The Hobbit - Gandalf and Galadriel?

Started by TheLegionary, December 31, 2012, 05:34:04 AM

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Hi everyone,

I watched The Hobbit yesterday - in spite of the bad reviews, I really loved the movie.

Moreover, I was impressed by how Gandalf and Galadriel exchanged gazes and how Galadriel touched Gandalf. Of course, I remember there is nothing in Tolkien's books about a romance involving both of them - I think Galadriel touched Aragorn in a similar way when he departed from Valfendas -, but I was curious about how a romance between Gandalf and Galadriel would have been. This could lead to a story here, since we are not bound to any dogmatic interpretation of Tolkien.

I am open to brainstorming here or in PMs. I am pretty open in relation to when they met, how the fall, why they split.

Thank you for reading my post!