Slave life (F for M)

Started by Sampais Wrath, November 14, 2012, 08:57:39 PM

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Sampais Wrath

It's not everyday a child is born into slavery but one day a baby girl is. When she finally came of age to work in her master's household her life turns to hell. After years of being ignored by her master suddenly she is the center of attention. The young girl is disciplined often if something happened or she did something wrong. Things like get even worse when she came of age to finally have sex. Now she would get more attention and "proper training" by her master. What fun....

Looking for someone to play a bit of an abusive master. Someone who really doesn't care about or even out right hated the girl from the time when she was born. Pm me if interested.
I've got one brain cell bouncing around my head like a 2000s windows screensaver.

Discord always open to new friends! Feel free to pop in there. Warning! My cat has made me accidentally unfriend people there with impromptu head boops. If that happens and I don't realize it PM me here on E and we can restore contact!
Sampai's Wrath#9204