
De Mulieribus Claris - [EX]
Congratulations RedPhoenix & oldedog for completing your RP!

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Important Stuff

Rules and Announcements
This forum is where the Site Deities will post important rule updates or other forum changes that occur.

Posts: 118
Topics: 31

Last post: June 01, 2024, 03:14:36 AM Re: Bookmarks are back. by ZephyrInk

Elliquiy Wiki
Temporary wiki link board while I get things fixxored.

Redirects: 21,183

HELP! (ask/report/suggest anything)
A place to post any questions, suggestions, or report any technical issues you might have. Any member of the site may answer these questions, from how to get a game going to more in-depth issues concerning the forums.

Posts: 38,089
Topics: 4,968

Last post: Yesterday at 11:49:55 AM new people by Lizbeth56


This forum is where the new members post their introductions. There is a sticky that points to the Questionnaire for prospective members. All members are encouraged to welcome the new comers with much silliness as well as get to know them.

Posts: 6,609
Topics: 12

Last post: Today at 08:14:42 AM Re: The Questionairre by Lizbeth56

Elliquiy Blogs
Only blogging members may create topics here. Topics in these forums will show up as your blog entries, so post carefully : ) Anyone may feel free to comment or reply, however.

Posts: 8,287
Topics: 686

Last post: July 22, 2024, 11:36:55 PM Re: Tales from the Wande... by echoes

Role Playing Requests

For expressing all your role-playing desires.
One on One / Solo Adult Roleplays Wanted
This forum is where to look or post for a single writing partner to write in a roleplaying game on Elliquiy.

Posts: 104,232
Topics: 28,405

Last post: Today at 06:25:07 AM Re: MasterEric6's Dark S... by MasterEric6

Group Requests: GMs/Groups seeking Role Players
This forum is where GMs and established groups should look or post for multiple writing partners in group games on Elliquiy.

Posts: 484,686
Topics: 11,532

Last post: Today at 08:44:28 AM Re: God U (The Boys/Gen-... by RainyHigh

Sub-BoardsGM's Corner

Group Requests: Role Players seeking GM/Groups
For individual players looking to scratch an itch.

Posts: 17,323
Topics: 908

Last post: July 16, 2024, 03:49:18 PM Re: (Interest check, see... by The Old Wolf

Public Writing and RP

For stories and roleplays visible to the public.
Non-Adult Storytelling
This board is for non-adult solo writing - that is, individual works that do not contain explicit sex.

Posts: 3,972
Topics: 472

Last post: July 24, 2024, 04:40:28 PM Re: Utterly True Memoirs by Jerram

Non-Adult Roleplay Requests
Look for and request Non-Adult roleplays in this forum.

Posts: 15,169
Topics: 1,483

Last post: June 21, 2024, 02:15:14 AM Re: System-Based Rolepla... by aleph666

Non-Adult Roleplays
This board is for role playing that does not contain explicit sex.

Posts: 52,808
Topics: 975

Last post: February 14, 2024, 08:42:09 AM The Devils brew by ikasaba

Sub-BoardsNon-Adult Archive

General Chat

Off Topic
A forum that is basically a catch all. If it is non-adult and does not fall into one of the other categories, this is where it should be posted.

Posts: 112,573
Topics: 5,669

Last post: Yesterday at 09:18:08 AM Re: What are you playing... by The Old Wolf

Forum Games/Socializing
This forum is where much of Elliquiy's silliness is allocated. Thread games, the Salonbox, and other goodies are posted here.

Posts: 990,435
Topics: 964

Last post: Today at 07:00:37 AM Re: What are you listeni... by Geeklet


Politics, Religion, and Other Controversies
This forum is for discussing political climates, religion, and other controversial topics. Please do be aware of what you post and how it is phrased so that it is less likely to seem confrontational.

Posts: 109,893
Topics: 1,849

Last post: Yesterday at 05:08:03 PM Re: Election Season 2024... by LostInTheMist