Roleplay Idea: NC-Exotic, D&D 3.X or Shadowrun, looking for single player

Started by Starfox, July 20, 2009, 05:47:45 AM

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I am considering running a game for a single player, with some stipulations. If it goes off:

- It's going to be a system game (although not combat heavy or rules-heavy), not freeform.
- It's going to be one player, and me as GM running the world.
- It's going to be either a home-brew version of the Forgotten Realms (mostly older material instead of the latest 3E version, let alone the 4E abomination) and use 3.X D&D rules, or a Shadowrun 4 game in an also slightly changed Shadowrun world.
- The player character will have to be active, not just reactive. Some curiosity or other motivation to act is needed to keep things running smoothly. The PC won't have to carry the whole game, there'll be plots and hooks and NPCs with agendas, but it's expected that the PC will not have to be dragged kicking and screaming into plots and scenes (figuratively speaking, that is, like "Your god himself appears and tells you to go investigate that glowing portal that appeared in your bedroom and which you have been ignoring for two days, or else!").
- About daily (or better) posting rhythm is needed.
- It's not going to be (just) about sex.

Other details, like what system, where exactly in either world, general tone/flavor/goal of the game, starting level/karma/BP, are to be determinded depending on who's interested, and what character will be played.

If you're interested and/or have questions, post here or PM me. It's not going to be "first come, first served".

Callie Del Noire

Definitely interested. Which version of Shadowrun are you using and have you checked out Pathfinder (sorta like DnD 3.75)


Shadowrun 4E. I have the Pathfinder beta rules, but never played it. I am pretty comfortable with the 3.0 or 3.5 rules, at least the parts I generally use of them.

Callie Del Noire

Quote from: Starfox on July 20, 2009, 10:19:04 AM
Shadowrun 4E. I have the Pathfinder beta rules, but never played it. I am pretty comfortable with the 3.0 or 3.5 rules, at least the parts I generally use of them.

Then you shouldn't have much problems with the Pathfinder beta. :D (Check out my on/offs for the attached idea list)


I am now sorting through the proposals, which will take a while.


Ok, I got a lot more proposals than games I can run, even if I increase the number of games from 1 to 3 (more I don't have the time for). So, I'll be running three games, two set in the Forgotten Realms, and one in Shadowrun, and I'll contact the players by PM to settle details, or to inform them I'll not be able to run their game.

Posting frequency will be about 1/day from me.