You Have Seven Days To Save The World [Recruitment Closed][Freeform]

Started by Moon Hound Hati, June 30, 2013, 05:54:18 PM

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Moon Hound Hati

The World Will End In Seven Days

You Have One Chance To Save It...

It seemed too good to be true; a vaccine to end all the major viral diseases at once, easily dispursed via air, benefitting not only mankind, but all life on earth. It seemed too good to be true... and it was. Too late scientists discovered the horrifying side effects of the miracle vaccine. It began to deteriorate the cells of all living things, causing them to decay and eventually die. The bleakest part about the whole matter? According to the calculations done     which had been checked hundreds of times by thousands of experts around the globe     all life on earth will have died within the next seven days.

This is the story of those seven days. A story about human society falling into a state of desperation and chaos, as hopelessness reigns supreme. A story where one scientist refuses to give up and seeks to find a cure within those seven days. A story about the people who stand with them, most complete strangers of all walks of life, who try to help in any way they can, clinging to that tiny slither of hope together.

It's my first go at setting up a group game of my own. Now, I'm just checking interest at this point, but here are some things I am looking for:

  • A small group of dedicated players. Preferably somewhere between four and eight, but I/we can come up with some things if there's a lot of interest, to expand the amount of roles in the story.
  • Ideally at least two to three paragraphs on average per post from each participants.
  • Story is the main focus here, but that doesn't mean we can't through in a smut scene here or there if certain characters grow close during the desperate seven days. However, the main goal is still to save the world, so let's not get carried too far away. Heh heh.
  • Roles for the characters can go many ways. There could be, for instance, one that's able to assist the scientist in their lab work, while others might be better off going out to collect whatever the scientist needs to advance his work. I want some diversity. When the world has fallen into a state of chaos you'll find people of the strangest and most diverse walks of life banding together. In other words, I don't want this to become a game where all the characters are highly trained soldiers or something in the like. The college grad student; the minimum wage store clerk; the hobo on the street corner; the former wallstreet hotshot stock broker; the housewife and mother; the rookie cop. These are the kinds of people I'm looking for.

I want this to be a game that puts a heavy focus on moral choices. How much are you willing to sacrifice to save not only yourself but the world?

It will mainly be set in an urban environment. Perhaps a city like New York. With such a densely populated place thrown into a state of anarchy and despair, the characters will be facing quite a few difficult challenges. The first day of the game will be mostly spent having the characters crossing paths with the scientist and ending up being rallied for the cause. I choose seven days so that we have a clear goal to work towards. A climax, if you will.

The scientist is slated for an NPC role played by myself as of now, but should someone want the role, they are free to pick it up.

About the cell destroying vaccine:

  • The entire world is infected. Not a single person is immune and will die within the seven days.
  • As the vaccine was spread via the air, and thus inhaled, the first symptoms characters will experience will start either in the lungs, the bloodvessels, or the brain. Headaches, breathing problems, anaemia, etc.
  • Not everyone will die exactly at the end of the seven days. It differs per individual, but everyone will eventually die sometime within the seven days.
  • In the game we will see a gradual process, meaning our characters will grow weaker with each day. What might start out as a slight headache on day one might have become an almost paralyzing fever that threatens to shut down the brain by the end of day six. It's a gradual process in which the characters become more and more aware of their impending doom, and thus more desperate.
  • This also opens up options for players to "bail out" early, should they so desire. If we are on day four and someone decides they need to drop out for some reason or another, their character can easily be written out.

About Day 1 and goals:

  • The first day, for now, has been planned to have all player characters encounter the scientist and end up agreeing to help them out with their attempt to find a way to counter the cell destroying vaccine.
  • The scientist will occupy a now abandoned lab located within a medical research vacility at the edge of downtown New York. It will function as the central hub and base of the characters.
  • With not only the city but the world in a state of disarray, many facilities such as electricity and water will quickly run out or be shut down, forcing the characters to start scavanging for items such as portable power generators, and fuel for said generators, to keep the lab up and running.
  • Naturally, there are many other goals the characters will have to accomplish and dangers to be faced, but those will remain hidden for now. ;)

Character Sheet

[b]Date of Birth:[/b]
[b]Place of Residence:[/b]

[b]Appearance:[/b] [Can be either a picture, a written description, or both.]

[b]Body Build:[/b]

[b]Personality:[/b] [A general discription]
[b]Postive Personality Traits:[/b]
[b]Negative Personality Traits:[/b]
[b]Motivations:[/b] [What drives your character in life]
[b]Outlook:[/b] [How do they view their life or life in general. For example: are they a pesimist, an optimist, or something somewhere in-between?]


[b]Likes:[/b] [Can be anything. From their favorite food(s) or television program(s), to what sort of traits they appreciate in other people. Whatever you can think of.]
[b]Dislikes:[/b] [Opposite of Likes, naturally.]

[b]History:[/b] [Their life up until the seven days before the end]

[b]Equipment:[/b] [What the character carries with them at the start of the seven days. Keep it realistic.]

[b]Theme Song(s):[/b] [Optional]


The Electrician: Moon Hound Hati
The Scientist: Countdown0
The Soldier: Strifesblaze7

The Student: xSnorkleRainbow
The Art/Music Student: Reia
The Ecologist: Lemon Lime
The Dancer: Julles

In any case, let me know what you think. Any suggestions and comments are welcome! I'll put up some kind of character sheet if there's some actual interest.
Lingerie is like wrapping paper for the best present in the world     the female body.


I am extremely interested in taking part in this! Very interesting idea; I love it. Will definitely be looking out for more info and stuff. Amazing idea and thank you for putting this out.

Quick Question, how often are you looking for people to post? I would say I'm very active, but I don't always reply as quick as I should. (Unless the game really, really gets my muse going.) Of course I'd be fully committed to this and would post as often as possible, but I just thought I'd ask ahead of time to have something to aim towards and such.

- Rainbow ♥

Moon Hound Hati

Firstly, thank you for the interest!

I've been working quite a few extra hours lately, so I can understand that some people might not be able to post as often or fast as others, but ideally I'd ask for at least once per two or three days. I can be a bit more lenient if there's a sudden situation, or something in the like, that came up in your real life, delaying your next post a bit, but I'd rather not have that happen too often. I've seen group games die because the intervals between posts got too large, killing interest among players.
Lingerie is like wrapping paper for the best present in the world     the female body.


Quote from: Moon Hound Hati on June 30, 2013, 06:16:37 PM
Firstly, thank you for the interest!

I've been working quite a few extra hours lately, so I can understand that some people might not be able to post as often or fast as others, but ideally I'd ask for at least once per two or three days. I can be a bit more lenient if there's a sudden situation, or something in the like, that came up in your real life, delaying your next post a bit, but I'd rather not have that happen too often. I've seen group games die because the intervals between posts got too large, killing interest among players.

Not a problem at all (:

And thank you for your answer. I think I can do that just fine so I will keep an eye here. I hope you get some more interest soon!

- Rainbow ♥

Moon Hound Hati

I hope so too.

I added a little more info about how the cell destroying vaccine will work in the game. More info will be added as I flesh out ideas. However, I'm always open to suggestions on what else could be added. :)
Lingerie is like wrapping paper for the best present in the world     the female body.


Hey there. If you are willing to let me, I have a character concept for the role of the scientist, and I would love to try the role. The idea is a little complicated, but basically he is a MD and a Biochemist with a specialization in research and development of drugs. He would have lost his rights to practice medicine for 'malpractice', and all of the other player characters could quite possibly think he is completely nuts in his methodology on how he wants to 'cure' the vaccine, but might not think they have any other chance.
My posting rate is SLOOOW at the moment... sorry about that :(

On's + Off's                             
RP Search Thread

Moon Hound Hati

Yes, you are more than welcome to. I'll post up a character sheet example in a bit for you to fill in then. You can then either post it here or send it to me in a PM.
Lingerie is like wrapping paper for the best present in the world     the female body.


My posting rate is SLOOOW at the moment... sorry about that :(

On's + Off's                             
RP Search Thread


How does the virus effect everyone? Does it differ for different people or does it start as a headache (like you mentioned above) and develop from there? Just looking for a breakdown really. If you were thinking of doing this sometime then please just ignore my question and I'll be patient (:

- Rainbow ♥


I'm no expert, but I think that, in a healthy human, the first problem would be the death of blood vessels and nerve systems, assuming that the vaccine does in fact destroy living cells. The nervous system is like a system of very small, fine roots, and the same is true of the blood vessels that transfer blood from our arteries and then back into our veins. Since thee things are so small, they would be effected quickly.

People with other physical problems could quickly experience other symptoms too. If you had a concussion, or multiple concussions, your brain would probably suffer a great deal of damage quickly, since it is already in a semi-permanently weakened state.

Then, since I'm assuming that the vaccine is actually an inhalant, your lungs would probably suffer a lot as well, and quickly.

All that said though, the vaccine is of Moon's design, so he could have it start completely differently, in which case I will look much to fool. Fortunately, I'm okay with that, because fools at least get people to laugh :D
My posting rate is SLOOOW at the moment... sorry about that :(

On's + Off's                             
RP Search Thread

Moon Hound Hati

It differs from person to person, but it will always start off with light symptoms such as headaches (unless they are already suffering from a chronic disease or affliction of the non-viral kind), nausea, breathing problems and other things related either to the brain, the lungs, or the bloodvessels, as Countdown0 mentioned.  I'll (mostly) leave it up to the players how they want to start off and how they want it to progress, but things will get worse as the days pass. Perhaps I'll open up a discussion about it in the OOC once we get started and compile a list of possible symptoms characters can suffer from.

And a character sheet template has been added. Feel free to add tidbits if you've come up with something I oversaw or might not have thought of.
Lingerie is like wrapping paper for the best present in the world     the female body.


Thank you both for the answer. Just wanted to check really (:

- Rainbow ♥


Is there a specific city in which our characters should all be? I'd imagine that with only 7 days to try and save themselves and everyone else, they don't really have the luxury of calling their bet friends from the home country to fly over and help out :P
My posting rate is SLOOOW at the moment... sorry about that :(

On's + Off's                             
RP Search Thread

Moon Hound Hati

Yeah, I think we should set it up in New York. It seems to be a popular "end of the world" setting as of the last few years in movies and such. :P
Lingerie is like wrapping paper for the best present in the world     the female body.


My posting rate is SLOOOW at the moment... sorry about that :(

On's + Off's                             
RP Search Thread


New York sounds good to me. I'm trying to come up with a character as we speak (though it's not going too well at the moment, haha.)

EDIT: Got an idea for my character now. No problems here!

- Rainbow ♥


Is there a point where nobody cares


There should be openings I think. Moon says he wants 4 to 8 players, and so far (unless Moon counts himself as a player) only Rainbow and I have begun making characters... as far as I'm aware at least.
My posting rate is SLOOOW at the moment... sorry about that :(

On's + Off's                             
RP Search Thread


ill see if I can come up with anything good. Can our characters be like Army or something?
Is there a point where nobody cares


Quote from: Strifesblaze7 on July 01, 2013, 02:00:27 PM
ill see if I can come up with anything good. Can our characters be like Army or something?

I think that's alright as long as every character isn't a solider or whatnot. (:

- Rainbow ♥


Is there a point where nobody cares

Moon Hound Hati

As Rainbow says, I'll allow it as long as they don't get too numerous. So right now I'll have one "army" slot for the game. It's reserved for you unless you decide otherwise, Strife.
Lingerie is like wrapping paper for the best present in the world     the female body.


Is there a point where nobody cares


I've given Moon a look at my character sheet to see if she looks alright so far. Still have to complete her History, but everything else is done and dusty so far.

- Rainbow ♥

Moon Hound Hati

I'll.respond to pm'd character sheets after I'm back from work. Will also add a tid bit here and there to the sheet template and general info.
Lingerie is like wrapping paper for the best present in the world     the female body.