It was the best of times, it was the worst of times

Started by Salvelinus, April 08, 2009, 07:40:37 PM

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I am looking for a partner in a modern roleplay although it will have Victorian undertones. I'll play an affluent male seeking to take on an attractive younger spendthrift.  I will assume and eliminate their debt in return for a fixed period of dedicated full service. PM me or reply to this post and we can work out the details.

My intro follows

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times”

The opening line of Dickens's  Tale of Two cities ran through Hale's mind as  he put together his fetishlist ad. He had escaped the brunt of  economic crash as he'd retired early a with a defined benefits plan and  cashed out his 104K near the peak in June, and all in all was sitting pretty financially.

But something was missing, ever since C had passed on, 2 years 1 month and 13 days ago. although it felt like yesterday. His  sub and life partner,  but  her genetic dice were loaded with the breast cancer gene. Since then he had tried the Rent a Sub's but the girls weren't really into it.

Yet the crash might  provide an opportunity, perhaps he could find a young woman, transgender or maybe even a cross dressing young man, with strong sub potential who was willing to become his indentured servant for a period of time – the term would depend on the size of her debt. Definitely not a replacement for C, but still someone with whom he could establish his longterm need for dominance. He reread his  ad  once more time

“Mature master offering relief to an attractive younger spendthrift.  I will assume and eliminate your debt in return for  a fixed period of dedicated full service. The discipline, you  will acquire may be the most valuable commodity in this exchange.

Please send application and resume to  Dickens@fetishlist

All seemed as he had intended. Hale hit send, and sat back to wait and see what the ad might bring.


If you haven't found a partner yet, I'd be interested in playing this with you :]