The Plot Farm...

Started by Sarena, October 04, 2012, 12:39:29 AM

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The Plot Farm

Welcome!  I suppose a bit of explanation is in order before we get started, so let's get business out of the way first, shall we?

We all have those random ideas that pop into our heads.  For a moment, we think, ooh, that'd be fun to write, but then after a few days of thinking it over or discussing it with a potential partner, our enthusiasm has waned dramatically.  It's a good idea, but it just will not fit in with what the muse is craving and calling for and so it gets set aside.  Then there are those ideas we have that we just bounce up and down with excitement over, only to have them dashed time and again when the story doesn't work out for one reason or another.  After several attempts at running the story with several different partners (not all at the same time!), we finally throw up our hands and say "ENOUGH!" and toss the idea up on the shelf. And finally, there are those ideas we have that no one seems to have any interest in and they sit and sit and sit, until we finally give up ever finding a writing partner to play with.

It is these very ideas that have me tossing and turning at night!  They sit upon a shelf collecting dust, just begging for someone to adopt them and make them their own.  So here is the basis for The Plot Farm.  I will be putting up my own ideas here, the ones that never seemed to work out for me, but maybe you will find one of them intriguing enough to take on.  The ideas that seem too good to just leave out because they don't fit into to what I am craving or what I like in a story.  I will have one idea per post, and with each idea, when possible, I might very well include alternatives to the main "pairing" of lead characters or alternate story plots to the main one.  If you see something you like, there is no need to PM and ask for permission to use the story idea.  If it is is this thread, it is free for the taking! 

For 0 cents a day you can give these plots a good home!

Won't you adopt a plot today? 

Submissions to be added to this thread are welcome.  If you have a story idea that you would like to give away, please send me a PM with "Plot Farm" as the subject.  If you would like credit for the idea such as "this plot submitted by *your username here*" then let me know in the PM.  I will update this thread once a week on Sundays or Mondays and add any plots submitted through PM at that time.  Otherwise, it will remain locked just to keep it from cluttering up.

**Please Note**  This is not a place for general pairings or things like that.  I don't mean that to sound snobbish or anything, but let's face it, we can all come up with a good pairing.  What this thread is intended for is detailed plots that tell a story.  Just a short summary will do, if you plan on submitting something to the thread.  If you PM me with an idea to add to the thread, I may PM you back with a few questions for clarification sake, if it seems necessary.

Thank you guys! For now, there is only going to be two plots going up tonight, but y'all watch this space for new additions and I hope that you all enjoy them. 

**Of Further Note**  Please do not PM me asking if I would like to write one of these ideas with you.  As of the posting of this thread, I am not looking to start any new RPs and these ideas are not something that I am particularly interested in writing at this time.  That may change in the future, but as always, any story idea in this thread is fair game for anyone to use!  Thank you.

I can go from southern belle to ghetto thug faster than you can say "Bless your heart".
Status:  All caught up and loving it!


Spreading Her/His Wings

For 15 years, Melanie was a devoted wife and mother.  For years, she took care of house and home, providing healthy meals for her family, making sure that her husband always had clean and pressed suits for work, and generally making sure that everything ran smoothly.  Her world revolved around her children to the point that she lost sight of who she was.  It was so bad, that now that her youngest was in high school too, Melanie was lost.   She was listless, with no idea what to do with herself now her children were older and not really needing her quite so much as they had when they were little.

In an effort to keep herself busy, Melanie set out to redecorate the house.  They’d always wanted to finish the basement and turn it into a media center/game room type space, but right now it was stuffed to the ceiling with all of the things that had been accumulated during the span of 15 years.  So, this was where she started.  It was time to go through all the junk that they’d been holding onto for years, furniture, and every single work of “art” her little ones had brought home, all of it.  She spent hours every day going through it and getting rid of things that just weren’t necessary to keep anymore.  Her pet project; however, became seriously derailed the day she found the box.  Tucked away in the back of one of the two rooms in the basement, it was conspicuously devoid of the dust that everything else had gathered.  She wasn’t sure what she was expecting to find when she opened it, but she hadn’t been expecting to see the things she did find. 

Inside this box, there was all manner of sex toys.  Leather whips, handcuffs, chains, weird masks, a ball with straps on it, and more things that she didn’t dare touch.  Some of it, she could guess what its use was, but there were some things in there that she couldn’t even fathom what purpose they might serve. Distressed that it might belong to one of her teenagers, Melanie dragged the box up two flights of stairs to her bedroom, where she left it in her closet to wait until later. 

That night, after the kids had gone to bed, and it was just her and her husband, Melanie led him upstairs, telling him that there was something serious going on that she needed to discuss with him. She was afraid one of the kids had gotten hooked up with a disturbing group of friends.  She was beside herself as she dragged the large box, quite familiar to her husband, out of her closet.  That was when he sat her down and explained to her about his desire to be dominated by a woman.  He’d had this desire for as long as he could remember, and he’d pushed it aside as long as he could, but he had begun to have an affair a year ago.  Melanie sat, listening in stunned silence as her husband told her about his Mistress, and how she had not only met his needs, but helped to improve things in his marriage.  She was positively floored when he handed her a card out of his wallet with a name and number on it and said, “She’s been wanting to meet you.  When you’re ready, Sweetheart, give her a call.”

During the entire time they were married, Melanie could count on one hand the number of nights she had slept alone in her bed.  That night was one of them.  Sending her husband downstairs to the guest room, Melanie cried herself to sleep, wondering how she could have failed her husband, and herself, so badly.

It took her another week to finally make the call and meet this Mistress.  Why she was doing that, instead of filing for divorce, Melanie had no idea.  But here she was, in the lobby of an upscale hotel room, on her way to meet a woman who claimed she could teach Melanie how to fulfill her husband’s desires, teach her how to be the Mistress her husband so desperately needed and wanted.

NOTE: For a small group game, someone could play the wife, someone else play the Mistress and another to play the husband. 

Alternatively, as the subject of this post suggestions, this story could be written with the husband looking to spread his wings.  It would also be suitable for a MxM or FxF pairing.  The possibilities and variations for this particular story idea really are only limited by the imagination.  The above summary is only one way it could be taken and run with, and was written when I originally intended to write for the role of the wife (Melanie in this case) myself.  So, if you like the idea but want to make a few changes to it, feel free!  It's yours for the taking.

I can go from southern belle to ghetto thug faster than you can say "Bless your heart".
Status:  All caught up and loving it!


Beauty and the Beast--  As we all know, Belle’s father is taken prisoner in the Beast’s castle when he is caught trespassing and Belle takes his place as prisoner.  This is where the original story and my version part ways as far as the similarities go. There are only two characters, besides the father, who has a minor role in the start of the story and the various enchanted pieces of cookware and furniture that the Beast has at his disposal. Those characters are:

A.   Belle—She is a witch, throughout her life, Belle has denied who and what she is, hiding the fact that she is a witch for fear of persecution.  She lives her life as a normal girl, but has resigned herself to the fact that she will never marry.  She is unwilling to risk having someone else find out about her powers, as they are a little uncontrollable at times.  She devoted herself to her father and taking care of their small piece of land. 

B.   Beast— Beast is a nefarious character.  A prince over a hundred years ago, he ruled over his father’s kingdom in the man’s absence, and was very cruel.  He was put under the spell that turned him into the Beast when he tried to have his way with a witch, unbeknownst to him.  She put the Prince and the entire castle under a spell as revenge and he has been unable to leave the castle grounds, though he has been searching for a way to break the spell every since.  The king and queen never returned to the castle, having been killed at some point when they were away.

Over the next hundred years, the Beast was a virtual prisoner in his own castle.  He strayed from home only at night, and he searched far and wide for someone that could break the spell that had been cast.  He learned of Belle’s existence quite by accident, when she was very young.  A little girl, playing in her front yard under the stars, Beast watched her from just beyond the tree-line of the forest.  The first time he noticed the odd things that seemed to happen around her, the Beast was taken aback.  For weeks, he watched, until he was sure that she truly was the one that would set him free.  But she was still too young, and she did not even know who or what she was.  Watching her as she grows up, the Beast becomes more and more fascinated by her. 

When the Beast was not watching Belle, he was locked away in his castle researching how he might control her and her powers.  The older she grew, the more he wanted her, but he could not risk getting caught up in another spell like before.  He wanted to bring her to his castle and keep her, but she had to break the spell and he had to be able to control her...

**Perhaps the idea is overdone and old; however, I always thought it would be neat to try out. Especially if there was an added element of magic on the part of Belle.  Again, this idea is up for the taking and you are free to tweak it any way you see fit!
I can go from southern belle to ghetto thug faster than you can say "Bless your heart".
Status:  All caught up and loving it!