X-Men: American Civil War [CLOSED]

Started by Totoro, January 15, 2017, 05:33:00 PM

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la dame en noir

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Just to point out for you Virgil, Psylockes Psi-Knife is used for telepathic and psychic attacks. So to kill his personality wouldn't harm him physically. It would be actually erasing that entire personality from his psyche.

Ace Flyer


    ]The Basics
    Full Name: Rahne Sinclair
    Age: 19
    Gender: Female
    Nationality: Scottish (UK Citizenship)
    Occupation: Student

    Physical Description
    Hair Color:Red (Russet Brown when transformed)
    Eye Color: Green
    ---Human Form: 5'2"
    ---Transitional ("Werewolf") Form: 8'0"
    ---Lupine (Fully Transformed) Form: 12'0" (when standing on hind legs)
    ---Human Form: 110 lbs.
    ---Transitional ("Werewolf") Form: 410 lbs.
    ---Lupine (Fully Transformed) Form: 1050 lbs.
    Face Claim: Emma Watson
    Physical Features: Essentially the same as the face claim. Unless she's transformed. Then...she's, well, a giant wolf.

    General Appearance: Note: This area will be filled out better shortly. In basics though, she dresses casually, as one would expect a nineteen year-old young woman to dress. She prefers more conservative clothing, due to her religious upbringing, but also seeing as how that upbringing wasn't the best, she's slowly relaxing and becoming adventurous. Slightly. Kinda of...

    Her largest issue is in regards to her powers, as she tends to destroy her clothing when she transforms, which leads to all kinds of issues, and is one of the reasons she does her best to stay human.

    Who they are

    Personality: Rahne is a withdrawn and distant young woman, thanks to the abuse she suffered for most of her life at the hands of her father (who she still does not know is her father). Believing herself to be an unwanted child, a reject, and now an abomination, she rarely uses her powers. As comfortable alone in her room as she is out alone in nature...Well, the point there is she likes her solitude. It isn't that groups or people make her nervous or uncomfortable, she just doesn't like attention.

    Due to her strict religious upbringing, Rahne finds it hard to come to terms with some of her teammates habits. For example, Rahne would turn away embarrassed when her roommate changed clothes and struggled to come to terms with Nightcrawler's demonic looks and Magik's demonic persona. Rahne also struggled with her own romantic feelings, which she believed were sins and made her wicked in the eyes of God. This is amplified even more so by the fact her feelings often spring up when admiring another woman, and she is torn by why her heart wants and what her mind says is evil.

    Biography: Rahne's birth set the tone for how her life would turn out. A complicated birth, the unwanted child of a local prostitute and the church preacher, the girl was born in the highlands of Scotland just outside of Ullapool. Her mother died giving birth, and her father disowned her--a man of his stature, reputation, and faith could not be known to have broken his holy vows and sullied himself with sinful acts with a sinful woman. Nonetheless, his church ran the orphanage, and the young girl was delivered into his care regardless by Dr. Moira MacTaggert--she lived locally, and had served as the midwife to Rahne's mother, and had tried to save her life. Reverend Craig viewed the young girl as a constant reminder of his misdeeds, a testimony of his weakness and sins, and sought to redeem himself by making his living sin suffer.

    Her early years were hard, harder than most others in the orphanage. Every slight misdeed was punished excessively. Any moment of speaking out of line brought rebukes full of promises of fire and brimstone upon her, left her serving such penance, that even others in the church had to question why the girl was being treated as she was. None stepped in to help her, though, for none would truly question the actions of their spiritual leader. Rahne would grow up to be a terrifically (as in, terror-bound) pious girl, quiet and withdrawn, led to believe there was something inherently wrong with her that made people hate her so much. No other child was treated as she was, and no one was ever reprimanded or scolded for mistreating her...She became a prime target for bullies in the orphanage...among much worse predators, as well, a fact no one but herself knows. 

    When Rahne first developed her mutant powers, she was mistaken for a werewolf. The girl was a shifter, able to take the form of a large wolf, or a more "traditional" representation of a Hollywood werewolf as well. The local people were terrified that night, as she lost control, and fled in a panic. Reverend Craig gathered a mob of religious townsfolk, believing his redemption was in sight. His sin-spawn's true form was reveal--a foul wretch possessed by the Devil himself, and that God was now testing him to slay the beast and he would be forgives. They chased Rahne across the Scottish highlands, deep into the woods...and it was either blind luck or divine providence that Rahne ended up where she did. At the end of the chase, just outside of the home of Moira MacTaggert, Rahne fell unconscious and reverted to her naked human form at the feet of the doctor. Moira recognized her as a mutant, not a demon, and saved her from the mob. She became a surrogate mother to the young mutant and tried to raise her, but the damage done in her early years was too much for the busy woman to undo on her own. Hoping for help, she took Rahne to America, to the Institute headed by her dear old friend, Charles Xavier. Here, the woman hoped, Rahne could finally come to grips with what she was, and receive the tutelage, and healing, she needed.

    At the Institute she was confronted with a whole new look on the world than she had ever considered possible. Struggling to make sense of the sheer openness and trust, the acceptance, and the lack of "fire and brimstone" speeches, Rahne kept mostly to herself. If not for the efforts of a few that would become her friends she would have stayed a hermit likely for her entire stay at the institute. And now, starting her second year there...Well, she's improved somewhat, but still has a ways to go in terms of opening up, and accepting her powers as a gift and not a curse. When the Institute was most recently attacked, she used her powers to fight back only with great reluctance, but the praise and gratitude she saw afterwards did great wonders for improving her outlook on the Institute.

    Now starting her second year, she can only wonder what her new life yet has in store for her. For the most part she's done her best to stay out of politics, and out of the spotlight in general. When asked she just says she has no opinion, and simply wants to learn how to control her powers so that she might pretend they don't exist. But if pressed, she'd say she agrees with the US Government--and not just because they can revoke her card and send her back to Scotland if they so felt like it. Mutants can be dangerous, and hurt a lot of people very quickly, and the government needs to do what it can to protect everyone. The Brotherhood she hates, as they represent event her father said about mutant-kind. The fact she can now be considering one of them, a mutant, disturbs her to no end.

    Superpowers & Equipment

    Class: Beta

    Power Name:
    • Lycanthropy: Much like the werewolves of folklore, Rahne can transform into a wolf. However, she is not a werewolf, and therefore is not restricted to the limitations of a creature of the night. She can also retain full memory of herself, and therefore has her human consciousness while in her wolf and transitional forms. In her transitional form she is able to stand erect on her legs and retain the use of her hands, but is also able to run and maneuver on all fours like a wolf. Other effects of her wolf and/or transitional forms include:

      • Enhanced Size: Proportionately greater in size than that of her human form, her hybrid wolf-human bones and muscles make Wolfsbane taller and stronger. Although her lupine and transitional forms are more massive than her human form, the source of this additional mass is unknown.
      • Enhanced Strength: Greater strength than that of a normal male adult human, due to her enhanced muscular build. However, she is not considered to have superhuman strength. Her strength seems to increase exponentially to her human level-strength, so she may be able to grow stronger with a heavy training regimen as a human, if she so desired.
      • Enhanced Speed
      • Enhanced Reflexes: As well as being enhanced her, muscles and skeleton are also extremely flexible, giving her the agility of an animal.
    • Hyperkeen Senses: Keen animal senses of sight, smell & hearing combined with human intelligence are heightened further than that of a regular wolf. She can perceive infrared, ultra violet, heat, pheromones & emotions such as fear or lust. With training and focus she's learned to "activate" these at will, though gaining them through transforming is much easier.
    • Regenerative Healing Factor: Wolfsbane is capable of regenerating damaged or destroyed areas of her body with much greater speed and efficiency than an ordinary human. Injuries that result in massive tissue damage such as bullet wounds, slashes, punctures, blunt force trauma, and severe burns heal completely, without so much as a scar, in a shorter amount of time. She cannot regenerate severed limbs. Severe injuries will still require medical attention and bed rest, but all but the most dire will heal within a few days' time.
    Equipment Name: N/A

    Flaws or Weaknesses

    Weakness Name:

    • Sufficient pain/damage when in either of her transformed states will cause her to revert back to her normal human form, typically also rendering her unconscious.
    • As she changes, she loses some of her rational human mind for a more bestial, primal mentality. Logic and reason tend to escape her when fully transformed, a fact she's working to overcome, and is a leading reason she hates her powers.
    • She is susceptible to physics and mind-altering substances, which make weaken her control and force her to change against her will. People with animal empathy or similar abilities may also find some sway over her in her fully transformed state.

    Flaw Name:

    • Rahne is a self-loathing individual, hating herself and the fact she is a mutant due to her somewhat extreme upbringing. She lacks confidence because of this, which does affect her grades and her ability to control her power, at least as much as she would like.
    • Related to the flaw above, some of her hardline religious beliefs have yet to be shaken, and so "evil" mutations such as those viewed as potentially whichcraft, or demonic in origin, make her very uncomfortable, and she would judge and avoid such classmates almost unfairly quick.


    There is still some WIP done, but this is the basics of her to see if I'm on the right track for approval. [/list]


    Quote from: Alias on January 19, 2017, 11:06:03 AM
    I actually, only slept for seven hours, so it might feel like it took me a while to get back to you, but it didn't. I was sleeping.

    Salem Summers instead of Scott Summers, other than the fact that she's a girl, she's cyclops from the roof down to the foundation. I'll go with college aged, it's her most natural place in my mind, CS coming very soon, just have to arrange it.

    There's no problem at all with that then, sounds good and look forward to seeing it.

    Quote from: la dame en noir on January 19, 2017, 11:13:32 AM
    I will be working on Storm and OC pretty soon.

    Look forward to it and no rush.

    @Wolfsbane that looks good but you can remove the placeholder image if you want it on that side instead. :p She's definitely on the right track the biggest thing would be her opinion on the Brotherhood and the Government.


    Hello there!

    I'm very interested in this game, and I'd be very interested in placing a reserve on David Alleyne (aka Prodigy) if possible :)

    la dame en noir

    Games(Group & 1x1): 7 | Post Rate: 1 - 6 days | Availability: Actively looking!
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    Ace Flyer

    Quote from: Sun Wukong on January 19, 2017, 11:35:55 AM
    @Wolfsbane that looks good but you can remove the placeholder image if you want it on that side instead. :p She's definitely on the right track the biggest thing would be her opinion on the Brotherhood and the Government.

    Just fixed the image, not sure how I missed that ^^; I'll get those opinions added in soon.

    Quote from: Vergil Tanner on January 19, 2017, 11:27:53 AM
    Interesting! Do you think perhaps she would have gone to see a school counsellor on the advice of one of her professors? Perhaps Charles himself directed her towards David's office, considering that one of his personalities - Margaret - is afflicted with genetic lycanthropy as well? Seems like they'd have plenty to chat about, after all. Not many people can relate to Wolfsbanes little problem so closely. XD

    Hmm...Maybe, not sure. I don't know if the girl would be one for opening up to a stranger, even if it is a counselor or someone she could relate to. Odds are she might prefer keeping to herself...I'll ponder it. If she does visit, she probably sits there and says nothing until it's time to go. ^^;



    The Basics
    Full Name: Salem Summers
    Age: 22
    Gender: Female
    Nationality: American, born in Alaska.British lineage
    Occupation: Student

    Physical Description
    Hair Colour:Auburn, red.
    Eye Colour: They used to be green. Now...what color is pain?
    Height: 5’9
    Weight: 111 lbs.
    Face Claim: Emma Stone
    Physical Features: The main difference between my faceclaim and my character is that Cyclops is always covering her eyes, either with a pair of ruby quartz ‘sunglasses’, or a special made visor that allows her to control her power, at least, to some degree.

    General Appearance: Salem has a very athletic build. She is long, lean, strong, and muscular, at least at a glance. Her shape isn’t as womanly as it could have been. Salem prides herself in her physical shape. She’s been working out and pushing herself to more athletic for years. A result to such hard work is that she has narrow hips, a subtle chest, and an exceptionally round buttocks. Salem's breasts usually fit comfortably into B-cups. In a word, her body is perky in all places. Salem's sense of style is based almost entirely on practicality. She dresses for the occasion, as limited as her wardrobe is, she always seems to blend into a room. 

    Who they are

    Personality:Salem has a dry sense of humor if it exists at all, a good joke can get a laugh out of her, but enjoyment always sounds like its being forced. Her laugh is usually awkward. She takes things too seriously. Salem is wound tighter than a christian prom queen. There are a significant number of personality flaws. She is not an easy person to get along with, but that kind of thing doesn’t bother her so much. She does her best not to be lazy, or dependent, or allow her focus to stray, she cleans up after herself, she washes her clothes, and she eats healthy food when she remembers to eat. Salem would rather skip a meal than consume anything that isn't going to help her grow stronger or faster or help her live longer. Typically, these things do not waiver.

    Lectures are a past time for Salem. She is direct, attentive, constructive, and creative. However, she has very little emotional response. And, its very difficult to 'get inside' of her. This happens in many more than just one way. Telepaths have a lot of trouble handling what is going on deep inside of Salem's mind. On the surface, it seems like Salem uses a fake strong voice to help herself seem more confident. However, that voice doesn't go away in private moments. And, still a virgin, so, she's sort of reserved and sheltered at this age for having never physically let someone inside. Salem works best in large groups of five or more, this likely comes from growing up around ten to twenty other kids in her orphanage groups. Salem has trouble the smaller the group gets. One on one contact is especially complicated for her, unless one of the two parties is an instructor in some way.

    Alone, Salem is at peace, she loves to just keep her eyes closed and think, or sleep, or run...all alone.

    Politics- Salem trusts Charles decision to be a pacifist. She supports him, and is excited to graduate from her educations to be a useful member of the x-men. The US Government is frustrating for her. She doesn’t like the idea of mutants being roundup and tagged, but she understands why something must be done to keep the majority of the population on Earth calm and manageable. The brotherhood’s violence is unacceptable, and she essentially lives to shut the brotherhood down. She feels like, without Magneto and his tribe of maniacs, the homo sapiens and the homo superiors would get along much more easily.

    Biography:Salem was the first of two children born to Major Christopher Summers, a test pilot for the US Airforce. Salem once had a younger brother named Alex. They were each born in Anchorage. However, neither of them have any memory of this, no memory of their parents or each other. Salem knows very little of her birth and how she came to be. Salem grew up in a sequence of orphanages. In this life, Salem was not Salem. Salem was Arienette Heller.

    Arienette/Salem had always felt like an outcast. Her eyes were so bright that they made people uncomfortable. Her sense of pride, and posture made her peers resent her. Still, she took on a role of leadership, having stood up for those being bullied, and tattling on the kids who were becoming real problems. Salem avoided fights with the other kids with flawless execution, and she idolized the adults around her, ever hungry for a parental figure, without the luck of actually finding one. Life was not glorious, it was a specific level of brutal loneliness and lack of guidance. Some of Salem's brothers and sisters would break the rules in order to explore the world around them. But, they would always come back, and their stories were entirely unimpressive. Most of them sounded fake.

    In Salem's teen years, things got especially strange. She had moved into a new orphanage in Connecticut, and severe headaches started to develop. She had outcast herself again by immediately narking a small drug ring in the orphanage. Then, the head aches started. Then, she started to wake up on the ground outside. Then, her clothes would be wet with urine for no reason. Then she was made fun of for her lanky shape. Then came the physical taunting. Two years turned into Salem's own private hell.

    When Salem was sixteen, she had been on a trip to New York with her orphanage supervisor. The hell from before had been paled in comparison. Here, she was picked on, subjected to ridicule and physical molestation. The kids enjoyed making her miserable, the torture was real. During the trip, Salem walked across a construction site to avoid the taunting and teasing of her classmates. Her goal was to detour through the construction to escape the 'field trip'. Once away, she could enjoy New York without being in the company of assholes and vapid bitches. The feeling of loneliness took over at that point, and her optic beam activated. The blast damaged a metal crane causing it to fall towards an onlooking crowd. Salem tried to think as quickly as possible, unleashing a second blast that destroyed the crane. The crowd had believed to think that this was an act of violence, and had formed a lynch mob. Charles Xavier, luckily, was near by during the event. He arrived to help Salem in an instant. He had to erase the crowd's memories, something that took convincing. This is when he told Salem her real name, and influenced her to come study at his school. Salem had felt affirmed, and she ran away from the orphanage, taken in by Charles Xavier. Living at the school, and working forward from that point only came naturally.

    In the more recent events, her life has been fairly basic. She was forced to register herself as a mutant, but other than that, Charles hasn’t let her outside of her training grounds yet. She wants to be out there, affecting the world and helping the x-men against the brotherhood badly. But, she’s still waiting for the phone to ring.

    Superpowers & Equipment

    Class: Gamma probably, maybe Beta?

    Concussive optic beam. Salem is still learning advanced techniques with this. She can’t exactly blast it off of four different surfaces in order to snipe an enemy from around a corner quite yet. But she has her advanced optic visor to help her control the intensity of her beam.
    Cyclops emits the beams of energy from her eyes, which have the appearance of red light and deliver massive concussive force. These beams produce no heat. When, out of control, Cyclops can pulverize rock, bend metal out of shape, or stop and flip a moving car. These beams produce no recoil. Her body is also naturally immune to the beam's force, so she can just close her eyelids without any pain and stop the blast from emitting. Because of this, Salem would be immune to all of her brother Alex's powers.

    Equipment Name:

    Flaws or Weaknesses

    NO CONTROL OF POWER - FUNCTIONAL BLINDNESS - She cannot stop her power from destroying anything that she looks at directly, so; Cyclops uses a pair of ruby quartz eyeglasses developed by Professor X to contain the devastating rays. In her X-Men uniform, she uses a ruby quartz battle visor in place of the glasses. The crystal is said to resonate at the same frequency as the psionic field that protects Cyclops (and Havok) from their own powers. Her uniform has firing studs incorporated into her gloves and on the sides of the battle visor that control the visor's aperture. In the event that the visor has a power failure, the apertures are spring loaded to automatically close so Cyclops can at least see normally. Given any total malfunction, Cyclops is functionally blind without the aid of these devices. She would be unable to stop from blasting everything and everyone in front of her without them.

    COMPLETELY HUMAN BODY - compared to the concussive force of her power. Cyclops is fragile, and one good strong blow to the head could kill her, let alone take her out of the fight. She's broken a number of bones sparring with the other mutants in the mansion. In addition, Cyclops' physical punch,even if she were in peak condition would do very little harm. Staying in shape comes easily to her, and her muscles were meant to be toned. But, she also works out too hard, and she's blown muscles before through over-exertion.

    NO SOCIAL SKILLS - Cyclops has a significantly poor understanding of peoples emotions. And, she is not good at reading people's moods. So, the wrong words come out of her mouth a lot. She's an authoritarian, and that doesn't go over well with her peers.

    HEROINE COMPLEX - Salem will always help some one who needs it. This can lead her into rocky situations, surrounded by hostiles. This can also keep Cyclops from completing missions. This can also have Salem walk right into a trap. She defends the innocent compulsively, and it's not always a good thing.


    TAEKWONDO: - Professionally trained, loses most fights hand to hand, still too young to be entirely effective.

    EXPANSIVE EXPERTISE IN HISTORY: - Previously emphasized, Salem specializes in Medieval Era combat strategies.

    MOTORCYCLE: - Salem rebuilt a motorcycle a few years ago for credit and stuff. This is the bike:


    Quote from: la dame en noir on January 19, 2017, 11:39:01 AM
    Oh? Don't we all :P

    who are you playing?

    I've picked up Old Man Logan as a teacher, and Laura Kinney as Wolverine for a student. I know in current comics there have been some slowly batted eyes between Logan and Ororo, though I'm not sure of any interactions between her and Laura. I'm open to anything though!


    Quote from: Sun Wukong on January 19, 2017, 11:35:55 AM
    There's no problem at all with that then, sounds good and look forward to seeing it.

    Look forward to it and no rush.

    @Wolfsbane that looks good but you can remove the placeholder image if you want it on that side instead. :p She's definitely on the right track the biggest thing would be her opinion on the Brotherhood and the Government.

    tada! Hope I'm not late for work now, eeeeek!


    Quote from: JamesSureWould on January 19, 2017, 11:37:44 AM
    Hello there!

    I'm very interested in this game, and I'd be very interested in placing a reserve on David Alleyne (aka Prodigy) if possible :)

    Reserved for you. Will you be playing him as having his powers fully functioning but not as having the full 'stored' knowledge? So he gets the temporary skills/knowledge/mimicry but he can't remember it long term. I'm fine with him either having lost his powers and had his memory restored so that he has a huge wealthy of his colleagues knowledge, or that his powers work fine and he has the temporary mimicry but not the long term thing. But not both, since the way it all happened doesn't make sense for both to work together.

    I think the temporary mimicry would be more fun?

    And @ Alias

    That looks great, don't forget you may have to make a connection with Juggtacular's Vulcan as your characters will be siblings. But that's not hugely urgent. And I'd say she's beta given the fact her destructive potential (Spinning around with glasses off in a crowded place) is pretty damn high, she could kill hundreds in seconds in downtown New York for example.


    Quote from: Sun Wukong on January 19, 2017, 11:46:53 AM
    Reserved for you. Will you be playing him as having his powers fully functioning but not as having the full 'stored' knowledge? So he gets the temporary skills/knowledge/mimicry but he can't remember it long term. I'm fine with him either having lost his powers and had his memory restored so that he has a huge wealthy of his colleagues knowledge, or that his powers work fine and he has the temporary mimicry but not the long term thing. But not both, since the way it all happened doesn't make sense for both to work together.

    I think the temporary mimicry would be more fun?

    I was planning on him still being a mutant, with his temporary skill mimicry power. And I agree, it's a bit more fun to play with. Makes him less of a static character, and gives him more reasons to work with the group.



    Quote from: JamesSureWould on January 19, 2017, 11:49:28 AM
    I was planning on him still being a mutant, with his temporary skill mimicry power. And I agree, it's a bit more fun to play with. Makes him less of a static character, and gives him more reasons to work with the group.

    Still a mutant is definitely preferable on my end too, the other way is a bit plain. And not actually that great in a fight. I mean he'd be no more combat effective than a member of the S.A.S, whereas now he'll be able to predict and react to things in a manner no human could.

    Quote from: Alias on January 19, 2017, 11:49:49 AM
    beta power, chat with juggs. got it. :)

    Awesome, thanks. Hope you two can work something out.

    la dame en noir

    Quote from: Doomsday on January 19, 2017, 11:42:14 AM
    I've picked up Old Man Logan as a teacher, and Laura Kinney as Wolverine for a student. I know in current comics there have been some slowly batted eyes between Logan and Ororo, though I'm not sure of any interactions between her and Laura. I'm open to anything though!
    Yup, so many different universe scenarios - I was pretty shocked when I saw this myself.

    We could play around with that? Perhaps playful flirting interaction in the RP, or something already established.

    I'm trying to figure out what Ororo sees in that short man of fury :P
    Games(Group & 1x1): 7 | Post Rate: 1 - 6 days | Availability: Actively looking!
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    Quote from: la dame en noir on January 19, 2017, 11:52:05 AM
    I'm trying to figure out what Ororo sees in that short man of fury :P

    Hehehe, well, specific to Old Man Logan, he's a softy and much more reserved than before, so maybe that strikes her well. Anyways, look forward to seeing your sheet :O

    Ace Flyer

    Edited the Brotherhood and US Govt. info into Rahne's CS. Again, if you want more anywhere, just let me know ^^ I'm just tweaking things on the fly between tasks at work.

    la dame en noir

    Quote from: Doomsday on January 19, 2017, 11:55:41 AM
    Hehehe, well, specific to Old Man Logan, he's a softy and much more reserved than before, so maybe that strikes her well. Anyways, look forward to seeing your sheet :O
    Yes, which I should probably do soon. I've been caught up writing my novel and listening to music lol
    Games(Group & 1x1): 7 | Post Rate: 1 - 6 days | Availability: Actively looking!
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    And as we've got a heavy amount of female characters to males (Nearly 3-1) I'm going to ask people to hold back on females until a few more males show up. Anyone who has already submitted a request and had a character reserved doesn't need to worry about this. Anyone who's already requested an OC, they can be female too. Just anyone who hasn't asked yet try to play a male, or a female canon character.


    Quote from: Ace Flyer on January 19, 2017, 12:06:39 PM
    Edited the Brotherhood and US Govt. info into Rahne's CS. Again, if you want more anywhere, just let me know ^^ I'm just tweaking things on the fly between tasks at work.

    Thanks. I'll have a thorough look through in a bit.

    la dame en noir

    My OC idea: A twenty-one year old mutant(obviously) that hails from Louisiana(will find a city soon). Her powers dabble in manipulation or animation(an offset of voodou magical abilities). A lesbian, sort of troubled in some aspects, but highly intelligent.

    I can't think of a damn name because Marionette is TAKEN! (goddamnit Marvel)

    I have some face claims, don't know which one I like more.

    she's really cute
    she has an interesting look
    Games(Group & 1x1): 7 | Post Rate: 1 - 6 days | Availability: Actively looking!
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    Quote from: la dame en noir on January 19, 2017, 12:38:13 PM
    My OC idea: A twenty-one year old mutant(obviously) that hails from Louisiana(will find a city soon). Her powers dabble in manipulation or animation(an offset of voodou magical abilities). A lesbian, sort of troubled in some aspects, but highly intelligent.

    I can't think of a damn name because Marionette is TAKEN! (goddamnit Marvel)

    I have some face claims, don't know which one I like more.

    she's really cute
    she has an interesting look

    I love those face claim pictures, they're fantastic. And the power set sounds really interesting and unique.

    Name Marionette's taken in Marvel, but not in the X-Men. I can't find any reason she's connected to the X-Men nearly enough to consider her a potential canon character. So you can have the name and nothing to do with that character.

    la dame en noir

    Quote from: Sun Wukong on January 19, 2017, 12:58:09 PM
    I love those face claim pictures, they're fantastic. And the power set sounds really interesting and unique.

    Name Marionette's taken in Marvel, but not in the X-Men. I can't find any reason she's connected to the X-Men nearly enough to consider her a potential canon character. So you can have the name and nothing to do with that character.

    WELP! I guess I'm going to use Marionette then :) I should know better, Marvel has so many damn universes and cross overs. I'm going to get started on the profiles as soon as I finish some posts in my 1x1 games.
    Games(Group & 1x1): 7 | Post Rate: 1 - 6 days | Availability: Actively looking!
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    Quote from: la dame en noir on January 19, 2017, 01:02:02 PM
    WELP! I guess I'm going to use Marionette then :) I should know better, Marvel has so many damn universes and cross overs. I'm going to get started on the profiles as soon as I finish some posts in my 1x1 games.

    Look forward to reading them.

    Just so people who read those know, not only do all non-X men characters not exist but their names are available. As long as you're making an OC that the name happens to suit. No intelligent scientist with anger based superhuman strength and durability that involves a colour change named 'hulk'. But if you want I don't know. A giant, jolly jovial pacifist who's permanently 8 feet tall and incredibly strong and sometimes puts on strongman shows under his stage name 'Hulk' that's fine.

    La Dame En Noir's Marionette is a pretty ideal example of using a name from a character who doesn't exist in a way completely unrelated to the original Marvel character.


    Quote from: Sun Wukong on January 19, 2017, 12:22:39 PM
    And as we've got a heavy amount of female characters to males (Nearly 3-1) I'm going to ask people to hold back on females until a few more males show up. Anyone who has already submitted a request and had a character reserved doesn't need to worry about this. Anyone who's already requested an OC, they can be female too. Just anyone who hasn't asked yet try to play a male, or a female canon character.

    To everyone who read the rest of this message prior to it being edited, disregard what was formerly said at the start of the message. If you are confused or want to discuss it PM me privately.

    Thanks and sorry for any confusion