing her...As did Ostagar, regretably...That damn Antivan assassian had apparently joined her!

It was time to take  matters into your own hands, and finish this little girl before it is too late..


And how will you choose to do so?!

So clearly, Pocket has been playing -way- too much Dragon Age again, and because I’m a creepy person and get giddy for all the wrong people, I would like a pairing with Loghain and my Warden…because my Warden was such a fiesty little Robin Hood-esque type character I think she was probably rather more than a slight migraine for the Teryn!

Now, I don’t expect this to be consensual, at all..unless you can convince me otherwise of course. Use this pairing perhaps as an excuse to explore your inner monster….in character of course! The capture at Fort Drakon can set the stage for a less than subtle torture session. Loghain could be spared at the Landsmeet ( Bye Alistair ;_; ) and a scene at camp could be played out..Whatever is your fancy really. We could also twist the threads of time to have them encounter one another before hand? A successful arrest? A chance encounter?

Seeing as Lady Cousland is the daughter of a Teryn, it wouldn’t be too surprising if Loghain had been a guest at Castle Cousland long before. We could take a scene from the past, and give the Warden a reason to despise the man more than Alistair does…

There are many options, very few limitations, and much depraved fun to be had…

Maker’s Blessings Upon You.

~~~A bit of art my friend on Deviant Art did for Lyndria and Loghain~~