The Shattering (DC/Marvel Crossover) [Recruiting]

Started by Totoro, April 30, 2018, 09:48:30 AM

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The Shattering


This is an interest check for a fairly ambitious marvel/dc crossover project. The general concept is a fluid crossover between the DC and Marvel universes with a large overarching story line that has space for smaller more personal arcs. Thanos will feature heavily as the primary villain but there will be a good deal of room for all players to pitch me story arc ideas and request certain villains be featured. Players can create an original character with parentage from the Marvel and DC universes, and will have two teams to choose from. Player characters will not be direct rivals but their may be some interpersonal conflict if all parties are up for it. All in character posts will be third person past tense and use tagging systems and warnings for graphic content. Smut will be allowed in specific threads or 1x1's but not in the main story threads and it is not the focus of the game. If interested feel free to PM me or post in this thread and if there's enough interest for the game to run then pitch ideas, discuss concepts and submit any character sheets directly via PM. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask and I'll do my best to clarify. 


In the 1970's Earth was home to many superheroes and villains. That one planet seemed to be the center piece for the conflicts of near endless alien races, and home to some of the mightiest beings in the universe. Fortunately over time those who upheld peace and justice overcame the cruel and evil. Vast alliances were formed, first between individual heroes and then teams and groups. Eventually organizations took to the stars, spreading a message across the Universe. It took forty years but one by one both races and individuals were given two choices. Join the Alliance and live in harmony or be arrested and jailed. Earth itself spent those forty years at near perfect peace with only a few villains managing to continue their operations, crime rates plummeted and the sciences skyrocketed into a new era. Many disagreed with the alliances method of forcing all to join up, stating how they would have preferred to give a third option of living alone peacefully.

Of course it was inevitable that one day this gentle existence would be broken. It was often debated and considered, but with most warlike races and violent beings having been contained and monitored nobody could predict where it might begin. Eventually it was Thanos, an Eternal born on Titan, who committed the Shattering. He was one of few beings to have evaded capture, and unbeknownst to his pursuers he had been plotting to tear this peaceful universe apart for forty years. As he fled he planted seeds and ideas, weapons and traps throughout empires. All leading to a single moment, in which he would break free the inmates of prisons containing the worst of the worst and re-arm the most violent races. He kept this up until he was nearly captured, and as he was surrounded by a league of superheroes he unleashed his weapon. As he called it 'The Shattering'.

Asgard was plunged into war when a portal to Jotunheim was opened re-igniting the conflict with the Frost Giants. Kree weapons detonated on Skrull worlds, Skrull weapons on Tamaranean worlds, and Shi'Ar weapons on Daxamite worlds. All circling back and around, spreading the blame and hate among races. The Gods of New Genesis were assaulted by the savage beasts of Apokolips, let free through a wormhole. Mount Olympus and Themyscira both left open to hordes of demons. All prisons and containment areas broken open, biological weapons unleashed on entire planets and species. In hours the death toll reached billions, and it would only continue to climb.

Throughout the universe war broke out. Thanos evaded capture as his traps incapacitated his pursuers, and he vanished into the ether to let his foes clear up this once peaceful place. The weapons were stolen and traps set to trick former allies and friends into warfare, pitting a vast array of races against one another in an absolute war. Earth itself was the center piece for this hell. The heroes who had set out to bring peace to the wider galaxy rushed towards their home as the enraged foes, now finally free, set about exacting their vengeance. This time it was far too much. For all their combined might heroes began to fall, killed in the name of blood shed and war. Now a singular battle rages across the surface of earth, normal civilian life is almost non existent and everyone is getting involved in the fight.

Superman was the most notable of the initial casualties. He was leading the charge to arrest Thanos and struck by the Mad Titan. For all Superman's strength he could not overcome Thanos, and was eventually throttled using a Kryptonite gauntlet. Thor perished warring with the vast array of Frost Giants invading Asgard, eventually overran by the billions of warriors before him. Wonder Woman was slain on the battlefield that Themyscira became, killed by the host of demons that burnt her island. Iron Man hit by an alien EMP of incredible power that destroyed his suit's navigation systems, jets and life support while he was in space. The Green Lantern Hal Jordan and Incredible Hulk were among the heroes to confront Thanos with Superman, and were slain by his vast armies. Countless more have perished, and many more are putting their lives on the line. Many believe that Thanos is now headed to earth to finish what he started with the Shattering and put an end to humanity and all the heroes on earth, the only beings left with much hope of opposing him. He knows that in a final battle all empires would send their greatest against him and if he were to win it would be the end of all life.


August 10th, 1972: The Alliance is formed, beginning with agreements between great teams and organizations including SHIELD, STAR, The Avengers, The Justice League, The X-Men and the Titans.
January 2nd, 2018: The Shattering. The Alliance is torn apart and the Universe is plunged into war. Thanos evades capture and is known to be responsible for the Shattering.
May 1st, 2018: The Present Day. Game will begin here almost five months after The Shattering.

Key Factions and Groups

While many of the smaller teams of superheroes were disbanded during the vast alliance that formed that has now been broken apart. Amidst the chaos some are trying to restore order or at least some kind of organisation to whoever they can find. These groups include both heroes and villains, either attempting to restore order or take advantage of the global chaos. Some were reformations of those that existed decades ago, an effort to inspire hope, while others are new creations.

Key Factions and Groups
The Avengers

An old team that worked as part of the Alliance, this new Avengers was born of a single purpose. One entity was responsible for the Shattering and that act of war must be avenged. Thanos is their priority above all else, currently focused on information gathering so that this time Thanos cannot escape. They have been aiding with restoring peace to earth as an immediate necessity but in the long run they intend to leave in pursuit of the tyrant. Since formation this new Avengers squad has already lost several key members and they're having to look towards less experienced heroes to replace the legends they had. This new Avengers squad has permission and resources to requisition almost anything available in their mission so long as it means they can capture Thanos. Given the nature of their mission it's not particularly expected that any will make it back. The one key bit of hope is that Thanos will attempt to conquer earth himself, and that they can capture him when he finally arrives. But ideally they aim to find him before that can happen.

The Guardians

The Guardians are thew new defenders of earth. A rapidly growing organisation pulling together as many heroes and resources as possible, they are also aiding the Avengers. The Guardians however are aimed at cleaning up earth itself and remaining here to defend it from the assorted potential threats in the galaxy. They uphold high moral standards at all times, aiming to show that the past of peace and kindness can once again be reached. They're a long way from a rag tag group and obey strict rules and regulations, operating something like a military with superpowers. They are not affiliated with the old Alliance and are looking to replace it with something newer and more practical, although right now they are most focused on the short term resolution to the conflict on earth.

The Outsiders

When the Government and their decades of peace finally failed there were many who came out to call this the inevitable, and a necessity. Those who believe in a harder and more warlike society being necessary. Those who believe any means is justifiable for their end. The movement became known as the outsiders as the group's core beliefs were so far against the status quo. But now many are coming around to their viewpoints, seeing this necessity and joining forces to take out the villains and criminals who're tearing earth and the wider universe apart. The Outsiders are known to give second chances to current and former villains, anyone willing to do their bit turning this chaos around. Some among the outsiders speak out particularly violently against the old Alliance, blaming them for their failure to capture Thanos or prevent the Shattering.

The Alliance Enforcers

The last remnants of the alliance, a small group of their mightiest and bravest have remained together. They have done battle alongside one another for decades and fought across the universe.  They are feared universe wide by members of nearly every race, and represent a regime that managed to enforce peace to even the most violent and warlike aliens and villains. Since the Shattering they have fallen from a mighty host of warriors to a small band of the greatest remaining, although they are looking to recruit new teams and rebuild what they were to return to the old days of the Alliance.

The Pantheon

The Shattering hit every empire and species throughout the galaxy. Places and beings thought unassailable were hurt. The Gods on New Genesis were ravaged by the darkest beasts of Apokolips pulled through a wormhole. The bi-frost was broken open to let the Frost Giants tear apart Asgard. The Greek Gods of Themyscira and Mount Olympus were assaulted by hosts of demons pulling through magical portals. The survivors of these disasters have banded together, forging a new group of Gods as separate they no longer possess a measure of their old power. Many of these Gods are currently vengeful and angry, intending to murder Thanos for his misdeeds as well as taking revenge on Apokolips, Jotunheim and the hosts of hell.

The Hand of Fate

Thanos's plane destabilized the order and balance of the universe in a way no other event had for millennia. The Shattering's repercussions will be felt for generations and never forgotten. Throughout the universe and even across other dimensions the results were harrowing. They have echoed out into other realms and realities, including places of great magic. Many of the mightiest sorcerers were lost in the shattering, trying to contain the greatest breaches in magical power. 

The Black Order

Responsible for the Shattering, The Black Order are reviled and despised throughout the universe. They set up the various weapons, traps and enchantments over decades all leading up to the single moment that pulled apart peace across the Universe. They are led by Thanos, the Mad Titan, and still seek to further the chaos they started. Nobody is quite sure just how many members the Order has, but they are an elite group who operate discreetly rather than fighting all out battles themselves. What is known is that they are larger than the limited group Thanos used to work with, although the original four are still among their number and were never captured. It seems likely that Thanos and the Black Order would be preparing to assault earth as the final blow to a shattered universe.

Setting & Locations

Settings and Locations

Earth has become one of the most advanced worlds in the Universe over the past forty years. Advancements in all sciences have catapulted drastically and almost all cities have been rebuilt. Metropolis, New York, Keystone City, Midway City, Gotham, L.A, London, Star City, Central City and many others have been transformed into modern wonders, all thanks to the vast Alliance. Issues like poverty, starvation and disease have been nearly eliminated due to the vast riches afforded to humanity. Crime rates were at an all time low just prior to The Shattering with only villains managing to still operate. During the Shattering earth took a good deal of hits including losing a huge portion of its heroes, massive bombings and civilian casualties. Worst of all were the multiple jail breaks letting loose nearly every formerly arrested villain on earth at once. Now it's the center of the universal battleground, with heroes attempting to calm the chaos across the world. Death tolls across earth so far are estimated to be well over five hundred million and rising, one of the largest on any planet. Earth contains the Time Stone, formerly guarded by Dr. Strange but now it is guarded by the remainders in the New York Sanctum.

The Moon

The Moon was first colonized in 1985. The operation began after the Alliance brought relative peace to earth and it only made sense to use the resources afforded by the Superhuman population to expand. The Moon made perfect sense as a space port, having little gravity and minimal resources to mine. It was a fast job due to the aid of superhumans and available alien technology. Over the last thirty years the space port has flourished into a huge series of habitation centers, shuttle launch sites and construction areas. There are regular flights between Earth and the Moon, and then from the Moon all across the solar system. In the years before the Shattering plans were made for inter-solar travel letting flights to other star systems become practical and easy. During the Shattering several of the Moon's key spaceports had massive rocket malfunctions and explosions, causing catastrophic damage to most launch and landing sites. Several hundred thousand lives were lost and repairs are still ongoing.


Mars was one of the more challenging colonization tasks, largely due to the issue of distance. On top of that while the Moon's constructions were designed as self contained atmospheres Mars's were created to spread a breathable, habitable atmosphere across the planet. A large city known as 'Bio-City 1' was built, constructed on a peninsula the base connects to a series of gas emitters that are steadily terraforming mars into an atmosphere suitable for human habitation. It is a slow process but already grass has begun to grow on the nearby cliffs as the oxygen levels skyrocket. Bio-City 1 was hit with several crippling atmospheric leaks during the Shattering, causing the deaths of over three hundred thousand citizens before the sections of the city could be locked out. It is estimated the oxygenation of the atmosphere was set back by twenty months in the space of a day due to the atmospheric weapons used. The Martian Manhunter, J'onn J'onnz, is the official leader of the Mars colony. Mars contains the Mind Stone, housed within a spire and defended by J'onn himself at all times.


One of the nine realms, Asgard is home to the Asgardians. They are a mighty and proud race well known as peacekeepers, and some of the first to join the Alliance. Asgardians such as Thor were essential in enforcing the Alliance, and paved the way for many other Gods and entities to agree to peace. Now the Asgardians are a fraction of what they were. The Shattering tore through Asgard particularly brutally, using a breach in the Bi-frost to let the Frost Giants invade with ease. The attacking force was far weaker but vast, and more than enough to overwhelm the heroes who came to the defence of Asgard. Perhaps if the rest of the universe was not in turmoil Asgard would have been saved, but for now the people were forced to evacuate to Earth. After the deaths of Thor and Odin during the Shattering the Asgardian people have a great grudge against Thanos, and wish to see him dead. Somewhere deep on a vault in Asgard rests the Reality stone, but very few left alive know where it may be.

New Genesis

New Genesis and its dark counterpart Apokolips were spawned by the destruction of Urgrund, the world of the Old Gods. New Genesis and Apokolips are locked in an eternal war, neither side able to triumph over the other. New Genesis is ruled by a being known as the Highfather, a spiritual leader who maintains his people's connection to the primal energy field known as The Source. The original Highfather, Izaya the Inheritor, has long since perished. In contrast to the industrial wasteland of Apokolips, New Genesis is a veritable paradise covered in lush forests and grasslands. The only urban location is Supertown, a floating city designed not to affect the planet's surface. After the Shattering New Genesis has become war torn and heavily damaged, having been invaded by the armies of Apokolips under Darkseid.


The island home of the Amazonians and many Gods Themyscira has been hidden from the world of man for many years. It was only during the Alliance that they revealed themselves and agreed to be a part of the peace. Unfortunately while they were welcomed this visibility proved to be a vulnerability when a portal to the realm of Mephisto was opened on Themyscira, leading to the deaths of the majority of their citizens and the evacuation of the island. Now the survivors remain on Mount Olympus with other Gods, planning their return to Themyscira and revenge against Mephisto as well as Thanos for what he did.


An under water city of vast wealth and power Atlantis is ruled by the two kings, Orin and Namor, who claim rightful rulership over the earth's oceans. Atlantis is an ancient place with vast might, often hard to negotiate with but eventually willing to sign the Alliance. They lived well in peace, often assisting humans and even aiding the Enforcers on a wider scale with Namor and Orin becoming well known heroes. The Shattering's impact on Atlantis was via several catastrophic bombings which killed nearly half a million Atlanteans and drove both kings into an unearthly rage. They were some of the most vocal in their anger that Thanos had not been killed before he could do this, and that the Shattering could only be avenged by the death of Thanos.


Considered by many to be the technological capital of earth Wakanda is a nature of vast natural wealth and incredible science. Their people were vital to humanity's expansion to the stars and have provided them with some of their greatest heroes. Their king T'Challa, The Black Panther, was a human hero with enough might to fight across the universe although now he has returned to Wakanda to defend his people. The Shattering in Wakanda was via a laboratory explosion, detonating a vast amount of potential knowledge and research and killing some of the greatest minds in the nation.


Solaris-1A is the largest space station in the universe. It is a platform that stretches over 10,000 miles in empty space. Despite the distance from all other races and home worlds all Alliance races have teleporters that allow them to reach Solaris-1A. However due to the warring nature of several races many teleporters have had to be deactivated in the aftermath of the shattering. A good deal of fighting broke out between races who had their alliances ended. It was hit by severe bombing runs and suffered heavy casualties, but due to the wealth of resources and resilience of the station it has rebuilt relativley well. There is vastly increased security due to fears Thanos could capture it and use it to head up assaults on any empire's homeworld at will. Solaris-1A houses the Space Stone, defended by a host of guards of various alien races.


The nearest planet to the sun Mercury's colonization was an industrial effort rather than civilian. There are no intentions to inhabit Mercury but rather to create a base designed to harvest nearly infinite quantities of solar energy to power interstellar travel. The solar station on Mercury provides three quarters of all power in the Sol system. It was struck by a torpedo that caused a large solar energy leak and killed a large portion of the workforce. Repairs have been slow and difficult due to the hazardous environment and inhospitable planet meaning only very trained and skilled workers can get anything done there.

Tartarus Pit

The greatest prison in the Universe, Tartarus Pit is is considered utterly impossible to escape. The shuttles only come to drop off new guards, prisoners or supplies and there are no ships stored on the station. The station itself is anchored by a powerful enchantment, orbiting a black hole. Anything that enters or leaves needs protection or it risks being obliterated by the black hole. During the Shattering a long ranged teleportation device was used to send a multitude of the prisoners scattering out into the universe, letting them loose and free to cause havoc and chaos. The station itself is intact and operational and the majority of the prisoners are still contained but it's considered likely Thanos may choose to attack it in order to enslave the remaining prisoners and have them fight for him.

Jupiter & Cloud Axis

Cloud Axis is a floating mining platform constructed above Jupiter. It harvests huge quantities of gas as a mining colony and city where all citizens work on the huge gas rigs. It also contains a large center for trade and is the best place for dealers and traders to work in the Sol system. During the Shattering several refineries detonated and blew apart large rigs, losing thousands of lives and nearly immeasurably valuable quantities of gas. It is being rebuilt but there is an atmosphere of tension and caution now as the rigs and refineries are so unstable it would be an easy target for a terror attack.

Canon Character Statuses

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Superman (Kal-El): Deceased, throttled by Thanos using a Kryptonite gauntlet
Thor (Thor Odinson): Deceased, Run down by thousands of Frost Giants during the invasion of Asgard
Green Lantern (Hal Jordan): Killed by the Chitauri while hunting Thanos
The Hulk(Bruce Banner): Killed by the Chitauri while hunting Thanos
Wonder Woman (Diana Prince): Killed by demons defending Themyscira
Iron Man (Tony Stark): Suffocated in space when suit was disabled via alien EMP
Batman (Bruce Wayne): Retired due to old age, Head of the Bat Family
Flash (Barry Allen): Missing post Shattering, presumed dead
Aquaman (Arthur Curry): Alive, ruling Atlantis with Namor.
Martian Manhunter (J'onn J'onnz): Alive, leading the Mars colony in rebuilding.
Captain America (Steve Rogers): Alive, trainer and recruiter for the Guardians.
Dr. Strange (Steven Strange): Dead, killed by a magical overload while resealing dimensional breaches caused by the Shattering.
Dr. Fate (Kent Nelson): Alive, trying to stabilize earth.
Cyborg (Victor Stone): Killed by several villains while responding to one of many prison breaks on earth during the Shattering.

Character Sheet & Creation Guidelines

Initially I'm looking for members for two teams, the Guardians and the Avengers. Each team will have a maximum of eight members. Characters may be entirely original or have parentage related to canon DC or Marvel characters. They don't need to mix the two, necessarily. Parentage should make sense and once a character has been claimed they are then considered to be under the control of the player who claimed them. Some canon characters may be deceased but this can be adjusted if you'd like them as a parent for your character, and just because they were killed in the Shattering doesn't mean they can't be a parent. Most characters likely experienced some kind of loss during the Shattering. The Guardians will likely appeal to more calm, collected characters who wish to defend earth while the Avengers are a much more vengeful group focused on attacking earth's enemies.  Initially players will have a limit of one character, depending on interest it may change.

Claimed Parents:

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Ion (Sodam Yat)
Jean Grey (White Phoenix)
Deathstroke (Slade Wilson)
Martian Manhunter (J'onn J'onnz)
Iron Heart (Riri Williams)
Captain Atom (Nathaniel Adam)
Silver Surfer (Norin Radd)
Black Panther (T'Challa)
Vixen (Mari Jiwe McCabe)
Squirrel Girl
Animal Man
Emma Frost

Claimed FC's:

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Sonequa Martin-Green
Broderick Hunter
Jason Momoa

[float=right][img height=300][/img][/float]
[center][size=18pt][glow=blue,2,300][u][b]Superhero Name[/b][/u][/glow][/size][/center]

[size=14pt][u][b]The Basics[/b][/u][/size]
[b]Legal Name:[/b]
[b]Alias's and Nicknames:[/b]
[b]Age:[/b] 18+
[b]Gender:[/b] Anything goes
[b]Nationality: [/b] Where were they born? If non-human, specify here
[b]Team:[/b] What team are they on?


[size=14pt][u][b]Physical Description[/b][/u][/size]
[b]Face Claim:[/b] A real person is preferred but optional. Artwork faceclaims will need a good visual description and art of a reasonable quality.
[b]General Appearance:[/b] How do they dress normally? Do they have a costume they wear to use their powers when training, or that they'll use to fight? How do they keep their physical appearance? Do they have any scars, tattoos or other marks different to their faceclaim?


[center][size=14pt][b][u]Personality and History[/u][/b][/size][/center]

[center][b][u]Personality[/u][/b] [/center]
At least a paragraph describing what they are like as a person.

At least 3 paragraphs describing their life up to this point. Should include how they attained their powers and their experience with heroics.



[b]Power Name:[/b]An explanation of an ability and it's uses. Magical abilities need to be quantified. Skills such as speed or strength need a rough estimation at least.


[center][size=14pt][u][b]Skills and Equipment[/b][/u][/size][/center]


[b]Skill Name:[/b] A talent the character possesses such as expert marksmanship or stunt driving.


[b]Equipment Name:[/b] An equivalent of Thor's hammer Mjolnir or Wonder Woman's Lasso of Truth. Any signature gear can be included here. Equipment doesn't need to be filled in if your character has none.



All characters should have at least one weakness to their powers/abilities and one flaw as a person. More would be encouraged.



This is room for any details you want to add to your character sheet. Character relations can be placed here, or simply anything that didn't fit anywhere else.

Sample Character Sheet:

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Green Phoenix

The Basics
Legal Name: Annie Yat
Alias's and Nicknames:
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Nationality: American, Half-Daxamite
Team: Alliance Enforcers

Physical Description
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 172lbs
Face Claim: Fahriye-Evcen
General Appearance: Annie is a tall and strong woman, although her height gives her a slender appearance and she is heavier than she looks due to her daxamite physiology. She is very pretty and takes great care of her body, off the battlefield always aiming to give an aura of power and confidence. On the battlefield her ornate green armor is practical and modest, although she can often be hard to see among the swathes of green flame.

Personality and History


Annie Yat is a diplomat at heart. She lives her life intending to find ways to come to peaceful agreements between parties who are barely willing to negotiate at all. She is highly skilled at remaining calm and in control no matter how high the tensions around her are. Having said that if it comes to it and words cannot solve a problem she is a bold and brave warrior who will never back down in the face of a villain. At times she can have moments of temper, which she associates with the fragment of the Phoenix Force that grants her powers.

Off duty Annie is outgoing and friendly, always happy to talk to and get to know her team mates and allies. She likes to make new friends and genuinely cares about everyone she fights alongside. Perhaps a large reason why she was so personally affected by the Shattering, seeing many other heroes killed by Thanos and his armies. She is still haunted by that memory and holds a deep rooted personal grudge against Thanos.


Annie's parents, Sodam and Jean, met as Ion and White Phoenix. They were defending earth from Nekron and his Black Lantern Corps at the time. Together they faced down death and never bowed or broke. In the aftermath the pair went from allies and close friends to lovers. Shortly after they married and a had a child, Annie. By the time she was born her parents were mostly retired. Having lost the Phoenix Jean was severely weakened while Sodam had sustained severe lead poisoning and could not fight without risking his life.

They placed a good deal of their effort into providing Annie with a normal childhood despite the nature of her parentage. Mixed emotions arose when it transpired that thier daughter had inherited a strange power on top of her half daxamite physiology. It appeared to be a remnant of her parents time bearing the Star Heart and Phoenix Force. They always encouraged her to practice and learn control so that she would be safe and capable if she ever chose to use her powers. They set the firm rule that she would have to wait for adulthood before joining the ranks of the Enforcers, and she respected her parents.

As soon as she could Annie signed up and flew through recruitment and testing. Her raw power was quickly notable but past that her drive to do good and help others was clear to all. She became a popular hero and was only in her early 20's when she was leading teams of Enforcers herself. She earned the respect of the Universe's greatest heroes and her feats included fighting the Red Lantern Atrocitus to a standstill and being part of the team that strong armed New Genesis and Apokolips into a truce. More so than her fighting skill and power she became well known as a skilled diplomat, even staring down Darkseid without fear and negotiating him to a peace treaty.

She was at the forefront when the Shattering occurred. Part of the huge group of Enforcers that ambushed Thanos she was beset by hordes of the Chitauri. The Enforcers were overwhelmed and no amount of power could seem to push away the hordes. The Green Phoenix was bathed in psychic flames and cute a swathe through the Chitauri, but no matter how hard she tried she could not reach the Mad Titan. She saw him personally kill several heroes she looked up to, friends and allies, and her rage was immeasurable. Despite this she failed all the same, eventually being forced to flee with the surviving Enforcers as Thanos escaped again. She is now part of the remainder of the Enforcers, although her faith in the team's goals is not a tenth as strong as it once was.


Half Daxamite Physiology As a half Daxamite Annie has a different physiological structure to humans. Under a yellow sun she becomes stronger, faster and more durable than any human. She also gains superhuman senses, heat vision and super breath. Red sun radiation can limit this power while exposure to lead can cause the power to be lost permanently, and rapidly cause fatal lead poisoning. Annie is less strong than a full blooded Daxamite but still extremely powerful, able to lift over 100 tons and withstand ballistic missiles. She can heal rapidly from even severe injuries, and sustain herself or survive in the vacuum of space.

  • Superhuman Strength, Durability & Endurance
  • Superhuman Speed, Agility & Reflexes
  • Accelerated Healing Factor & Self Sustenance
  • Superhuman Senses
  • Heat Vision & Frost Breath
  • Flight
Telepathy & Telekinesis: Annie's telepathic and telekinetic powers are inherited via her mother. While they are extremely powerful they are weaker than her mothers are. Her telekinesis is strong enough to manipulate objects with extreme precision and at a distance of several miles, with a maximum weight of around 40 tons. Her telepathic range is also several miles and she can manipulate hundreds minds at once, provided they are vulnerable, and push through moderate psychic defenses. She can read, influence and directly control the minds of others.

Green Phoenix: The majority of Annie's power comes from her nature as the Green Phoenix. It seems to be an after effect, a combination of her mother's time as the host of the phoenix force and her father using his lantern ring to keep himself alive. A small part of each appears to have manifested within Annie. It is functionally similar to a highly destructive and unique form of pyrokinesis. Annie can project and manipulate green flames at will, which can burn at well over 10,000 degrees Celsius (18,032 Fahrenheit). She cannot control any other flames at all. They can be hurled as bolts or orbs, or else shot out as a gout of fire. These flames have been known to wound even incredibly resilient individuals as they burn at the mind as well as the body, assaulting the psychi similar to a telepathic attack. Annie can spread these flames over a wide area very fast, but must restrain herself from risking harm to her allies. She can create highly specific and unique shapes, and control them with pinpoint accuracy, most often to create shields able to melt bullets before they pass through.

Skills and Equipment


Enforcer: Annie has spent years as an enforcer for the Alliance. Similar to a highly elite universal police force she has visited the most warlike empires and violent individuals and either negotiated with them or brought them in to be detained. She is professional, controlled and effective in her duty and has always been known for doing her best to find the peaceful resolution. That being said she is a well trained combatant capable of battling highly powerful and skilled warriors with no fear. Nowadays she is a part of the remnants of the Enforcers and close allies with some of the strongest heroes in the Universe.

Diplomat: Although not afraid of a battle Annie always aims for the peaceful resolution if one can be found. She is a woman of words more than anything else and is very good at talking down even insane, highly aggressive aliens and villains. She has brokered several peace treaties and agreements during her time as an Enforcer and usually leads negotiations.

Universal Knowledge: Having operated as an Enforcer for many years Annie has traveled the depths of space. She has seen many worlds and dealt with members of almost every race. She has huge knowledge of a wide variety of aliens and cosmic entities, having even met some near godlike beings.


Green Phoenix Armor: While mostly decorative the Green Phoenix armor is ornate and masterfully crafted. It is made of metals from Daxam, and is tough as a daxamite under a yellow sun. Due to her half Daxamite heritage Annie is actually less durable than her own armor. It can also withstand the incredible heat that the wearer can produce, as well as the vacuum of space and other harsh environments.


Thanos: During the initial moments of the Shattering Annie was caught in Thanos's personal trap having almost reached him with many fellow enforcers. She watched as her friends were overrun by billions of Chitauri warriors, a brave few hundred heroes standing in the path of an insurmountable foe. While they fought long and hard she witnessed the deaths of many, all while watching Thanos personally kill several of her friends and allies. She despises him for his actions, wishing to kill him if given any opportunity. Around him she will likely become irrational and possibly even dangerous to allies if it means revenge for the Shattering.

Phoenix Fragment: As her powers somewhat stem from her mother's time as a host to the Phoenix Force it seems there is a small portion of that power embedded within Annie. It can cause her to have moments of instability or aggression, totally out of character for her normal diplomatic nature. She is scared of this as she isn't sure just how far it can make her go, or how strong her connection might be to the real far greater Phoenix Force.

Lead: As a half Daxamite Annie is highly vulnerable to lead. It only takes brief exposure to cause severe poisoning and can be lethal in even fairly small doses. She is a little less vulnerable than her fully daxamite father, but is weaker too.


This is room for any details you want to add to your character sheet. Character relations can be placed here, or simply anything that didn't fit anywhere else.


Mhmm.. I would have to see on what I could come up for a character, but.. *plants an interest flag*


Quote from: Timeless on May 01, 2018, 12:58:43 PM
Mhmm.. I would have to see on what I could come up for a character, but.. *plants an interest flag*

Always the curse of a crossover with two universes this big. So many choices!

Glad to have your interest and if you want to spitball any initial ideas feel free to PM me.



I would happily join in on this project! It looks so awesome!


Quote from: BarbaraGordon on May 01, 2018, 04:29:53 PM
So interested.

Quote from: JessLowell12 on May 02, 2018, 10:14:21 AM
I would happily join in on this project! It looks so awesome!

Always happy to have more interest. While the game will go ahead with anywhere from 4-6 people the more the merrier at the moment.


I am interested. I won't be able to drop a CS until Saturday. Until then, I will be brainstorming a concept.
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Strings


Quote from: TheBlackThrone on May 02, 2018, 05:03:10 PM
I am interested. I won't be able to drop a CS until Saturday. Until then, I will be brainstorming a concept.

Glad to have your interest, taking a fairly chill approach on recruitment so no rush on the CS. If you want to discuss anything feel free to drop a PM.


Nitpicking naysayers barking like beagles, through the tall grass of poisonous tongues
Slide down your throat like an antidote you can quote...



Oh! I found it!

I'm about to head to bed, (lol) so I'll read more thoroughly once I've slept. :P But definitely want to express interest. ^^
This doesn't have to end in a fight, Buck.
It always ends in a fight.
You pulled me from the river. Why?
I don't know.
"Don't dwell on those who hold you down. Instead, cherish those who helped you up."


Quote from: persephone325 on May 05, 2018, 04:39:23 AM
Oh! I found it!

I'm about to head to bed, (lol) so I'll read more thoroughly once I've slept. :P But definitely want to express interest. ^^

Always welcome, glad to have your interest.


Possible interest.  Could I bring over Ianthe Thordottir from Avengers Next with some tweaks?  Also possibly change her mother to Artemis of the Greek pantheon.


Quote from: BlackStone on May 07, 2018, 02:20:59 AM
Possible interest.  Could I bring over Ianthe Thordottir from Avengers Next with some tweaks?  Also possibly change her mother to Artemis of the Greek pantheon.

Seems good to me, would need some adapting of course and I'd like to discuss Asgard/Thor's status with anyone claiming Asgardian parents. Currently Thor's dead and Asgard is fairly ruined but things can be adjust a little. She will also probably have a sibling if that's alright, as a GM NPC.


Quote from: Sun Wukong on May 07, 2018, 04:08:37 AM
Seems good to me, would need some adapting of course and I'd like to discuss Asgard/Thor's status with anyone claiming Asgardian parents. Currently Thor's dead and Asgard is fairly ruined but things can be adjust a little. She will also probably have a sibling if that's alright, as a GM NPC.

I've been thinking of Asgardian parent claims. Just fyi. ^^ Not Thor, though. But I didn't have an idea for a Thor child. However, if there's already going to be two children of Thor then I don't mind going with my other idea. I actually like it a bit more, honestly. :-)
This doesn't have to end in a fight, Buck.
It always ends in a fight.
You pulled me from the river. Why?
I don't know.
"Don't dwell on those who hold you down. Instead, cherish those who helped you up."


Quote from: persephone325 on May 07, 2018, 04:11:48 AM
I've been thinking of Asgardian parent claims. Just fyi. ^^ Not Thor, though. But I didn't have an idea for a Thor child. However, if there's already going to be two children of Thor then I don't mind going with my other idea. I actually like it a bit more, honestly. :-)

What's the other idea?

I was thinking a Thor child GM NPC but they could well be an Odin child if multiple people want Thor parentage and can agree/discuss it all. Basically it's on the first to claim a parent to agree to someone else claiming them too and being siblings.


Quote from: Sun Wukong on May 07, 2018, 04:08:37 AM
Seems good to me, would need some adapting of course and I'd like to discuss Asgard/Thor's status with anyone claiming Asgardian parents. Currently Thor's dead and Asgard is fairly ruined but things can be adjust a little. She will also probably have a sibling if that's alright, as a GM NPC.

Your game so yes would be open to siblings.  What about the status of Olympus?  Is it in the same boat?  I was thinking perhaps if they knew the battle was getting close, they would have sent Ianthe away for her safety and thus is now on Olympus? 


Quote from: Sun Wukong on May 07, 2018, 04:15:55 AM
What's the other idea?

I was thinking a Thor child GM NPC but they could well be an Odin child if multiple people want Thor parentage and can agree/discuss it all. Basically it's on the first to claim a parent to agree to someone else claiming them too and being siblings.

The daughter of Loki and Hela. I'd want her to be on the Avengers team, so she'd probably not be in good standing with her parents? I'm not sure yet. Still working stuff out.

Unless it's not feasible. Then, I might go with the first idea as a daughter of Thor and Psylocke.
This doesn't have to end in a fight, Buck.
It always ends in a fight.
You pulled me from the river. Why?
I don't know.
"Don't dwell on those who hold you down. Instead, cherish those who helped you up."


Quote from: BlackStone on May 07, 2018, 04:17:44 AM
Your game so yes would be open to siblings.  What about the status of Olympus?  Is it in the same boat?  I was thinking perhaps if they knew the battle was getting close, they would have sent Ianthe away for her safety and thus is now on Olympus?

The Pantheon

The Shattering hit every empire and species throughout the galaxy. Places and beings thought unassailable were hurt. The Gods on New Genesis were ravaged by the darkest beasts of Apokolips pulled through a wormhole. The bi-frost was broken open to let the Frost Giants tear apart Asgard. The Greek Gods of Themyscira and Mount Olympus were assaulted by hosts of demons pulling through magical portals. The survivors of these disasters have banded together, forging a new group of Gods as separate they no longer possess a measure of their old power. Many of these Gods are currently vengeful and angry, intending to murder Thanos for his misdeeds as well as taking revenge on Apokolips, Jotunheim and the hosts of hell.

So Olympus ruined, Themyscira ruined, most of Asgard ruined. And now most Gods are working together. That's a separate NPC 'team', although since it's more like a bunch of literal Gods it's not much like a typical team. There'll need to be a reason she's working with mortals and not them, and that's probably where her siblings would be.

For now I'd say the Gods are basically making camp somewhere solitary on Earth while prepping to reclaim their realms.

QuoteThe daughter of Loki and Hela. I'd want her to be on the Avengers team, so she'd probably not be in good standing with her parents? I'm not sure yet. Still working stuff out.

Unless it's not feasible. Then, I might go with the first idea as a daughter of Thor and Psylocke.

I don't see any issues with a Loki/Hela child, although I will say I'd like to play up Hela more as the Goddess of death here rather than an Asgardian general.
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Like she was in the MCU.
If that's alright. Bit odd as sort of half-siblings but they're not related and not even the same race so it's good by me, but would likely be seriously looked down on by Thor and Odin, but at least one of them is dead anyway.

Her parents don't necessarily need to be alive, that would be up for discussion.


I...totally forgot they were kind of related... >.<

Is that going to cause problems? I mean, if you'd rather I not do it then I'm totally OK with that!
This doesn't have to end in a fight, Buck.
It always ends in a fight.
You pulled me from the river. Why?
I don't know.
"Don't dwell on those who hold you down. Instead, cherish those who helped you up."


Quote from: persephone325 on May 07, 2018, 04:40:52 AM
I...totally forgot they were kind of related... >.<

Is that going to cause problems? I mean, if you'd rather I not do it then I'm totally OK with that!

Nevermind, 616 wise Loki's Hela's father. That definitely would be an issue on a fair few levels. That being said if we retcon Hela to the goddess of death and daughter of Odin, Loki stays a Frost Giant and adopted son of Odin and we go on them living 'God' lives, so they have nothing to do with each other and Hela was around a while before Loki was then I'm good with it. But it does definitely need that retcon to work.


Quote from: Sun Wukong on May 07, 2018, 04:49:45 AM
Nevermind, 616 wise Loki's Hela's father. That definitely would be an issue on a fair few levels. That being said if we retcon Hela to the goddess of death and daughter of Odin, Loki stays a Frost Giant and adopted son of Odin and we go on them living 'God' lives, so they have nothing to do with each other and Hela was around a while before Loki was then I'm good with it. But it does definitely need that retcon to work.

I'm fine with that! So she's more like her MCU counterpart, then?
This doesn't have to end in a fight, Buck.
It always ends in a fight.
You pulled me from the river. Why?
I don't know.
"Don't dwell on those who hold you down. Instead, cherish those who helped you up."


Quote from: persephone325 on May 07, 2018, 04:51:49 AM
I'm fine with that! So she's more like her MCU counterpart, then?

More like her backstory wise, but feels a bit more like a real goddess of death rather than a warrior/old general. If that makes sense. In the MCU I would call her intimidating but to me she rarely felt like a goddess of death, almost just a goddess of pointy sticks. (A few moments where she did but not that many)


Quote from: Sun Wukong on May 07, 2018, 04:57:15 AM
More like her backstory wise, but feels a bit more like a real goddess of death rather than a warrior/old general. If that makes sense. In the MCU I would call her intimidating but to me she rarely felt like a goddess of death, almost just a goddess of pointy sticks. (A few moments where she did but not that many)

Okey-dokey! Sounds like a plan to me! ^^
This doesn't have to end in a fight, Buck.
It always ends in a fight.
You pulled me from the river. Why?
I don't know.
"Don't dwell on those who hold you down. Instead, cherish those who helped you up."


Quote from: persephone325 on May 07, 2018, 04:59:33 AM
Okey-dokey! Sounds like a plan to me! ^^

And the same thing applies for any God characters, there's got to be a reason they're not hanging out with the rest of the Gods. Being part of the Avengers means the other Gods are likely fine with it, since they really, really want Thanos dead.

Some Gods might judge another for joining the Guardians and just helping mortals rather than restoring their real pantheons.


Not that I'm trying to create an all powerful god-like character - just wanna know how many powers is too many? lol
This doesn't have to end in a fight, Buck.
It always ends in a fight.
You pulled me from the river. Why?
I don't know.
"Don't dwell on those who hold you down. Instead, cherish those who helped you up."


Quote from: persephone325 on May 07, 2018, 10:04:15 PM
Not that I'm trying to create an all powerful god-like character - just wanna know how many powers is too many? lol

Basically a feeling thing, I'm trying to judge case by case. Try and simplify them and put them under a general thing like:

Enhanced Physiology: Description of their enhanced physiology.

Magic Use: Description of their connection to magic.

Could include a small list underneath of what they have like just:

Enhanced Physiology: Description

-Superhuman Strength
-Superhuman Speed
-Superhuman Endurance

Magic needs some idea of the type and style of spells they have access to.


Hmm, I'm still deciding whether to go with either a female or male character but I am keen on having Dr. Strange and Zatanna as the claimed parents if they are still available?

At the moment, how's the male and female ratio?


Quote from: Timeless on May 08, 2018, 01:38:38 PM
Hmm, I'm still deciding whether to go with either a female or male character but I am keen on having Dr. Strange and Zatanna as the claimed parents if they are still available?

At the moment, how's the male and female ratio?

Ratio wise I know of at least 4-5 females and one male. So heavily female leaning. Fair few interested but undecided.

No claims as of yet to either Strange or Zatanna, although I will say magic users need to be pretty well defined. No 'Can access any spell they need for any task' style power descriptions.


Quote from: Sun Wukong on May 08, 2018, 01:47:12 PM
Ratio wise I know of at least 4-5 females and one male. So heavily female leaning. Fair few interested but undecided.

No claims as of yet to either Strange or Zatanna, although I will say magic users need to be pretty well defined. No 'Can access any spell they need for any task' style power descriptions.

No worries - I figured as much, and really, I would make certain the character's magic usage would be defined in what they could do. Mhmm, but I'll see about a male character then.


Quote from: Timeless on May 08, 2018, 01:56:07 PM
No worries - I figured as much, and really, I would make certain the character's magic usage would be defined in what they could do. Mhmm, but I'll see about a male character then.

Sounds good, let me know if you want any help brainstorming.

In general, going for everyone, if you're ever not sure about part of the world or your character then just PM me and I can try to clarify and help you out.


Question; was wondering if having my character have some form of control over life and death (like her mother, Hela) would be too powerful? I've been trying to find a way to tone it down so it doesn't seem so powerful, but I'm drawing a blank.

If you'd rather I'd not use that power all together, then that's fine. I don't think it would hurt my character sheet any. ^^
This doesn't have to end in a fight, Buck.
It always ends in a fight.
You pulled me from the river. Why?
I don't know.
"Don't dwell on those who hold you down. Instead, cherish those who helped you up."


I can come up with an OC male character.  Former USMC officer, now has darkforce manipulation which makes him few pretty good had ass.  Might be a better fit than me writing a female role.  They all come out as do.imaging nymphos to my liking.


Quote from: persephone325 on May 09, 2018, 12:27:41 AM
Question; was wondering if having my character have some form of control over life and death (like her mother, Hela) would be too powerful? I've been trying to find a way to tone it down so it doesn't seem so powerful, but I'm drawing a blank.

If you'd rather I'd not use that power all together, then that's fine. I don't think it would hurt my character sheet any. ^^

Put everything you want to be on the CS on it and if it feels over the top or like it'll be problematic then we can adapt it. It really depends on the nature of control over life and death. Absolute control over all life and death would be way too much but some capacity for temporary resurrection, or resurrection into life as an 'undead' like raising zombies/skeletons could be doable.

Quote from: BlackStone on May 09, 2018, 03:07:35 AM
I can come up with an OC male character.  Former USMC officer, now has darkforce manipulation which makes him few pretty good had ass.  Might be a better fit than me writing a female role.  They all come out as do.imaging nymphos to my liking.

There are quite a few Darkforce related characters, maybe use one of them in the parentage? I generally want characters to have a parentage on at least one side. But yeah that might fit better if you're more confident writing a male here. I'm trying to avoid nympho characters.



“If all we have is this imagined empty canvas of endless possibility...this potential heaven...then let it be our haven. A place of marriage between two souls desperate to feel something beyond the cruel tedium of real life. If we truly be the masters who dream these dreams then let our innermost desires fuel the adventures we create and the love that we make here, let it all unfold endlessly or for only a brief moment in time but for as long as it breathes let it devour and I will forgive your boldness if you will be so good as to forgive me mine...” ~ Chantarelle


Have to say, this has caught my interest.  I'll have to think about what sort of character I would like to play, however.


I appreciate the interest so far but I'm going to be putting this idea on hold. A combination of my personal life not being as stable as I believed it to be and a lack of interest transferring into character sheets.

Thanks again to everyone interested so far, and I may well re-open this concept in future. It's something I'm really interested in but it's a lot of work and I think I'm going to look to running something smaller.


Ah, well, such is life.  Good luck with everything, mate, and have a good day as well ^^


Apologies for the timing, it wasn't you. I just wanted to say before anyone else spent time on CS's and concepts.

Sorry to everyone who did put time into a character sheet, and thank you.