Living Statues {open possible adult content}

Started by Saleen Shadows, January 28, 2013, 02:12:27 PM

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Saleen Shadows

It all happened almost suddenly. No one knows how it happened it just did. Murders and suicides skyrocketed equaling to having more dead in only three months as to what was killed in the Holocaust. Everyone was targeted, it wasn't just a specific race. No one knew how to fight it or what was causing it. However, like all cases, there suddenly became a cure. Scientists have discovered why so many have done these brutal and violent crimes. The reason, is our own emotions. The scientists have found away to take away the emotions that we no longer want. And like all things this leads to doubt. So the test subjects that remain stuck in chambers for now are how we know it can be done. Only problem is, they realized what they did was wrong. And now they will do anything to fix it. However, in the process of trying to return the emotions, they wound up creating the emotions into one person. Each subject had become an emotion personified. The only question is what was their story to begin with, and where will their journey take us? Can we get our emotions back? Or are we doomed to forever become a living statue?

This is just kind of the outline or idea I have for a story. I’m not really sure where I want this to go. However I would love to see how it would work as a rp so please do as you wish. I would like to try and get as many emotions as I possibly can. If I have say…more than …five than I will post up a posting order so that no one gets confused and no one feels left out.

Also I will need to have some info on who all is playing what emotion via pm please do not post it here unless I give you the okay in which will probably be me telling you to go ahead and post your story. This is kind of a first come first serve since I also want to know what all you can do since like everyone else I do want to know somethings about you and your character. Don't worry I don't want to know anything personal just when you can get on and how much you can post. Please keep in mind this might be a slow rp due to the fact that I can't get on all the time due to having a kid soon and not having internet at the place I am staying at the moment.

I only have a few rules for now but will update when I can think of more. (Coffee crashes are not the best thing to have when writing -.-')
1. Please, please, please, try and put some detail into your posts. I hate having to try and figure out what another character is doing or feeling whenever I have to post back.
2. If your not sure everyone will be comfortable with a certain scene (gory fights or sexual content) please ask us in our private messages. This way no one gets offended.
3. Do not say you are okay with something if you aren't. I want everyone to be completely comfortable writing this.
4. Be patient. Not everyone is completely addicted to E like you might be. The others might have other things that have them distracted from the story.

That's it for now. Cursing is allowed because lets face it we are all adults and you can't really tell Anger and Hate to watch their mouths. They are naturally foul mouthed emotions. :) Please enjoy!