CYOA: Fall to Chaos, Rise to Power

Started by Sabby, October 06, 2010, 07:28:33 AM

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This is a Choose-Your-Own-Adventure for one Player. It is set in Dormant, a Post Apocalyptic Roleplay setting.  More information is available here

The Bloodrock Mercenaries are the most feared men and women in the Wild Lands. The cruel yet beautiful land is home to a strange form of E-Ther Waste, dark red crystals like congealed blood, brittle like glass. Inhaling the dust, or getting it into your blood, causes a curious case of Soul Rot. Your softer emotional energies are attacked, and once your compassion is weakened and consumed, the void is filled by others.

Anger, passion, lust... these overtake you eventually, if you survive the sickness. You begin to crave violence, and conquest, and more of that strange crystal. These two things are provided by the Bloodrock Mercenaries. If you don't die from the sickness or the withdrawals, you'll eventually find them.

These brutal Merc's control the mining of Bloodrock. They take any job, no matter what the details, and aside from essential expenses, they do it purely for a high. If no one is hiring, they become simple bandits. All to appease their brutal nature.

They share a common uniform, wearing hooded clothing of light grey, obscuring their faces with a wrap and wearing polarizing red goggles. Their most distinctive feature, however, are the scars. They always have either one or both arms naked, the only skin they show. Their hands and arms are marred with angry red marks. They crush Bloodrock shards, and then rub it on their arms until they bleed.

Besides these arms, they hate sunlight, their skin sensitive to burning, and their eyes unable to handle glare. Their lungs are weakened by the Bloodrock, so find it hard to breath in dirt or dust. Their lives are short, but they begin every day welcoming death.

You were in the wrong place at the wrong time. As the Bloodrock Merc's rolled into town, you were shot. The last thing you remember is a the warped voice of your shooter, and the throttling wheels of a RAZR, followed by the screams of panicked pedestrians, and further gunfire. You vaguely recall being pushed by a boot.

"Bahaha... leave him. If the Crickets and Chuppa's don't get him, he'll come to us"

You awake to find half the town slaughtered, and the other half fled. A crystal protrudes from your shoulder. It's shattered inside of you. Trying to remove the shards is excruciating. As you gather supplies and leave the dead town, you feel a pull... you follow it to a new life.

This will chronicle your introduction into the violent life of a Bloodrock Merc, and your rise to power, eventually coming to rule the group as their most feared and respected member. You'll earn your place, rise the ranks, win the fiery heart of your lover,  and you'll both die a glorious death, and become both a Legend and a Nightmare