(Interest Check)Dangerous, Wicked Games: Las Vegas, Nevada|Mercyverse|

Started by Diablerie, April 07, 2013, 05:52:11 PM

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The Entertainment Capital of the World, has now become the most dangerous one...


This roleplaying idea will be centering itself around the mercyverse and is currently up to date with the novels timeline, of course the roleplaying idea is based on the latest events, but the plot is unique and alternate to the plot of the books. The players will have the freedom to work with it as they want. I only ask that they keep their characters as close as possible to the canon qualities established for each race and to the rules that will be use in the game.

Hekate <3

General Information
What is the 'Mercyverse' ?

  • The 'mercyverse' makes reference to the Mercy Thompson book series. The Mercedes Thompson Series is a compilation of urban fantasy novels written by Patricia Briggs. The novels follow the adventures of Mercedes (Mercy) Thompson, a Native American shapeshifter who was raised by Werewolves. The series is set in the Tri-Cities area of Washington state in an alternate world in which Werewolves and certain types of the fae have been forced to reveal themselves to the public.
Do I need to read the series to play in this game?

  • No, you do not need to read the series to play this game, because I will provide you with the necessary information to create your character, but also to understand the world we are going to play in.
What kind of races exist in this universe?

  • Different races, actually! It has were-wolves, vampires, witches, gentry folk (Fae), Walkers (Skin Walkers; usually Native American shape-shifters), and humans. Like the humans, each race has a code of conduct to follow and are under the protection of each of their leaders (Witches are tricky, but they still follow someone).
What time period and place is the game going to be played at?

  • The time period is our modern times. The place is going to be Las Vegas, Nevada and basically in Clark County. There are many plot reasons behind choosing Las Vegas. These reasons are: a) Vegas is barely mentioned in the books; this will give our players the necessary freedom of creating their characters without any problems. b) In Nevada, the second biggest fae reservation exists, which means it is going to be guarded Fae territory. This will help move our specific plot. c) The Vampire Seethe located in that area is unknown, but concerning to our plot, they should be rebuilding their hierarchy and marking their territory once more. d) The lovely human population and the intricate relationships the different races factions hold with them. e) There is a large community of Native American tribes, which means a large variety of Walkers. f) It is VEGAS.
Do I need to know anything about the place?

  • Not really. In the game there will be specific places were your characters can play. You will find in these threads pictures, maps, and most of all information concerning them. If that were to fail you, there will be wiki links in our information thread to give you even more information or you could also use google.
I'm interested, so... Where is the necessary character information you were just talking about?

  • Right here! The information has been updated accordingly to the current books!
Werewolve's Information
WEREWOLVES: (*Information taken from Patricia Briggs site! She is the whole mastermind behind this!)

Things Patty has said concerning the wolfs:
-->Wolf magic doesn't come from the moon, it's internal; part of what makes a werewolf a werewolf.
-->Originally the Weres were all Europeans, they came over with the rest of the immigrants

Werewolf information (General Behavior and the likes):
->They have a tendency to do well in the military and secret government agencies. This does not mean that all of them work for the government, some wolves have jobs as teachers/firefighters/Dentist/etc.

->Despite all the physical benefits they gain, the average lifespan of a werewolf from his first Change until his death is ten years (See below toward why they don't last long...In other cases this isn't true. If a human is more in control of it's werewolf then the person last longer).

->Most werewolves die in dominance fights with other werewolves (this is why most of them don't last long).

-> Werewolves' instincts are inconvenient--that's why they don't tend to live long (See).

->Werewolves are hot-tempered and aggressive, but they aren't of an evil nature.

->Some werewolves can tell if a person is lying (because they have overdeveloped their smell sense, which lets them take in the changes one person may have on their perspiration or scent).

->As werewolves age they gain abilities.

->Werewolves talk as if they and the wolves they shared their skins with were one; some werewolves had nothing more wolfish about them, even in wolf form, than a nasty temper and a need to kill things that ran from them.

->Wolves communicate well without words, it is all in the body movement.

->Werewolves, like their natural brethren, are territorial, and they don't share their hunting ground easily with other predators.

->Werewolves tend to lose their human halves when badly injured, but they can be recalled to themselves by a mate or by a more dominant wolf.

->Wolves are blunt creatures, mostly impatient with the soft-pedaling that the rest of the world considers politeness.

What does the werewolf look like?
->Werewolves usually have markings that are more dog-like than wolf-like.

->Werewolves are very densely muscled; they tend to have a difficult time swimming even if they want to, because, like chimpanzees, they have too much muscle and not enough fat to float.

->For all their size werewolves still resemble their graceful cousin the timber wolf more than the mastiff or Saint Bernard who are closer to their weight.

->Werewolves can run faster than greyhounds.

->Werewolves' front legs are built more like a bear's or a lion's than a timber wolf's/

->They aren't really built for running, they are built for fighting, and there is a deadly beauty to them that comes out only in battle.

->Cells repaired themselves and removed damage of age, disease and experience (they heal fast).

->Cannot be mistaken for wolves; much bigger and a lot scarier.

->They have strength; semi-retractable claws and inch long fangs.

->Werewolves don't like the heat.

->They are very good at sensing arousal; not just smells, but elevated temperature and increased heart rate.

->Arousal in werewolves tends to bring out the fighting instinct in all nearby males.

->To others they have a distinctive musk-and-mint scent.

When encountering a werewolf do this:
-> Werewolves respect bravado.

-> The trick with werewolves is to never confront them straight on.

-> Werewolves don't take to strangers well. So if you meet one try to introduce yourself nicely!

->Some werewolves can tell if a person is lying (this is because they have overdeveloped their smell sense which let them take in the changes one person may have on their perspiration or scent). So, never lie to a wolf!

->Showing weakness to another is a sign of trust.

If you want to survive a meeting with a werewolf...Don't do this:

-> Never make a werewolf feel cornered; a cornered wolf is a dangerous wolf.

->The trick with werewolves is to never confront them straight on.

->Fear brings violence out in the wolves.

->Never make eye contact with them if you are not ready to take up a fight. If you aren't as dominant as the wolf you are daring, then you could die.

How do you become a werewolf? (Information on the first change and shifting)

->Any person bitten by a werewolf doesn't turn into another werewolf; it takes an attack so vicious that the victim lies near death to allow the magic of the wolf to slip past the body's immune system.

->Most disabilities would be healed by the change.

->Most people don't survive the Change if they're already too sick.

->Usually when a wolf lives through the Change but doesn't survive his first year, it is because the human cannot control the instincts of the wolf.

->Werewolves can take as much as fifteen minutes to shift shape.

->Shifting is not easy or painless at the best of times, and it is worse without the aid of the moon's call (Full moon). The whole magic of shifting leaves them a bit grumpy for a couple of minutes afterward.

->Sometimes the shift helps werewolves heal faster; usually the shift from human to wolf but the other way works as well.

->Females don't survive the change as well as males that is why they aren't as many and they are treated as treasures.

----->Protocol about changing someone into a werewolf:
------->No one can be changed against their will.
------->Second is that no person may be Changed until they have been counseled and passed a simple test to demonstrate that they understand what that Change means.
------->There are occasional attacks by rogue werewolves; it is one of the duties of a pack to kill the rogues and find their victims.

The Effects of Silver:
->Werewolves scar with wounds caused with silver, if not treated fast.

->Prolonged exposure to silver increases sensitivity.

->Silver ammo makes wounds that don't heal fast; there is a chance of bleeding out.

->Silver is harder than lead, and the bullets sometimes blow right through and leave the wolf sick, in pain, and alive.

How to kill a werewolf:

->First and foremost, werewolves are too tough to die easily.

->There aren't many options for them to commit suicide.

->The first popular option to killed a werewolf is death by another werewolf.

->The second is drowning.

Pack Information:
->Packs sometimes take their public name from their leader; more often they find some geographical feature in their territory.

-> Packs usually settle in bigger areas where they can hide better, or, rarely, in smaller places where they can take over.

->Packs only moved into open territory or territory they had killed to take.

->The pack is always aware on some level of the other pack members; they know when one of their own was in distress; they know when one has died

->The average pack is 20-30 wolves; they fluctuate depending on how jobs and moving goes.

->Wolves are added into a pack by passing blood and flesh to a new member from the Alpha.

->Walkers are able to join werewolf packs.

->Traditionally packs are informed and introduced to those who intend to become members.

->As a member of a pack, one is all but immune to enthrallment from outside sources.

->Pack bonds are not built to subdue individuality to the Alpha or enforce behavior of any kind.

->A pack needs all its differences and they find strength in that.

->There are all sorts of protocols they insist upon when a new wolf comes into someone else territory.


-->It is a matter of safety to always know where you rank in the pack.

-->Pack trouble stays within the pack.

-->Wolves are meant to run in a pack (this does not mean that lone wolfs don't exist).

-->A pack won't accept a wolf who causes too much trouble.

-->Wolves who can't control themselves are eliminated for the safety of the pack.

-->The werewolves are strongly discouraged to discuss the matter of being a werewolf with anyone other than permanent mates; punishment for disobedience is harsh.

-->Werewolves, outside of a well-run pack, will kill the wounded or weak.

-->Once in a pack, only the Alpha or the member can break it.

-->Pack law is necessarily brutal.

-->Packs are dictatorships; the Alpha makes the ruling and all must follow.

-->The 2nd and 3rd position in command of a pack-- in most cases the ranks are so close that there is always some tension between the wolves who held these, especially without the Alpha around.

-->Dominance among werewolves is a combination of force of personality, strength of will, physical ability and a component of other that can't be explained to anyone without the eyes, ears, and nose to sense it-and those with the proper senses wouldn't need it explained; willingness to fight is as close as it can be explained.

-->In the best of scenarios, an injured wolf will be protected by his pack mates.


Name: Bran Cornick-> In the series. He is the oldest werewolf in the new world and possibly in the old world as well.

->He is made Alpha of all the Alphas and by the power of that, able to take on any other.

->Kills any werewolves who allow the wolf to lead and the man to follow; preventing-mass-slaughter sorts of reasons.

->This status gives him enough power to overrule any alpha's final ruling.

->the Marrok and his pack have oversight of all the werewolves in North America.

-> Right now, he is trying to work hard to give the werewolves a good image and for them to keep their rights as citizens.


->Alphas are uncomfortable outside their own territory and interact badly with other Alphas.

->The only thing it takes to be an Alpha is power, not intelligence or even common sense.

->Alphas, especially the Marrok, never look away when others are watching them.

->Alphas can help control the wolves of newly Changed werewolves.

->The pack is sworn to obedience to the Alpha.

->Penalty for disobeying a direct order from an Alpha is brutal.

->An Alpha never admits weakness in front of the pack.

->Meeting an Alpha on his home territory puts him in a superior position.

->Being an Alpha isn't easy; it's a lot of responsibilty, a lot of work.

->if a pack member is hurt, flesh and blood of the Alpha can help heal him.

->it's not an easy matter to oust an Alpha, in North America, that never happens without the consent of the Marrok. (Though since we don't know if the Marrok will be a character, this may not count.)

->Alphas heal faster then regular wolves due to the power of his pack.

->Strong Alphas can force the change on another wolf.

->They are obsessive control freaks >.>

Dominant Wolves:

->it's hard for a dominant wolf to hurt a submissive wolf--if he's sane--their instincts tell them to protect them.

->Dominant wolves heal faster than submissive wolves.

->When an extremely dominant werewolf meets someone's gaze with his wolf in the fore, even humans bow to their knees.

->Arguing with dominant wolves could have unpleasant results.

->Really dominant wolves can add a push into their voice; like a command.

Submissive Werewolves:

->A submissive werewolf is not incapable of protecting himself: he can fight, he can kill as readily as any other.

->They don't feel the need to fight-not the way a dominant does.

->They are a treasure in a pack; a source of purpose and balance.

->Protecting a submissive is far more rewarding because a submissive will never wait until you are wounded or your back is turned to see if you are truly dominant to them.

->They unite the pack with the goal of keeping them safe and cared for.

Omega Werewolves:

->There are more male Omegas--because there are more male werewolves. The female population of Omegas is not that big.

->Like dominant werewolves, being an Omega was mostly personality when human.

->Omegas serve much the same purpose in a pack as submissives, but more so.

->Not constrained by an instinctive need to obey a more dominant wolf. Omega's are the only wolves who could go against an order made by the Marrok himself if they want to.

->Has all the protective instincts of an Alpha and none of the violent tendencies.

->They don't answer to the pack structure; they are considered to be out of it.

New Werewolves:
->New werewolves have to be taught how to use their senses

->There is a support structure to educate the new wolf, to keep him and everyone around him safe.

->A new werewolf just doesn't stand a chance against the older ones.

->One of the danger signs watched for in a new werewolf was a sudden change in personality or mood that seemed to have no obvious cause, an indication that the beast was gaining control of the human.

->The wolf can supersede the man often in newly Changed wolves; they are vicious, unpredictable, and dangerous even to the people they love.

Lone Wolves

->A lone wolf is considered an outcast.

->A lone wolf is a male that either declines to join a pack or cannot find a pack that will take him in; females are not allowed that option.

->Lone wolves are, in general, an odd bunch, dangerous to themselves an others.

---->Rogue Wolves:
---->A rogue is a wolf who has no official standing.
---->When tracked down a rogue is given the opportunity to join a pack; lone wolf under the Marrok's rules, or killed.

Female Werewolves
->A mated female takes her pack position from her mate, but unmated females were always lower than males unless the male was unusually submissive.

->Unmated females belong to the Alpha.

->Werewolf women can't have children.The change is too hard on the fetus. They miscarry in the third or fourth month.

->Werewolf women miscarry at the first full moon.

->Human women miscarry a little over half of the children they conceive by a werewolf father. They can carry to term only those babies who are wholly human.

Little Facts:

*Wolves stop aging in the mid twenties to thirties, which is when our human bodies start to break down. If a child survives the changed they will age until they reach that number.

*If they don't heal properly bones must be broken for them to heal properly.

*Most packs the males have the authority, but this doesn't mean that it is unspoken for a female to occupy a position of power in a pack.

*Moonstruck:When the moon comes, you can't stop the change. When moonstruck the werewolf would kill anyone near him. Out of control through no fault of their own.

*Moon's Call:When a wolf's voice [maybe the Alpha only] holds the power of the moon. Died away to silence but not an empty silence; more like the deadly quiet that precedes the start of the hunt. Wolves answer to their alpha no matter what during this, even lone wolfs if called on command appear.

*Shadows Spell: Used by packs to conceal fights or kills or anything else they didn't want the rest of the world to know about.

*The Reveal: Not all wolves had to go through this, only the alphas and other powerful wolves. Anyone who decided to do this not only gets the help from the Marrok (even financially) it also awards protection to them. This was done to avoid any blackmail that happen since the technology continued to advance and it was possible that humans would find on their own the truth.




They are shifters who can only change into one certain animal. Up to now the only walker's who have been shown around the series are descendants from Native American tribes who bear the gift. They are supposedly bless by one of the animal gods.

Mercedes Thompson is a Walker-Turns into a Coyote.

Other Walkers can turn into:
*Wolf-They don't need to be bitten (Think of them as normal size wolfs with unnatural color eyes).

*Thunder bird.


*Lynx & Mountain Cat.




And I think it goes on and on, but up to now those are the only walkers we know of.

*Sometimes confused by Skin-walkers, they are different because they do not killed to get their power, they are just born with it.

*Humans do not know they exist, they think of them as myth creatures. Other supernaturals don't know they exist as well, except for some of the werewolves and the vampire community, who once hunted them into extinction for their supernatural abilities.

*They are a small population and like the werewolves, they claim their territory although they are not driven by their animals instincts like the werewolves.

*They have magic of their own, although it is unusual magic and it has been inferred that they can see the dead.

* No one rules them, unless they belong to a tribe and have to abide by their tribes rules.

*Unlike the werewolves, the females can conceived and don't have the problem of losing the child when they change.



Who rules them and enforces justice: Lord of the Night/The old one/ The Master *Isn't a known character in the series; he is just mention. Lives in Milan.*

*The Lord of the Night is feared by all of his kind. They follow him out of fear and they try not to catch his attention. In the last Mercy book, it has come to attention that he cares little for what the vampires in the new world do, although this does not mean that he still doesn't over sees them.

Vampire History

* In the before times vampires ate as they chose and reveled in the terror and the last throes of their prey.

*They would practice the old ceremony of Blood Lust. It is forbidden now; but it consists reveling in the blood of the victim, by painting it on hands and face. Like a drug, it dulled their minds but it did not consist memory lapse.

*The Vampires originated from the Old World, just like the Werewolves.

*During the Renaissance, vampires had been an open secret; being thought one added power and prestige.

*The cities of Italy and France became havens for them. Their numbers were not great and like the werewolves, vampires died more often than they accomplished their goal.

*When the Spanish invasion of the New World filled the coffers of the Church so they no longer had to depend upon the favor of the nobles, they went after the vampires as well as any other preternatural creature they could find. This spurned the inquisition- hundreds of people died, if not thousands, accused of vampirism, witchcraft, or lycanthropy. Even if only a small percentage of those who died actually were vampires, the losses were still severe.

* The Vampires that came to the New World, were victims of religious persecution or exiled by the Lord of the Night. They along with the other immigrants (fae and werewolf) destroyed most of the preternatural creatures who had lived in the Americas, until at last, even the bare stories of their existence were mostly gone.

Vampire Behavior & Facts

*Vampires do have souls, most of them are divided in the issue, since they think they do not.

*Vampires hate walkers because they can track them with ghosts. Main reason why they hunted them to almost extinction.

*Vampires mostly don't even see the ghosts and they can't do anything to drive them away. If their Master/Mistress have a certain power over the dead, they will inherit it all or to some degree.

*They have magic of their own. Their magic comes from what they are.

*It is most advice to not play dominance powers with them, because they can enslave their prey or enemy with their eyes.

*When it comes to enthralling humans, they use the Kiss. With their bite, they can bespell their prey. Some die because of it.

*The vampires never call each other by their true names, since they believe that they could attract evil by that. They give each other titles to address themselves. (Ex: The teacher, The Wizard, The Courtier etc.)

*They can give humans false memories.

*Most vampires breathe because not breathing attracts human attention; some do it because their not breathing is as troubling to them as it is to the the rest of us. For them air is not necessarily a necessity, just like walking or stretching.

*If a vampire is hurt badly enough, there are ways of bringing him back under the control of a more powerful vampire.

*They cannot stand on holy ground. The older they get the more scare they are of death. Older vampires are subject to fugues.

Seethes, Hierarchy, and Menageries.

Seethes are pretty common on big, populated cities where the prey is plentiful.

*Only the strongest vampires can live on their own and survive purely on human blood; all the weak live in the seethe and act as the Master/Mistress menagerie. She/he feeds from them and she/he feeds them.

*The changing process is obscure, but it has been inferred that when a Vampire feeds many times from it's prey, the prey will turn into one no matter what species it is (Fae, werewolf, witch). If a vampire were to turn a species that is not human, the punishment distributed to them (if found guilty) is death to the fledgling and death to the maker. There aren't  a lot of vampire because it takes time to make them.

*When a new vampire is born it is under the control of it's maker; it's not willing service. The control diminishes as the younger vampire gets older and accumulates power; or when their makers die. It happens sometimes that a vampire is created and is not  enthrall, such vampires are always killed upon their first rising.

*The Master/Mistress has the power to listen in on his/her children.

*The Vampires ask for tribute of those major businesses that are not affiliated to any other faction in exchange of their protection.

* Powerful vampires keep menageries for a steadyfood supply at hand, so they live with a small group of humans, usually anywhere from three to seven. Three humans are enough to provide food for a month before they die, seven are enough for six months. It takes a couple of years for a vampire to establish a connection strong enough with their menagerie so that they can control them. A vampire's menagerie is made up of victims; most of them die very slowly. The longer a person belongs to a vampire, the harder it is for the vampire to keep from killing him. A human without protection (i.e. wolf pack bond, etc.) who was food for the same vampire more than once could become a pet. All the people in the menagerie are: dependent upon the vampire and ready to follow any orders he might give them.

*The Vampire seethe is much like a dictatorship. There are no seconds in commands, just puppets.

How to kill them:

*A wooden stake, holy water or sunlight.

-----> For holy water, you would basically need a pool.
----->The stake is better if it's oak, ash, or yew; if you kill them that way, you have to cut off their heads or burn the body to make sure they stay dead.
------->A  dead vampire is ashes; if there's a body, it'll surely come back.

The Fae

Faepology  n. The scientific study of the origin, the behavior, and the physical, social, and cultural development of the fae.

What are the Fae?
->The Fae are a vengeance hungry race. You may know them as Faeries, but never ever called them that to their face.

Fae facts (Behavior and the likes):
->The Fae are whimsically evil-which means if you annoy them, you are likely to cease to exist--or wish that you might cease to exist.

->The Fae aren't very organized, and tend to ignore other people's problems.

->They are old creatures and they tend to follow the old laws of their people. They don't take change lightly.

->The Fae are a secretive people, and even the risk of disobeying the Gray Lords' orders is not worth giving up all of their secrets.

-> A lot of Fae are predators by nature, and among the things they like to eat are people. This has been banned though, but it doesn't mean that it does not happen.

->Fae often say things that sound odd to human ears.

->With a Fae it was always a good policy to bring an extra gift in lieu of a "thank you".

->They are cursed with the love of beautiful things and no ability to create them. Not all fae, of course. But many of those that are most deeply steeped in magic give up creative abilities of all kinds

->Fae are not able to tell a lie...but truth and honesty are rather different. They can also detects lies. They are very good at making you think they are saying one thing, when they mean another.

->Fae who are suspected of crimes tend not to survive to need lawyers.

--->What kind of Fae exist?

-----> That is a question that is very tough to answer. There are water fae, forest fae, air fae, fire fae and even what some call 'Gremlins', though the ones who go by that name admit that it's just the closest thing to their nature and are not really Gremlins.

->Gremlins, along with some other Fae, can manipulate metals and are not allergic to them like most of the Fae's are supposed to be. These are very hard to find though.

---->If you meet a Fae, beware of:

---->Talking about them too directly, this lets them listen into the conversation you are having.

----> Asking for favors, not only will it put you in-debt with them but also they may think of it as if you are insulting them.

----> NEVER-EVER-EVER-EVER, say 'Thank you!' to one of them. You might find yourself spirited away to Underhill or worst, a slave for the centuries to come. Saying those words is dangerous, as most  fae take them to be an admission of obligation.

----> Getting on the wrong side with them, always treat them with respect.

----> If you are offer a gift of some sort, remember you have the choice of declining the gift but if the Fae keeps insisting then take it. Do remember: ALL Fae gifts are mixed blessings and never say 'THANK YOU!' (heed my words!).

----->The Fae are not fond of attracting outside attention; it can be dangerous for everyone. Remember this...

How does a Fae look like? (Anatomy, Glamour and such)

->They smell like the four elements that the old philosophers proposed: earth, air, fire, and water, with a healthy does of magic.

->Not all Fae have their organs in exactly the same places that humans do.

->Some of the fae bleed odd colors.

->The Fae change their appearance by magic--glamour, they call it...not entirely sure that the Fae can see through each other's glamour.

->Glamour works best for sight and touch, very good for taste and hearing, but not as well for scent (it can be broken thanks to scent).

-> Few of the Fae are beautiful with their glamour on; beauty doesn't blend in very well. the fae, like werewolves, spent a long time learning to hide in plain sight.

->With enough glamour, a Fae can take on the appearance of any living thing, but something inanimate is harder. They can also used this to hide their real homes from strangers.

The Namesless Ones aka The Gray Lords

* They are the ones who rule all of the Fae. They do justice and are fear by all.

->The Gray Lords are the powerful mages who rule the Fae.

->They are driven to preserve their species; their methods had a strong tendency to be more expedient than fair.

->They are rich and own different law firms around the U.S. and the world.

->They are the ones to decide who comes out and who does not. They also were responsible on killing most of the beast lords for fear of these letting the humans know of their real nature.

->They tend to hate humans and weak fae.

->They are the guardians of some powerful objects.

*Officially, all the fae are out to the public and have been for a long time; but the truth is that the Gray Lords have been very selective about which of them the public gets to know about and which ones might upset the public.

Known Gray Lords:
The Sea King: Long pale hair that reached the back of his knees; damp with saltwater and tangled bits of sea plant. Eyes greener than Lincoln green. His skin is several shades paler than his hair. His veins a bluish cast just below his skin. Smelled cold and fishlike and his accent is Merrie old England. Resides in Underhill.

☽-Baba Yaga:Russian/Slavic fae. Baba Yaga is featured in the stories of a dozen countries scattered around Eastern Europe; she's not the hero in most of them; she eats children. Flies in a huge mortar. Can heal mortal wounds.

Nemane:Carrion Crow: Is one of the Morrigan, the battle goddesses of the Celts, one of her jobs was delivering the killing blow to the heroes dying in the aftermath of a battle to end their suffering. She is blind and her appearance changes. It's her job to keep the humans safe and she has a high sense of honor; pointless death or wrongful death is an anathema to her. She has celtic lilt on her accent.

La Belle Dame Sans Merci: Beautiful and deadly. She loves beautiful things and entraps males under her charm, then kills them. The pulse of her magic holds fascination and lust to those her focus is on.

Gwyn ap Lugh: The Prince of the Gray Lords. Believe to be Gwyn ap Nudd. (Please see updated information. Found at the end of this part).

->>The Reservations: After their coming out the government decided to not only create a Bureau of Fae Affairs (BFA), but also create places where all of them could live as in a way of keeping them under their watch.

--->If a Fae agreed to live on a reservation, he was given a small house and a monthly stipend; their children were given scholarships to good universities.

->Within the reservation the fae do their own law enforcement.

-->The reservations were created on lands where no one else wanted to live in. Most of the fae who live there aren't the powerful among the fae -- but there are a lot of them, more than appear on the government's rolls; there is power in that kind of concentration. They have also fool the government into believing that they are weak and powerless creatures that aren't like the ones from the old myths.

-->There are four reservations. Two are the Walla Walla and the Nevada reservation, the other two are unknown. Thanks to these reservations the Fae have begun a secretive process to open the gate of Underhill (which can be wherever it chooses to be and gives them a lot of power). The reservations were started since the eighty's.

Anti-Fae Societies: Exist .and are out on the open criticizing the Fae. Most groups are civil, others are not.

-Interesting Facts:

*The fae need humans; pure fae do not breed easily, if at all; they need to intermarry in order to keep their race going and they hate humanity for that most of all; they are proud and arrogant and they hate humans because they need them.

* Fae don't consort with the enemy.

What has happen with the Fae?

Gwyn ap Lugh: The Prince of the Gray Lords. Believe to be Gwyn ap Nudd. Played an important role on the fae's current situation. After his daughter was kidnapped and tortured, he decided to seek the justice of the United States to castigate the only surviving man of his daughter's captors. The man came from a prominent American family, whose father was a senator at the time. The Judge and Jurors of the trial decided to free the guilty man from all his charges and declared him innocent. This forced Gwyn ap Lugh to reveal himself to the public with the procession of part of his court and in his true form he declared that the oath he had sworn upon (to not use his powers for gain or for his people's gain to settled on the lands given to them by the government that were free of Iron) in the past was broken. He then declare the fae to be free of the laws of the United States of America. That they did not recognize them nor held any more authority over them. That as a sovereign nation, they claimed all the land given to them as their own and that they will treat the U.S. as a hostile nation treats another, until such time as it seems the fae good to do elsewise.

The Fae have taken over the lands that were given to them, since then on they have thrown out the BFA and closed their gates to them. Their magic has been restored and although the government has tried to see what they are up to, either they never reach the land or are transported elsewhere.

The Gray Lords have commanded that the powerful fae come back into the reservation lands and to bring with them all objects that are of power. The families of theses fae's as well as their half children have been left to the mercy of life, until such time says otherwise.



*A bad time for all in Europe; the Inquisition had taken a terrible toll a couple of centuries before - and when it was over, the witches started fighting for power; only Napoleon kept them from exterminating each other entirely. The only Western European bloodline to survive the power struggle was the Torvalis line, which was interbred with the Gypsies. The few witchblood families left in Europe during and after the Napoleonic Wars had quit killing each other, forced instead to protect themselves from the ravages of more mundane fighting. Witches were still born here and there into mundane families, but seldom had a tenth of the power of the old families.

*The Eastern European and Oriental witches have never established the kind of dynasties the Western European witches had, they guarded their spells from each other; so each family tended to specialize. Witches are generally jealous of each other, but not always. In the United States the Russian's and Chinese witch clans have become very powerful covens, but they keep to themselves.

*A witch is born to use magic. They are trained in spell usage. Their powers concentrate on working with mind, body, and sometimes even the soul. To increase their power they must do things that are corrupted; death and torture is their most useful method.

*What separates witches from wizards is that witches do things with mind and body. Wizards have power over the physical -- and both do magic. The ends are sometimes the same, but the means are different. It's far easier to be a powerful wizard and still be a good person then it is to be a powerful witch (in a male's case).

*Some witches work with each other to kill other witches. There are witches who regularly worked for the various law-enforcement agencies.

*Witches are human and not immortal, unless they bind themselves or suffer some type of change into one of the immortals races (i.e. Wolves, Vampires). It is frown upon to change them or for them to take any immortal species against their will, if they do so they are immediately dealt with.

*Their magic went mixed with fire have an odd, synergistic effect sometimes.

*Magic tends to be weaker in the men.

Black Witches

*They use the mind and body; anyone's mind and body; they toy with things that are alive - or had been alive.

*A dark witch gains power from others' pain and suffering.

* They love children, because of their innocence and the power they can get from them. 

*Most witches with power are black witches. They tend to carry a smell of magic and death, unless they haven't killed in a long while.

*There are black witches who skirt the doing of actual evil; skirting evil is difficult, time-consuming, and requires a lot more from a practitioner than true black magic does.

White Witches

* They are mainly healers and seers, and can ward against dark magic.

*Most white witches are considered not powerful enough to be useful - which is not exactly true. This has to do with witch magic getting its power from death, pain, and sacrifice, and white witches have chosen to eschew that entirely.

*They become the favored prey for black witches, most of the time it is their own family who kills them.

*White witches unlike their black counterparts tend to have no smell of death.

*A white witch can acquire power by the act of sacrifice. They must use their own blood and skin to acquire at least more power, although this deforms them.

*If they protect themselves from an attack by using a black witch as shield, they won't acquire the smell of rot.

Witch Law

*It is the code of conduct for witches in general and covens.

*Under witch law, no witch can control an immortal or make it their familiar. Death is the penalty for them.

*The head of the coven must not used nor feed his personal gains with the magic of his underlings.

(These are the known laws up to now.)


* Covens need to have 13 members, no member related to any other to the sixth generation. Each family amassed its own specialty spells, and a coven of thirteen benefited from all those differing magics.

*After most of the witchblood families had been wiped out by fighting amongst themselves, covens have become a thing of the past. What few families remained have a bone-deep antipathy for the other survivors.

The Spells & Their Casting

*Imprisoning spells are pretty basic for witches.  Just like illusions were among the very basic tenets of witchcraft. Changing what the senses of others perceived was one of the major powers of the witches.

* Strong witches can control any werewolf that has no pack to protect him. They don't because of the witch laws.

*Power Circles: Some witches use them to set guard spells to keep things they valued safe, and others used them to store power for drawing upon late.

* Most of witchcraft is potions and spells.

*Witches can hide in plain sight if they had some sort of hold on you; hide-me spells they call them.

*A witch's creations did not survive their maker.

Sounds interesting! What is the plot for this game?

The Plot

   After the Fae declared war and seceded from the United States, they took the lands that were given to them and have barred them off against the humans and other supernaturals. Those who are half blooded have stayed behind, because they are not as important for the Gray Lords as those fae of pure blood and powerful means. The powerful fae were called back to the reservations, whether they wanted to go or not that did not matter, since they were 'kidnapped' or 'taken' by the power of the gray lords. In Nevada, the fae took over the reservation lands for their own. Middle ground exists in the establishment they have created inside the city, although it is shaky, seeing since the fae aren't feeling that trustful of humans or other creatures. They are restless and most of all angry for being trapped and not having the permission to see their families. Inside of their factions a rumor for rebellion will start, small and mild- but those who have helped the Gray Lords, have begin to disappear or are appearing dead.

The Vampires in North America are going through difficult times. After a Master was killed off by the Mid-Columbia seethe, who was known for using necromancy to enslaved many seethes under his power, for the objective of bringing them out just like the Marrok planned with his wolfs- The Master of Milan is pondering the idea of bringing his brethren out. Already, the different seethes are nervous, for if they were to come out-dark times will come. Some seethes are running south, trying to escape the Master's orders. The Las Vegas seethe is not one of them. They have just recently acquired their territory, after a gruesome battle to escape the hands of the necromancer, they are all bloodthirsty and ready to defend themselves. They are, most of all, restless for the power they feel in the land and the incrementing power that is slowly been sent to the fae. Will they be able to fight the Master's Power? or Will they be the first to come out?
The Marrok has once more sent a werewolf pack to Nevada. The last one that lived there had to be moved for fear of them ending as the Necromancer's snack. This new pack barely has lands to roam and to live in, they detest the city and most of all the inhabitants in it. The pack must readjust to the new city setting as well as the new enemies that roam their territory. Most of all they have to be open minded about the roaming walkers and the wolves who decided to stay; wolves that are new to them and are asking to join them.

Merry Meet and Merry Be. A coven has arrived in town, a powerful coven that keeps amassing power to wherever they go. Their leader is trouble and she is of the mind to conquer all of the witch clans. The Lady as she is known is going after black and white witches. She is giving them the choice of joining her and becoming more powerful or being killed, until they are sucked dry off magic. To her Nevada might be the last stop, before she declares war on the surviving Russian and Chinese witch families. Las Vegas is a city of riches and wonders, it's begging to be pump and the Lady is ready to do that, she only needs to bring down the two matriarchs of the ruling Russian and Chinese witch clans of that area.

The Humans are angry, most of all pissed off at what has been happening. The Fae have decided to do their own nation in American land, most of all they won't pay any taxes or give any money to the government for the lands provided. Add to that they are doing their faerie, weird magic close to human communities. Some humans are even disappearing when getting close to the fae protected lands. The government is still doing nothing and so, humans have started to create their own vigilante groups to protect themselves. They aren't showing any mercy to those creatures that called themselves 'Others' and that include witches. Slowly, slowly, the city is turning violent and death is coming for everyone and everything, bringing with it a darkness that will swallow the dawn.

Any requirements?

  • As mentioned before there is going to be violence and since this is E, there will be also some sex scenes, although this is a more plot driven group game than sex driven. So, you have been warned! We only ask that if you are going to join, be prepare to write a lot! One line, nor two, nor three will do. If you are okay with this, then that is perfect.
How many characters can I have?

  • We will all start with a minimum of 3 characters. As the plot advances and the activity check proofs to be right, then that number will change. So, it is very important that you choose carefully your characters. NPC's (non playing characters) do not count in this, of course. Your characters can be from any faction.
Do I need to have 3 characters to play in this game?

  • Since this concern has been brought up, I've decided to add it into our general information. ;D No, you do not need to create a minimum of 3 characters to play in the game. If you decide to start with one or two, then that is totally fine!
Is there a possibility for me to have a character of high standing (i.e. Alpha, Gray Lord, etc.)?

  • Yes, there is! Character's that play important roles in each of the factions will be given, but they will not hold any power position outside of the in character play. Why? Because some people don't play nice and this is to protect everyone. You may be in charge or part of the dominating group, but that means that you must submit to the higher powers. The Alpha answers to the Marrok. The Fae Enforcers answer to the Gray Lords (even a Gray Lord must answer to someone as/more powerful as him/her). These are just a few examples!
What are the required ages, power level and power structure for each of the races? Is there a cap?

  • Right now, there are no caps for characters, but we are most definitely looking for MEN. The following paragraph not only delves deep into the ages accepted to be played in this group game, but also the power levels that we are looking for or need to be known of as well as the power structures that come with them.

  •    Characters Age & Supernatural Power Level:
Werewolf Ages-> From 18-400 (Werewolves tend to not live long, but those who do can be up to the 400-ish age. Be very careful, since older wolves tend to be a bit unstable as they get jaded with life. There cannot be any wolves under the age of eighteen; the wolves frown upon the change of children, because it is harder for the younger ones to control their wolf. Accidents may happen, but they rarely occur. If you are to make an older wolf, be advise that as they age they developed abilities or powers of some sort.)
**We need an Alpha, as well as other wolves! The Omega spot has been taken.**

** Power level here starts with the Alpha, it is followed by the second and third in command of the pack, ends with the Omega.**

Fae Ages-> The Fae are a long lived race, but not all tend to survive that long. Some fae are born to die in a few months or a couple of years after heir birth, others fall prey to bigger fae predators, but those who have lived long it is because of their cunning nature and the ability to protect themselves. Full blooded fae tend to be more powerful than the half blooded fae, but in this new world, their powers (although growing) are not what they used to be. Those who are under the Gray Lords rule are powerful, long lived fae- their ages are unknown, so it is up to the player to decide what age to give their character, if they want to give it an age. Full blooded fae have just recently acquire some of the powers they used to have and strength, but the Gray Lords still have a strong grip on them.

In the Half Blooded Fae case, age must be specified and it may vary, since in our plot the Fae have been taken away from their families, this means that there is a high possibility for Spouses and Offspring to get involved. Half-Blood Fae Age is a mystery, some could live as long as humans, age as humans and others could live a bit longer as well as age slower.

If there proofs to be an interest to create any character that is the offspring of a specific Fae, I will ask that the character's age be 16, but I have to warn that any underage character- must not (in any way) be involved in any sexual play or situation, as per site rules. It also has to be real, Vegas is Sin city and your character can't strolled through casinos, because that in the real world does not happen. The only establishments that your character can enter are those that belong to the Fae. If you are going to use a picture for an underage character, the picture has to be an actor/actress that looks young, but is legal (Per site rules).

(If you want your Fae to have younger offspring, I advise you to do them NPC's and stick to description on how they look, act, etc.)

**We need Fae Civilians, Fae Enforcers, Fae Rebels, Half-Blood Fae, etc.**

**Power Level starts with the Gray Lords, the Champion (One chosen to oversee the reservation in the Gray Lords behalf), the Enforcers (Divided in two: The Leaders and The Soldiers. The Leaders subject to the Champion's will and power, they oversee that no problems exist as well as use their magic to maintain the peace inside the reservation. The soldiers are the lesser fae who answered to their clan leader. They patrol the lands as well as keep any fae from escaping, but also keep anyone from entering. Their mentality is more ruthless and brutish, they are perfect for orders, although not all soldiers are like that-some enter the service because they are force or it is expected of them.),  the Civilian Fae, and the Half-Blood fae.**

**The Champion spot has been taken.**

Vampires--> 16--Unknown. (Those who survive the change tend to fluctuate of age. A vampire might be a newborn of fledgeling, but his human looks stay the same. If the person was change at the age of 67, the person will look that age and yet, move with speed and agility. The older the vampire is the more dangerous does he become, since they start losing their humanity (thanks to the fugue) and start thinking more like predators.)

**We need a Master/Mistress of the seethe, Strong vampires that live out of the seethe, Weak vampire that live inside the seethe, Fledglings, Humans that serve as Pets, but also thralls to the Vampires.**

**Power Level starts with Master/Mistress, the Hand/Soldier (Carries out the justice of the Mistress/Master. Is a champion to the seethe), the Strong Vampires, the Weak Vampires, Fledglings, Pet, Menagerie Slaves.**

Witches-->16-90 (ish) (Witch are not immortals, but they start from an early age their magic sessions (if they decided to practice it). Witches age can vary, just like their powers and spells. It is up to the player to decide how old and how powerful the witch is to be.)

**In the U.S. the Witch families with enough power are the Chinese and Russian (most specifically the Arkadyevnah-Vyshnevetskaya clan). The classification inside these clans is a bit gray, since most of their power comes from their bloodline, but they all must choose a side. The Matriarchs train their family members and they keep to their ways (they don't like to mixed in with any of the other surviving European witch families that live in the U.S.). The witches powers differ from one another (it is up to the player to decide).**

**We need Witches of all kind! Whether align to the Chinese or Russian clan of the Nevada area, as well as align with the Lady, but also those that are not align.**

**Power level starts:

(Witch Clans)-> Matriarch,  Witch,  Apprentices, Family members touch by the gift (Unable to become witches), Full Blooded Human Family members (Were not born with any skill; that does not mean that their offsprings will not have the power).

(The Lady's Coven)-> The Lady, Coven Witches (Tied to the lady; she feeds from their power and feeds them from her power), Underlings (Some type of Apprentice, although they are always in danger of being used for the next spell).

(Unaligned Witches)-> Tend to be under the protection and contractual services of the Fae, Vampires, or Werewolf Pack. They tend to evade any powerful witches.

I'm interested! Where do I sign up?

  • You can sign up here! The Character Biography Template has been!

Character Sheet:

Name: *Names have powers to many supernatural creatures. If you decide to do a fae/vampire/werewolf/witch/etc. Please state their true name and the name they are using currently! Also, if they have a nickname or title they are known for, state it as well*

Age: (Actual age as well as the age they are pretending to be.)

Race: (If Fae, what type of fae? If werewolf, submissive, omega, or dominant? If witch, white or black witch?)

Powers (If any):


(Applies to Humans, Werewolves, and Witches. Half-Fae may be counted as well!)

*It is Vegas and Sin City has many jobs to offer, whether as black jack dealers, policemen, strippers, ministers, etc. Choose a career for your character if you think that can help the plot!

Personality: (Dislikes, likes, what sets them off, etc.)

Appearance : (It is totally fine to include a picture, but at least let us know the actual height of the character. If Fae or Werewolf, please try to describe or use a picture of what they look like without their glamour or wolf shape)

Background History:

(Some things might be added or changed)

The Links

Thank you for reading!
Any questions please ask them and I will answer them!
Hekate <3



Quote from: Kuje on April 07, 2013, 06:01:20 PM
You know that I'm interested. :)

Yay! <3 I know that you know that I know you are interested!  ::)


Quote from: Hekate on April 07, 2013, 06:02:30 PM
Yay! <3 I know that you know that I know you are interested!  ::)

Laughs. It's good to know that you know that I know that I'm interested. Hahaha.

Ray Banner

This is utterly fascinating, whilst I haven't read the Mercy Thompson series a very close member of the family has been raving on it constantly so it gives me a solid idea. I was wondering if we have a plot at the moment for it?
Ons & Offs - Ideas - A/A

"When" said the moon to the stars in the sky; "Soon" said the wind that followed him home. "Who" said the cloud that started to cry; "Me" said the rider as dry as a bone. "How" said the sun that melted the ground; "Why" said the river that refused to run. "Where" said the thunder without a sound; "Here" said the rider and took up his gun.


Quote from: Ray Banner on April 07, 2013, 06:06:29 PM
This is utterly fascinating, whilst I haven't read the Mercy Thompson series a very close member of the family has been raving on it constantly so it gives me a solid idea. I was wondering if we have a plot at the moment for it?

Hi, Ray Banner!

We do! ^.^

The Plot

   After the Fae declared war and seceded from the United States, they took the lands that were given to them and have barred them off against the humans and other supernaturals. Those who are half blooded have stayed behind, because they are not as important for the Gray Lords as those fae of pure blood and powerful means. The powerful fae were called back to the reservations, whether they wanted to go or not that did not matter, since they were 'kidnapped' or 'taken' by the power of the gray lords. In Nevada, the fae took over the reservation lands for their own. Middle ground exists in the establishment they have created inside the city, although it is shaky, seeing since the fae aren't feeling that trustful of humans or other creatures. They are restless and most of all angry for being trapped and not having the permission to see their families. Inside of their factions a rumor for rebellion will start, small and mild- but those who have helped the Gray Lords, have begin to disappear or are appearing dead.

The Vampires in North America are going through difficult times. After a Master was killed off by the Mid-Columbia seethe, who was known for using necromancy to enslaved many seethes under his power, for the objective of bringing them out just like the Marrok planned with his wolfs- The Master of Milan is pondering the idea of bringing his brethren out. Already, the different seethes are nervous, for if they were to come out-dark times will come. Some seethes are running south, trying to escape the Master's orders. The Las Vegas seethe is not one of them. They have just recently acquired their territory, after a gruesome battle to escape the hands of the necromancer, they are all bloodthirsty and ready to defend themselves. They are, most of all, restless for the power they feel in the land and the incrementing power that is slowly been sent to the fae. Will they be able to fight the Master's Power? or Will they be the first to come out?
The Marrok has once more sent a werewolf pack to Nevada. The last one that lived there had to be moved for fear of them ending as the Necromancer's snack. This new pack barely has lands to roam and to live in, they detest the city and most of all the inhabitants in it. The pack must readjust to the new city setting as well as the new enemies that roam their territory. Most of all they have to be open minded about the roaming walkers and the wolves who decided to stay; wolves that are new to them and are asking to join them.

Merry Meet and Merry Be. A coven has arrived in town, a powerful coven that keeps amassing power to wherever they go. Their leader is trouble and she is of the mind to conquer all of the witch clans. The Lady as she is known is going after black and white witches. She is giving them the choice of joining her and becoming more powerful or being killed, until they are sucked dry off magic. To her Nevada might be the last stop, before she declares war on the surviving Russian and Chinese witch families. Las Vegas is a city of riches and wonders, it's begging to be pump and the Lady is ready to do that, she only needs to bring down the two matriarchs of the ruling Russian and Chinese witch clans of that area.

The Humans are angry, most of all pissed off at what has been happening. The Fae have decided to do their own nation in American land, most of all they won't pay any taxes or give any money to the government for the lands provided. Add to that they are doing their faerie, weird magic close to human communities. Some humans are even disappearing when getting close to the fae protected lands. The government is still doing nothing and so, humans have started to create their own vigilante groups to protect themselves. They aren't showing any mercy to those creatures that called themselves 'Others' and that include witches. Slowly, slowly, the city is turning violent and death is coming for everyone and everything, bringing with it a darkness that will swallow the dawn.

Just click on the violet bar and it will appear! <3 ^.^ It's long so had to hide it!

Also, the series is amazing! <3

Ray Banner

Its right there ~feels all sorts of silly for not seeing it earlier~.

I'd love to play one of the vampires, perhaps even a wolf. Is it a requirement to play three characters at the very minimum? :-)
Ons & Offs - Ideas - A/A

"When" said the moon to the stars in the sky; "Soon" said the wind that followed him home. "Who" said the cloud that started to cry; "Me" said the rider as dry as a bone. "How" said the sun that melted the ground; "Why" said the river that refused to run. "Where" said the thunder without a sound; "Here" said the rider and took up his gun.


Quote from: Ray Banner on April 07, 2013, 06:17:19 PM
I'd love to play one of the vampires, perhaps even a wolf. Is it a requirement to play three characters at the very minimum? :-)

Uh, if you're asking if you want to stick with one, then that's fine. Hekate just wants to keep a min to three so there's not to many characters to keep track of. Myself, I'm going to stick with one and maybe bring in another if/when I feel the need.


Quote from: Ray Banner on April 07, 2013, 06:17:19 PM
Its right there ~feels all sorts of silly for not seeing it earlier~.

I'd love to play one of the vampires, perhaps even a wolf. Is it a requirement to play three characters at the very minimum? :-)

No needs to feel silly! *Offers hugs* ^.^

(I hope I answered your question correctly! <3)

That is perfect! No, you do not need to play 3 characters at the very minimum to be active on this game, it is totally acceptable to have one or two as well.

Quote from: Kuje on April 07, 2013, 06:20:49 PM
Uh, if you're asking if you want to stick with one, then that's fine. Hekate just wants to keep a min to three so there's not to many characters to keep track of. Myself, I'm going to stick with one and maybe bring in another if/when I feel the need.
^-This! <3

Ray Banner

Wicked good! Color me interested. :-) I'll be lurking about hither and thither until we get the amount of people required and you put up the character sheets.
Ons & Offs - Ideas - A/A

"When" said the moon to the stars in the sky; "Soon" said the wind that followed him home. "Who" said the cloud that started to cry; "Me" said the rider as dry as a bone. "How" said the sun that melted the ground; "Why" said the river that refused to run. "Where" said the thunder without a sound; "Here" said the rider and took up his gun.


Quote from: Ray Banner on April 07, 2013, 06:30:16 PM
Wicked good! Color me interested. :-) I'll be lurking about hither and thither until we get the amount of people required and you put up the character sheets.

Well, that is pretty sweet! ^.^

Counting you (if you do not mind), I believe us to be four! <3

Going to be putting the template up soon!

Ray Banner

Quote from: Hekate on April 07, 2013, 06:32:55 PM
Well, that is pretty sweet! ^.^

Counting you (if you do not mind), I believe us to be four! <3

Going to be putting the template up soon!

Not at all, good statistic there!
Ons & Offs - Ideas - A/A

"When" said the moon to the stars in the sky; "Soon" said the wind that followed him home. "Who" said the cloud that started to cry; "Me" said the rider as dry as a bone. "How" said the sun that melted the ground; "Why" said the river that refused to run. "Where" said the thunder without a sound; "Here" said the rider and took up his gun.


Callie Del Noire

Hmm.. what would Diana my Wild Fae do.. retreat into Underhill or not.. so many ideas come to mind...


You know I'm in. :D

New characters to plot! ~rubs hands gleefully~


<laughs evilly>


*Gives hugs to Callie and Caela*

Okay, most definitely now, I can post the bio template!



Hekate, do you have an age or power level cap on the supernatural characters? Working on a fae woman, but not sure what limits you might have in mind and don't want to make someone that we can't use. :)

Shannon Jamerson


Name: Shannon Jamerson
True Name: Sinann

Age: 3482
Apparent Age: Usually appears as a young blonde of no older than 25

Race: Fae

Powers: Shannon was once revered as a Goddess of the River Shannon. As such she has all the powers associated with her connection to fresh waters. She can summon any creature who abides in fresh water, can manipulate water in many fashions (freezing, heating, slowing/increasing currents etc.) and can even become a part of a body of water if it's large enough to hold her mass and can actually clean a body of water of pollutants if it isn't too large.

Weaknesses: Iron, sea creatures are beyond her control but she can understand them, salt water is harder for her to manipulate than fresh water, all of her Powers are diminished as Humans have, mostly, forgotten who she once was.

Career: Works the night shift maintaining the tanks at the Shark Reef Aquarium in the Mandalay Bay hotel (despite the attractions being marine creatures she still finds the connection to so much water soothing in a place as dry as Vegas).

Personality: Shannon is a kind intelligent, seemingly, young woman. She is diligent in her current choice of career, never once calling in sick or missing a night of work. Most that know her have only good things to say, though the will mention that when she loses her temper, it truly goes and that getting on her bad side is not a good idea. Like any older Fae, she lives by rules most Humans would never fully understand, and being as old as she is, she has developed patience and an eye for the long game beyond Human comprehension. She doesn't think this makes her better than Humans, merely that it makes her perspective entirely different than theirs.

Background History: Most of the Humans she works with believe she was raised somewhere in the Midwest and came to Vegas strictly to work in the Shark Reef, drawn my a love of, and interest in, Marine creatures.

The truth is much longer than that.

A Granddaughter of Lir, human myth says that she sought knowledge from a sacred well without observing the proper rituals, or after being told no, and that the well rebelled and sent it's waters rushing forth to drown her, thus creating the River Shannon and making her the Patron Goddess of that River at the same time. The truth is far enough back in the past that not even she truly knows it anymore but if asked, she would say that it was far more likely she started out as a River Fae and that Human belief and worship, elevated her to something more.

Even her age is an estimate. She counts it from the time she started paying attention to the passing of time, not from an actual date of birth.

Originally she was bound to her River, unable to travel far from it, or the Humans who worshiped her there but as time, and Human memory, waned she found she was able to move further and further from her place of origin and as her worship faded entirely, she became free to roam the world. Her freedom came with a price however as the reach of her Power waned as well. All still there, their scope and reach diminished; she considered it a small price to pay.

For centuries she roamed the Earth, searching, learning, watching kingdoms and empires rise and fall. Initially it was easy enough, simply take a horse and go. A new place, a new name, new customs and languages to learn and plenty of time to learn them. Over the last century however, it had started to become more difficult. Humans gave over the use of natural materials and their computers started cataloging people. It was beginning to make simply disappearing and taking to a new land harder...until the Grey Lords outed them all. Oh granted, only the pretty, those who wouldn't frighten the Humans too badly, like herself, but it certainly made moving about easier again. And being able to admit she was Fae had certainly opened up some prospects.

She'd barely had to interview to get the job at the Shark Reef when she'd admitted she was a Fae with an affinity for water. Hell they'd practically fallen over themselves trying to give her, what they considered, a better but she enjoyed working nights, being able to commune with the creatures she worked with, and not having to show off for the Humans.

Of course now they were at War, or at least not on good terms, with the Humans of America and most were contained to their reservations. She had a pass to continue working at her job but only because her nature meant that, if she were forced to remain in the desert, it was likely she would fade. Or so she let everyone believe. Even a small amount of water would sustain her, and human technology (plumbing in particular in her case) certainly allowed for a free enough flow of water that fading wouldn't actually be a problem. She'd become used to her freedom over the centuries however and wasn't willing to give it up simply because some Lord was fool enough not to protect his family properly.

Off to bed, will fill this in, in the morning. Have a lovely night all!


Callie Del Noire

Tentatively offering my lady of the hunt from an old game.  Will work up the bio later



Quote from: Caela on April 07, 2013, 10:29:53 PM
Hekate, do you have an age or power level cap on the supernatural characters? Working on a fae woman, but not sure what limits you might have in mind and don't want to make someone that we can't use. :)


True Name:


Race: Fae





Background History:

Off to bed, will fill this in, in the morning. Have a lovely night all!

Ooooooh, Gwen Stefani!  :o Love her!

Here goes:

Characters Age & Supernatural Power Level:

(*Supernatural Races)

Werewolf Ages-> From 18-400 (Werewolves tend to not live long, but those who do can be up to the 400-ish age. Be very careful, since older wolves tend to be a bit unstable as they get jaded with life. There cannot be any wolves under the age of eighteen; the wolves frown upon the change of children, because it is harder for the younger ones to control their wolf. Accidents may happen, but they rarely occur. If you are to make an older wolf, be advise that as they age they developed abilities or powers of some sort.)

**We need an Alpha, as well as other wolves!**

** Power level here starts with the Alpha, it is followed by the second and third in command of the pack, ends with the Omega.**

Fae Ages-> The Fae are a long lived race, but not all tend to survive that long. Some fae are born to die in a few months or a couple of years after heir birth, others fall prey to bigger fae predators, but those who have lived long it is because of their cunning nature and the ability to protect themselves. Full blooded fae tend to be more powerful than the half blooded fae, but in this new world, their powers (although growing) are not what they used to be. Those who are under the Gray Lords rule are powerful, long lived fae- their ages are unknown, so it is up to the player to decide what age to give their character, if they want to give it an age. Full blooded fae have just recently acquire some of the powers they used to have and strength, but the Gray Lords still have a strong grip on them.

In the Half Blooded Fae case, age must be specified and it may vary, since in our plot the Fae have been taken away from their families, this means that there is a high possibility for Spouses and Offspring to get involved. Half-Blood Fae Age is a mystery, some could live as long as humans, age as humans and others could live a bit longer as well as age slower.

If there proofs to be an interest to create any character that is the offspring of a specific Fae, I will ask that the character's age be 16, but I have to warn that any underage character- must not (in any way) be involved in any sexual play or situation, as per site rules. It also has to be real, Vegas is Sin city and your character can't strolled through casinos, because that in the real world does not happen. The only establishments that your character can enter are those that belong to the Fae. If you are going to use a picture for an underage character, the picture has to be an actor/actress that looks young, but is legal (Per site rules).

(If you want your Fae to have younger offspring, I advise you to do them NPC's and stick to description on how they look, act, etc.)

**We need Fae Civilians, Fae Enforcers, Fae Rebels, Half-Blood Fae, etc.**

**Power Level starts with the Gray Lords, the Champion (One chosen to oversee the reservation in the Gray Lords behalf), the Enforcers (Divided in two: The Leaders and The Soldiers. The Leaders subject to the Champion's will and power, they oversee that no problems exist as well as use their magic to maintain the peace inside the reservation. The soldiers are the lesser fae who answered to their clan leader. They patrol the lands as well as keep any fae from escaping, but also keep anyone from entering. Their mentality is more ruthless and brutish, they are perfect for orders, although not all soldiers are like that-some enter the service because they are force or it is expected of them.),  the Civilian Fae, and the Half-Blood fae.**

Vampires--> 16--Unknown. (Those who survive the change tend to fluctuate of age. A vampire might be a newborn of fledgeling, but his human looks stay the same. If the person was change at the age of 67, the person will look that age and yet, move with speed and agility. The older the vampire is the more dangerous does he become, since they start losing their humanity (thanks to the fugue) and start thinking more like predators.)

**We need a Master/Mistress of the seethe, Strong vampires that live out of the seethe, Weak vampire that live inside the seethe, Fledglings, Humans that serve as Pets, but also thralls to the Vampires.**

**Power Level starts with Master/Mistress, the Hand/Soldier (Carries out the justice of the Mistress/Master. Is a champion to the seethe), the Strong Vampires, the Weak Vampires, Fledglings, Pet, Menagerie Slaves.**

Witches-->16-90 (ish) (Witch are not immortals, but they start from an early age their magic sessions (if they decided to practice it). Witches age can vary, just like their powers and spells. It is up to the player to decide how old and how powerful the witch is to be.)

**In the U.S. the Witch families with enough power are the Chinese and Russian (most specifically the Arkadyevnah-Vyshnevetskaya clan). The classification inside these clans is a bit gray, since most of their power comes from their bloodline, but they all must choose a side. The Matriarchs train their family members and they keep to their ways (they don't like to mixed in with any of the other surviving European witch families that live in the U.S.). The witches powers differ from one another (it is up to the player to decide).**

**We need Witches of all kind! Whether align to the Chinese or Russian clan of the Nevada area, as well as align with the Lady, but also those that are not align.**

**Power level starts:

(Witch Clans)-> Matriarch,  Witch,  Apprentices, Family members touch by the gift (Unable to become witches), Full Blooded Human Family members (Were not born with any skill; that does not mean that their offsprings will not have the power).

(The Lady's Coven)-> The Lady, Coven Witches (Tied to the lady; she feeds from their power and feeds them from her power), Underlings (Some type of Apprentice, although they are always in danger of being used for the next spell).

(Unaligned Witches)-> Tend to be under the protection and contractual services of the Fae, Vampires, or Werewolf Pack. They tend to evade any powerful witches.

Human--> Ages (may vary, they cannot be any younger than sixteen.)

**The Humans are a major population in Las Vegas, they are as important as any of the other factions mentioned above. We need all sorts of humans!**

**Power Level:

*The City and County government power level is as follows: Governor, Mayor, Law Enforcement Agencies.

(The Law Enforcement Agencies (Police, FBI, CIA, CANTRIP) serve the purpose of protecting the people and keeping vigilant eyes on the 'Others'. We need a Governor or a Mayor right now!)

*For the Vigilante groups right now, I am in the process of creating something!

^.^ Hope this helps!

Callie Del Noire


Thanks for the answer Hekate!

~bounces off to work on her character~