[CLOSED FOR NOW] A Variety of RPs To Choose From (seeking anyone at all)

Started by MaryRose, August 29, 2024, 08:32:25 PM

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Hello, all. My name is Mary and I am in desperate need of a fun, sexy RP. I have lots of different ideas to choose from so anyone can pick their fancy. And as a bonus I have suggestions for MxF, MxM, and FxF. So truly, there is so much to choose from.

I'll post original RPs to start and then I'll post some fandoms I'm interested in towards the end of the post. Check out the ideas I have, see if anything strikes your fancy, and send me a PM!

A few things to consider before RPing with me:
  • I work a lot so I will likely only be able to reply once, maybe twice a week at max. Please be patient with me <3

  • Normally I'm someone who loves a good 50/50 of story and sex, but more recently I just need to unwind and relax, so for now I'd prefer more sex as opposed to deep plot. Obviously, this is subject to change depending on my partner, the story we create, how invested we are in the RP, etc etc.

  • I love lit RPs. Please no one liners otherwise I will struggle to reply.

  • I only play subs/bottoms.

Alright, let's get to the fun part! I've written the most bare bones ideas below. I figure I can flesh anything out with my partner.

Original Ideas:
  • Career Woman (MxF): A classic story of an overworked woman who needs help relaxing and destressing. MC, named Luna, wants a man who knows how to use his equipment and who can show her a good time in the bedroom. You can play her boss, her co-worker, her best friend, anyone you want. Sex heavy RP.

  • Online Romance (either MxF or MxM): MC (either a man or a woman depending on who my partner is), Aurora, is a weaponsmith in an online game. They make the best weapons in the game and, at some point, falls in love with another player who constantly buys their weapons. They'd have a sexual relationship in the game and we can determine their relationship outside of the game.

  • A Fox Gets in Trouble: (MxF or MxM): MC, a fox named Scarlet, is a bit of a troublemaker. Their penchant for thieving finally gets them in biiiig trouble. YC is preferably a rich someone who punishes MC for thieving from him. A bit of dubcon in this one. (Bonus points if you can somehow work tentacles into this lol).

  • Gambled (MxM): MC is someone who's gambled off at a large, vivacious casino. YC essentially wins MC. Preferably we stay in the confines of the casino, but MC is subject to the whims of YC. Maybe YC makes MC work at the casino tables and then pleasure him in bed. Whatever you like <3

  • Pop Star Shines (MxF or (FxF): MC is a pop star who's struggling to find her way in this new world of fame and fortune. YC can be her manager, a friend, another star, someone in the same group as her. They can take advantage of her or try to help her out. Whatever you like.

Fandom RPs:
So for fandom RPs I don't have any plots and that's because I'd like to discuss ideas with my partners. All of these fandoms I'm open to OCs on these except for the danmei and six of crows. But here are the fandoms I'm open to--

  • Twisted Wonderland
  • Yu Yu Hakusho
  • Heaven Official's Blessing
  • Scum Villain's Self Saving System
  • MDZS
  • Thousand Autumns
  • Yu-Gi-Oh
  • Six of Crows

Feel free to send me a PM with any of these that catch your interests! <3

Status: Open for RPs!