Smut Search (M for F)

Started by ManBearCow, February 18, 2015, 06:44:40 PM

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Hello there! ManBearCow here, or MBC for short. Long time adventurer of the RP realm, first time poster on Elliquiy. Currently I'm in the desperate mood for a smut heavy World of Warcraft based RP. I prefer PMs and IMs as a medium. PMs > IMs though. Can be one shot, or made into a bit of an adventure for us.

So what I'm looking for is pretty simple. They could be adventurers together, or maybe just a passing in a tavern. Could be a one shot, or a long term. Nothing really specific in the idea department. Though I would love to come up with something if you don't have anything particular in mind.

My craving comes more for the races than the world itself. I would like to find someone playing one (or more because I wont stop you from playing more) of the following: Troll, Blood or Night Elf, Draenei, Orc, and a strange part of me wouldn't mind a Goblin. Though if you want to make variants like Ysera or Alexstraza with aspects of other creatures, I wont stop the creativity.

The races I like playing are: Troll, Tauren, Orc, Worgen, and Human. The only way I'll double is if you do so. Though as a fair warning, I am terrible at doubling. But it wouldn't be fair for you to do it and me not.

I try to average two paragraphs, and when I say try I really do. But I can only put out for what I'm given. Don't give me one paragraph and expect two back, and don't give me five and hope I can match it. I see it as anything beyond three is just to much. I'm here to enjoy myself, not write a final for my PhD.

I look forward to hearing back from you all!

Update 7/30/14

While I would so love a WoW based RP, it's not the only thing I'll do. Though I am looking for purely smut based RPs. I have many other interests.
Mother/daughter's bf
MILF neighbor/teen next door
Pokemon (probably the only thing I'll do involving bestiality with you playing the trainer)

Things like that that I cant think of at the moment. Though I am looking for very forward women, borderline slut.

Update 8/3/14


I didn't think I'd need this section, since it actually takes work to join this site. But it seems not everyone is on the same page.

1) Please read this page.
2) Do not ask me for something on my Offs list
3) Do not abandon me without warning. I don't care if you have to lie about your reason for ending our RP. Just tell me something
4) Be respectful

Update 8/6/14

Other Ideas


So I've had this incest idea in my head for a while and I've been wanting to play it out. I'd attempted it a few times and it never really go far. I would really love to play past the first romp and see just how things end up, at least once. Doesn't have to be long-term, just long enough. Anyway, here's the idea:

We'd play a pair of siblings, either a year apart or even twins if you want. They're still young, just finished high school or so (depending on what we go with). It's summer break and mom and pops are out of town for a month or so. Well their friends decide to play a prank on our dear siblings. She's told of a place where she'd be able to see the biggest cock of her life. Well he's told of a place where he'd get the best blowjob of his life. After a bit of prodding from their friends, they agree to go, unaware that the other will be there.

They're directed to this building out in the middle of nowhere and show up on opposite sides. When he walks in, he's welcomed with a wall with a hole in it at waist height. And when she enters there's a door to a room. When she enters the room, she's welcomed with the glory hole and her brother's cock, though she has no idea. She's drawn to it and starts playing with it. She gets so turned on that she starts playing with herself. She even tries to get him to fuck her through the hole, but the angle doesn't allow it so she calls him to come around. When he enters, they realize just who was on the other side.

Driven by lust, they do the do. Afterwords, they agree never to speak of it again. Only their home alone and they both want more. It was the best sex they'd ever had. So they start doing things around the house. Walking around in little to no clothing, showering with the door open, playing with themselves loudly, teasing, making suggestive notions. All to get the other to snap.


We would play a couple of roommates. They've lived together for a while. They've both got a thing for one another, but neither has made a move. But they tease one another, flirt, and taunt each other. They wonder the apartment in little clothing most of the time as well for added effect.

Update 8/10/14


You'd play a lonely mother, or step mother. Either her husband works out of town all of the time (for the step mother mostly. But can work either way), or left her long ago. Her son has grown into a handsome young man. She's watched him grow, and seen him with his girlfriends. She's heard them in his room. But those girls no nothing about how to make him feel like a real man. She finds herself getting jealous, wanting her son. One night she's walking by his room and catches him sneaking out of his window. She surprises him and the window falls on his stomach, jamming in place and locking him there. She decides to punish him with a bit of teasing. She's finally got him to herself. Though when she gets his pants off, she finds just why those girls were screaming more than moaning. He's far larger than his father, and any other man she'd ever been with. But she cant go back now, she doesn't want to.

MILF Next Door:

You'd play the beautiful, sexy, neighbor that everyone wants. And I do mean everyone. She knows everyone wants her too, that's the kicker. She goes around town in such revealing outfits, teasing everyone. She uses her looks to get what she wants. She even gets the neighbor boy to do all of her yard and house work for free. She knows he looks at her, even though he has his little girlfriend. She loves it, gets off on everyone looking at her. Especially the younger guys. But she's not that old, early to mid thirties. She's just never wanted a man. Why take one man when you can have the whole town trying to tempt you with gifts right?

Well our lovely temptress lounges about in almost nothing every time her young worker is over doing things for her, to tease him even more. She's been wanting something young for a while now. So why not him right? He's handsome, attractive, and she's heard that girlfriend of his screaming next door when his parents weren't home, so he's gotta be good in bed. So when he finishes all of her work, she invites him inside for a drink to cool off. She tease him more, touching him and rubbing against him when she talks to him, trying to entice him. She'll bend over in front of him and wiggle her hips, anything she can do to make him jump her. Only when he does, she's in for a very big surprise.

Update 8/19/14

Current Cravings

Below will be my cravings above all else listed before:

Superhero themed
MILF/younger guy
My Brother/sister idea

And of course any of these can be combined with one another.


