DnD 3.5 Forgotten Realms E6 Rules: Slave War of Thay GM/Player Interest

Started by RubySlippers, February 27, 2013, 05:41:38 PM

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My idea is for a DnD 3.5 E6 rules game set at the onset of the Spellplague era the Thay Red Wizards lose much of their power as do the clergy as magic is in flux and the slaves led by focused leaders and with outside help begin a war of liberation against their masters.

I figure it would be fun kind of like Spartacus: Blood & Sand but with well a fantasy setting and with magic unreliable if there at all. Be good for the classic fighters, rogues and others plus clerics plus there might be room for the odd Expert focusing on technology. Wizards and those who use arcane magic likely won't have access to it.

I figure blood, sex and the whole shebang in the game as the slaves have a large segment rebel. Would be kind of fun and come on the Thayans have it coming. As far as I can tell only Szazz Tam was able to maintain some power and that was due to him being a lich with access to very potent magical artifacts and he has issues.

If anyone cares to run it or play it but I think this could be fun.


Oh man would I be interested.
Just a few questions, let's say you were DMing. How would you handle magic users being played? my guess would be some sort of wild magic variant that doesn't always work and has the possibility of backfire.
But yeah, count me +1 other as very interested.


I was thinking about GMing if I could find another GM, this would be the slave side though.

As of now magic is up in the air likely items will work if they survived the initial wave of Spellplague but actual casting spells would likely not work unless a cleric the gods can still grant magic so I might allow wizards if they meet the one step rule and tie to a kind of magic to use arcane spells. With a feat Divine Channel noting many dieities will support the cause by their nature. But your the slave army arcane magic would be hard to come by in the group if you were Thayan would you allow a slave to live who is a sorceror save to experiment on if your lucky to live?

I will allow magic just will be very muted until the fabric of magic returns to somewhat a normal state.


Starts thinking about a former apothecary apprentice turned slave gladiator (dex based) with a thing for poisons.
