[Anthro World] Underground trading (Silver City Underground)

Started by Junten, August 13, 2010, 12:31:00 PM

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Around the center of the town, there is a nice and really small night club. It consists more in a bar than a club, to be honest, but it is still called a club since there is the possibility of the customers dancing a bit and there is the possibility of a customer paying one of the club's girls to do a show on the stage.

The Barman is a really tall man that looks like he could have been in hundreds of wars. He had scars all over his face and seem pretty well built. He could serve most of the drinks bar normally had, although it seemed like there was no wine in this bar at all, and seemed to be quite kind even though he is still serious and only rarely does any jokes. He knows pretty well everything about the business going on inside of here and he knows that if anyone comes in and asks: 'I'd like to order some warm red wine.' Then the barman would say: 'I'm sorry, why don't serve that in here' and then he'd point to a door that was at the back of the bar.

In front of the back room, there is another man, probably a war friend of the barman since he also had a bunch of scars and seemed pretty well built. This man was only here to make sure no weapons were brough in the back room and of course, he was to make sure that no police officer in service would go there either, not that it might happen since most human officials didn't wan Anthros to be free at all.

In the back room, if you did managed to get there, you will be finally entering the Underground area of the town. After going down what seems like hundreds of stairs, you would finally get to a front desk. There are some guards here, both anthros and humans. They have some weapons and are here simply for security. If one of them is to attack without reason, only death would await them.

The front desk lady is a naked Anthro girl. She has a collar around her neck and it says that she is owned by U.T.(Underground Trading). As you come close to the desk, she greet you with a smile and seems quite happy to be there. Right beside her desk, to her Left, is a door leading to the place where the slaves are and on the other side is a washroom.  As soon as she is done greeting you, she asks you why you are here. She wants to know if you are here to buy a slave, sell one or do a trade. Once you've answered her, she'll tell you which way to go once you've entered the room. to her Left.

From the looks of it, once you've gotten through the door, everything looks more like an old prison that this company has decided to build. It looks like it would be impossible for any slave to get out, even for really strong predators.

List Of Slaves:

Kibin(RPed by Junten) - Fox Anthro - Seems quite obedient and is definitely in really good health.
---Price: $120 000


Kibin is in one of the rooms, waiting to be bought. She had been way more obedient than the people of the U.T. had thought she'd be. OR at least, she had been way more obedient since she got there. She had been resisting at first, but once she had realised that there was nothing she could do, she just resigned herself.

Even thought she was naked, she didn't mind all that much being in that condition. She was feeling warm enough thanks to her fur and she could be happy that the only restrinct she had was the fact that her collar, the one they had attached to her neck when she was captured, was chained to the ceilings. Other than that, she was free.

She was situated in one of the first rooms after going past the front desk, but that's something she didn't know at all.