Interest poke about the Secrets Of Cats [FATE system, looking for GM]

Started by Sain, January 06, 2015, 08:50:58 AM

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The book just landed on my lap and holy damn I love the flavor and magic system in this thing, not to mention that dabbling into the twisted world of cat logic has for long tempted me. Just poking around to see if anyone else around here to see if anyone else likes what they've read of the book enough to provide a campaign. I would definitely participate as a PC and help worldbuilding if we end up using another setting than the one provided in the book.

For those not in the know, it's a splash book for FATE core system about cats who can use magic to help them take care of their burdens (humans) who are unaware of supernatural dangers lurking around.
PM box is open. So is my discord: Sain#5301

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