Interest Check: unhallowed Metropolis

Started by Tsakara, December 23, 2009, 10:05:16 AM

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This is a general interest check on a new game system I've recently become experienced in running irl.
the game is Unhallowed Metropolis
the setting is post zombie apocalypse neo-victorican steampunk London.

I'm looking at getting together a group of 3-5 people to run a generalized game of UnMet, it doesn't nessesarily have to end up as an 'adult' roleplay, although this is rather likely given the setting, but this game wouldn't be strictly adult content, and is more of a general tabletop game brought online.

post if interested, and I'll see about starting making characters, and we can discuss times to meet on irc for game sessions.

Minor edit made - Hairy