Adventures of a Space Pirate (Revamped) - (Always looking...Please read)

Started by Wykyd, March 03, 2011, 03:00:53 AM

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**I am always seeking other players for this game. If you have a character that you think might fit into the story line or can be easily inserted, please PM me with your idea. Even if you have one you think might intrigue me...send it my way.  I love hearing others thoughts and seeing what they can come up with. Don't be shy...I don't bite, much.   The only thing I ask is that you take a moment to peruse through the IC thread before submitting. It helps to have an idea what's going on in the story.**

Ok...trying again with a revamped (and far shorter) version. There is now, somewhat, of a plot line forming.

A mercencary (who's a pretty bad guy) hires The Moon Witch to assist him in the capture of an all around nasty little bugger who has been going around murdering colonists on newly seeded worlds. He's (or she's) a thief with no honor and no loyalty, save the almighty dollar, who has pissed off pretty much every scumbag and politician in the known galaxy and Blaze is happy to assist in this guys demise...or capture, whichever comes first. Sadly, good intelligence is so hard to come by...and, well, this guy isn't exactly the brains behind the business - so to speak. There are much more nefarious characters pulling the strings...and they aren't exactly pleased that Blaze and Co. have been heatedly pursuing their golden boy (or girl). This leads to some majorly sticky battle situations to try and dissuade The Moon Witch. Unfortunately, Blaze is a bit...well, stubborn. Let's just say...More agressive tactics will be necessary to stop them.

*NOTE* - I have put in the basics of what I want for each character...but these are negotiable and I won't interfere with how you want to play it or how they look...for the most part. Plots will be discussed if enough people show interest. Thanks for looking!


Blaze Kincaid.(Me) Captain of The Moon Witch. Cynical, angry, cold. Good with a weapon, good with her hands. Has feelings for the Engineer, but won’t allow him close. Tender feelings are the enemy and though she may feel them, she rarely acknowledges them. Is drawn to Doc in ways that terrify her. Doc is her equal in many ways and this presents a conundrum of feelings that she refuses to feel. Has never allowed any of her lovers to spend the night in her quarters; encounters happen in their rooms or somewhere else…and she rarely spends the night. Cares deeply for her crew, but hides it well. Usually quiet, to the point, calculating. Always planning their next move. Hates to be alone in the dark. Rarely sleeps deeply for more than short periods due to nightmares. Has a weakness for animals. Currently allows in residence on board the ship one cat, one genetically altered dog, and a smart ass Cockatoo with an attitude. She pretends to ignore their presence but pets, and sometimes talks to, the cat when she has late night pilot duty and they are alone on the bridge. Has even been seen passing the dog scraps under the table. Regularly has screaming arguments with the cockatoo.

Engineer. (TAKEN) Friends with benefits…minus the friends.  Genius with anything mechanical or electronic.  If it has wires or gizmos, he can work magic on it. Believes he Loves Blaze but knows it’s a futile road to travel. Fiercely loyal to her. He will never leave her side regardless. Sex is a regular thing between them, but it’s never anything more than physical (at least on her part)…except for the one time – and Blaze swore that if it ever came up again…the benefits would end and he’d be lucky to leave with his life. Grew up on wreckers and scavenge vessels. Orphaned when he was 10 and his uncle took him in. Met Blaze several years after she’d joined the pirates. Tensions run thick between he and Doc.

Navigator.(TAKEN) Female. Young (between 18 and 25)! Idolizes Blaze because the woman rescued her from a slaving vessel bound for a brothel planet. Has been on the Moon Witch for 3 years. Blaze is in the process of teaching her everything she knows and continues to be her mentor and teacher. Wide eyed, smart, the heart of the crew. Innocent, gullible, naïve. Not the best shot with a firearm, infallible assassin with a blade. Having an affair with the Gunner.

Doc. (TAKEN) Also in love (or perhaps it’s something far darker and more sinister, though feelings run as deeply as passions, and the true nature of those feelings may still be a mystery.) with Blaze, but will never admit it. Strong, silent type. Seen action in the outer rim wars. Background is hazy and vague. Not many details exist. Files were wiped clean after his term of service. Doesn’t talk about his past or his time in the war. What is suspected is that he was involved in some shady gov. black ops. Well trained as a doctor, but he has skills that indicate high level military training. Charming but dark. Has a way with most females. Has a naturally seductive personality. Huge sexual tension between Doc and Blaze. He and Blaze have shared carnal knowledge of each other on a handful of occasions, each beginning and ending with a fight.  It’s always heated, angry, rough, mean…but never intentionally violent, passionate and even sometimes cruel with words but they can’t help themselves. There is definitely a carnal attraction – animalistic in nature – between them. Doc is medical officer, supply clerk, chef, head cook and bottle washer…so to speak. Blaze is drawn to him in ways that scare the hell out of her…the anger is a defense mechanism on her part.

Bowen. (TAKEN) First Mate and Pilot of the Moon Witch. Huge, black, behemoth of a man from Alderra – the prison planet.  He saved life…she bought him a pardon. He is loyal to her and thinks of her more as a daughter.  A hideous, wide scar runs from his left temple through his left eye, down the side of his nose and splits his upper and lower lip before curling down his chin and ending at the hollow of his throat.  He is her protector. He doesn’t speak much and he is quick to action when needed.

Gunner. (TAKEN) Cheeky, red little bastard with a mean streak a mile long if you cross him.  A shock of bright white hair adorns his head and his grey eyes glow strangely.  He’s a wise cracking jack ass with a twisted sense of humor. His people come from a planet in the Hun-Ghar galaxy not affiliated with the Planetary Coalition. His father was an Ambassador to Ben’ Asai – a tid bit not known by the crew of the Moon Witch. He and Blaze served on the same mining vessel, which is how everyone assumes their association began. He’s been running with Blaze longer than any of them and can shoot a KaK charge out of mid-space from 500 yards. He knows more of Blaze’s secrets than anyone.  They’ve never been lovers, but he has been privy to more of her intimate moments than anyone still living. He is the only being that has ever seen her cry. She tells him things she’d never tell another living soul. He has the inside scoop on her true feelings about most everything…including people. He knows most of her secrets…and those he doesn’t, he’s fairly certain he does. And he has never once betrayed her trust…and would die before doing so.  He is the only being alive that knows the truth about Blaze Kincaid, where she comes from and how she ended up here. Blaze knows just as much about him. He has a thing for the navigator.

Mercenary - (TAKEN)

***NOTE*** Other characters will be needed and can be added as seen fit. This is just a list of the crew of The Moon Witch. There is opportunity for rival captains, employers, bounty hunters, etc. If you have an idea for a character or a plot line please, by all means, drop me a line. Thanks.

A brief list of other possibles:
The nasty bad guy henchman dude (TAKEN)

The Man Behind the wack job (the bad guys boss) - (TAKEN).






I am filled with recollections of lives I have not lived.



Quote from: PeacethatPowerbrings on March 08, 2011, 11:55:45 PM
I'd be interested in the Engineer character.

If you want it, it's yours! I'll make the edits in the morning!

Laughing Hyena


Laughing Hyena - I PM'd you hun.

Ok, so there are three roles left to fill!

The nasty bad guy
and the bad guy's boss.

If you want to play one of these, please let me know. In the meantime, Everyone who requested a roll, could you please get me a character sheet by PM as soon as you can? Thanks. I think we can start without those last three rolls filled to begin with (NPC or something), as soon as I have CS's. Thanks!


I'd like the role of Bowen, but if you see fit I can take the roll of "The Nasty Bad Guy."
Like Dead Or Alive?  Hate Dead or Alive?  Just want to beat on something's head until you hit tonsils?  JOIN US AT, DEAD FANTASY!


Whichever one you want to play! Neither one is taken yet, so your call. Just let me know and PM me with a CS and description! Thanks.


Current roleplay status:  Looking for new stories.

"Weep," said Athos, "Weep, heart full of love, youth and life! Alas, I would I could weep like you!"


Yeah! I'm just waiting for a couple of CS's and  couple of answers from interested parties.


I've managed to get an OOC thread up. It is located here:

There are still a couple of characters open, and I'm always open to discussing the addition of more, so if anyone is interested in any that are left or have another idea, please PM me.


@Dependent - PM'd you dear...

and to all, this will be a freeform game.


Ok, the roles of Bowen and the Bad Guy are now filled. Would still like to find a boss guy, but will NPC for the time being.


First post is finally up.

This is by no means a closed game! If you are still interested in joining the story and have an idea for a character, shoot me a PM. I'm happy to welcome more characters into the mix if they fit with the story.


The part of the Navigator has become available again. If anyone (A female please) is interested in this roll, please PM me with a character sheet and Picture. Thanks!

Race/Ethnic Background/Nationality:
Weight/Body Build:





Nervous Habits:

Distinguishing Marks:


Mental health:


The role of the navigator has been filled. This does not, however, preclude the addition of other characters! If you have an idea for a character that might fit in with the story...please send me a PM. I'm happy to hear anyone's ideas.


Would a misfit bio-engineered freaky girl have room ? I love pirate things but was wondering if one that looked like this

.. with overt male genitals be accepted :)



We are currently in need of a Big Bad Boss Guy. This is the guy in charge of the psycho. The premise is this...the big bad boss guy has sent his cronie out to wreak havoc across the galaxy for his own nefarious purposes (of which the cronie is not priveledged to know as he is merely a distraction for the real goal)...Daden, the mercenary, has hired the Witch and her crew to assist him in capturing this psycho who is going around causing mayhem and murdering people. The big bad boss guy does not want us to stop his pet lunatic and so throws many different things in our path to try and stop us. Now...whoever takes on the role of the BBBG will get too decide what those things are.

In other words, whoever takes on the character will have control over what big nasties the Witch and her crew will have to deal with. I want it to be a surprise to the players what is coming their way, and this seems to be a good way to do it. I would like the scenarios to be within the scope of believability and not so over the top that there is no escaping, but they need to be action packed and bad ass.

SO...if you are interested in being the BBBG, or you have any questions, please PM me with your CS and idea. Thank you!

**I am always seeking other players for this game. If you have a character that you think might fit into the story line or can be easily inserted, please PM me with your idea. Even if you have one you think might intrigue me...send it my way.  I love hearing others thoughts and seeing what they can come up with. Don't be shy...I don't bite, much. ;)  The only thing I ask is that you take a moment to peruse through the IC thread before submitting. It helps to have an idea what's going on in the story.**



Ok...the role of the BBBG has been filled. Thanks for your interest.

Wykyd seems that RL has once again conspired to ruin our fun. The Moon Witch is now actively seeking the position of Gunner. Please look over the charcter description. If you are interested and think you might want to play this character, please PM me. Thank you!