The Sorceress and the mind reader ( mxf)

Started by seeker619, October 21, 2014, 01:06:57 AM

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Manteca was a sorceress well over two centuries old and yet her looks sent every man running the other way as she was outspoken in her dislike of humans when she stood before you she would use either magic or incredible charm in settling people down and making them feel comfortable.  Her goal was to have people open up to her as once they did she knew exactly what they would be able to provide for her..  In spite of her claim to have no problems stopping the heart of any who annoy her the sheer beauty that floated from her flesh to the  eye made everyone forget if just briefly just who she was and what she was capable of.

She had been the only being with magical powers for at least a hundred years.  That was until the birth of Lincoln Stone(my char)

He gets along well enough grwoing up but then people did not know of his magic and his feelings of isolation stemmed from the fact that he heard all of their deepest thoughts and it was hard to control what he let it and what he woulld let out when talking to others.

When he meets the sorceress she picks up on his magic but not the full range of his magic, nor the strength of it.  She charms him as everyone else and although he was warned about her he felt he could take care of himself.  Plus, he reasoned, she would not hurt him as he was the only one who would come close to understanding her.  What he fails to realize is that is why she wants to kill him.  His magic not only protects him but it speaks to him.

He is aware of her in his room at night mixing in with the shadows as he also knew she was trying to manipulate his thinking and to test the limits of what he could and could not do.  He also knows she is unaware he has any idea of what she is up to.

Times pass when he gets pieces of her psyche that lead him to believe she would protect him at all costs and that is why she is always so close at hand.  Other times he hears her thinking about how she could drain him of his life force and magic which would sustain her youth and power.

My char. is about to get married to his childhood sweetheart and he knew she had an accident that the witch was responsible for.  She feared that his wife would have undo influence on him and it would take away from the sway she held over him.

His wife survived and was now healing but he had felt it time to dispose of the sorceress.  In spite of the good he felt was in her she was simply to volitile and too selfish to be a positive member of the township. 

Before he kills her however he is given word by faire that says he must keep her alive as her strength and power will be needed in the future and therefore he will have to somehow neutralize her until that time in the future she would be needed.

Your char would be mostly the witch but also my wife.  This can go many ways so any input would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks