Anthro World Order (AWO) {World & Ideas}

Started by DemonessOfDeathValley, December 16, 2013, 09:36:51 PM

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~A New Ancient World~
The modern world became so obsessed with technology that vehicles couldn't run, purchases couldn't be transacted and communications were impossible without the use of the World Wide Web. Things like combustion engines, land lines and even hand writing went by the way side. People were so consumed with social media that they didn't care about their fellow man, their children, anyone. Instead of interacting in person, they would only text, tweet or send an incoherent message of some sort. Everything was so....impersonal.

This vague lifestyle of inhumanity began in the middle of the decade known as the 2000s. It lasted until about 2150, when everything was put on a 'cloud' and the world was suffering from information overload, a failing economy and citizens that were self absorbed. So much so that they didn't see the disaster coming. By this time, just about everyone was feeling the aftermath from decades of living on credit and well beyond their means. From struggling to pay off thousands in debts that only served to cost them more.
In about 2153, the exact year was now unknown, the 'cloud' fell. All the information that it held had been obliterated. Some had predicted that it would be some kind of computer virus or Hacker that took it down. But nothing so sinister or complicated had happened. It was simply overload and neglect. The later generations weren't taught as well as those that came before. They believed the cloud would 'last forever'. They were wrong. Not only did the 'cloud' fall but the World Wide Web crashed permanently. There were just too many devices and too many people 'plugged in' to sustain it. It hadn't been expanded sufficiently to accommodate the world. When it crashed, the world was crippled. Electricity grids failed, bringing darkness to homes and businesses. Phones, computers, tablets and a host of other devices ceased to function. A person couldn't buy food or obtain first aid because there were no computers to perform the transactions or access medical records. The worst of it, law enforcement couldn't monitor nor could they pursue criminals.
At first, most people kept to their homes, frightened, alone. But when food ran out and people ran out of life saving medications, they had to venture out. By this time, the world had changed. There was an 'every man for himself' mentality. No one exchanged pleasantries. There were riots at food stores because the proprietors weren't allowing the food to be purchased or traded for. It really had nothing to do with the computer system being down. It had to do with hoarding. After all, in that kind of world, a person that owned or had charge of a Supermarket would be a king. Hospitals and medical clinics were having to rely on old style techniques. This was a disaster and everybody knew it. It wasn't long before chaos and anarchy reigned. Those who took what they needed without any regard for their fellow man ruled.
For about 100 years, this was the way of the world. Little colonies sprang up with good people doing what they could, but they were always crushed. When things like this happen, it takes something drastic to change it. That something was the revealing of ancient races that had kept themeselves well hidden. Races that had evolved slowly from their animal ancestors. They kindly began to get the world back on its shaky feet. Showing the people how to live without technology. And for 150 years, the world thrived. Until the humans did what they always do. They became ego driven and they seized control of the world. Turning their saviors into servants and slaves. Humans were on top again and the poor animals suffered for it.
350 years have passed since the technology of the human world fell. They lived in the ways of Ancient Rome where power is determined by family and money and status is everything. Violence became a past time and just like in the Ancient World, fighting was the most popular spectacle. New Coliseums were erected and Gladiators were the most valuable asset of the most prominent families in the new world. This time around, the Gladiators were not human...they were animals. The saviors of the human race were no longer only reduced to being slaves, but now they had to fight for their lives and their freedom. The more they won, the more money they made for their owners. Not that they went uncompensated, they did receive coin for their efforts and if they saved enough of that coin some owners allowed them to buy their freedom. Most fighters only sought to live the best they could, spending their coin on better food, plush accommodations The best fighters were bred and their legacies cemented, those that were not seen as Champions, they had an honorable death on the sands of the arena.

~Approximate response time - 1-7 days plus ~ Muse cooperative~