Fandom Cravings [Grimm, Spartacus, Pacific Rim][Looking for M characters]

Started by Cynadea, February 13, 2015, 09:59:22 AM

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I've been watching the two shows recently, enough for me to want to write in their world. These characters/stories can be played either in a 1x1 game or in my game Fandomverse if we'd like to use multiple threads. For my O&O, you can look here. These games are mostly AU (Alternate Universe) meaning that while we play in that world created by someone else, we don't necessarily follow the plot of the series or even play the canon of the series.

Please contact me through PM.

RP preferences
  • Minimum Post Length of 2-3 paragraphs, detailed, proofread.
  • One post a week minimum (deal breaker)
  • If some of these idea seem smut-heavy, I *need* story. Endless smut bore me.
  • Player Gender, I don't care. As long as you play the male character well
  • Communicate if something goes wrong or bothers you
  • No godmodding (I'm a very territorial)
  • No closing a post (zipping so fast through a scene that my character's actions are meaningless)
  • No vulgar or strange sexual vocabulary (sword, cucumber, titmeat...)

    Another Grimm In Town
    Looking for Nick Burkhardt

    Fandom: Grimm
    Pairing: Nick Burkhardt x OC Grimm
    Note: Warning, spoilers in the first paragraph below
    Nick really liked having a second Grimm in town, but she's gone. Also, it's been six months since he's discovered Juliette's horrible secret and lies, and though he tried to move past it, their relationship is over and she's moved out. He's alone, single, and all work since he has an empty house full of memories to return to. All that changed when a young woman about his age crashed at the spice shop, poisoned.

    It was a fairly basic thing to deal with, but when the young woman wakes up, Munroe and Rosalie are spooked: She's a grimm. Nick was called the moment the poisoned woman arrived in the spice shop, but he gets to the shop only now. She shares who she is: A grimm, fully trained, of the only line of grimm who has remained loyal to the Royals. Upfront, she says she's not loyal to them and that she's aligned with the resistance and it's true. She's a lot more like Nick, a wesen-friendly Grimm that takes care of those that go rogue or homicidal, and right now, she's hunting a rabid blutbad who has developed a taste for human flesh...

    Basically, I'd like Nick and the OC to work this case together, and as they do sexual tension arises and eventually feelings too (or feelings first, sexual tension after).

    Dominus & Domina
    Let's get our own Ludus started...

    Fandom: Spartacus
    Pairing: Humans OC only
    Note: Must be willing to play more than 1 character
    Completely AU, this Ludus would be small in the beginning, but grow through the story. I would need a partner that is able to play both dominant and submissive, as I'd like to play both with the Dominus, the guards and the gladiators. I am also willing to play the Domina, and to play female slaves as we need them. I would like the Domina to have just recently married, a marriage arranged between her father and the Dominus, where she'd be around 18 years old and he would be closer to 35. The age difference would prompt her to require the visit of a gladiator from time to time...

    Newly paired Jaeger Pilots

    Fandom:Pacific Rim
    Pairing: OC, not blood-related
    Note: Would not mind if these were raised together, as long as they're not blood-related
    The first health-safe Jaeger are in need of pilots. Either they are two strangers, one male and one female, that have been deemed compatible to pilot or they are step-brother/sister. When they get into their Jaeger the first time to truly test compatibility, they discover that there is something far stronger between them and they have to face it in order to be able to work, or they will be distracted on the job...

Currently MIA, not available for  RP

Ons and Offs ~ Idea thread