Looking for (f) for a devious teen step-sister (story in early progress). MxFxF

Started by Westal, May 06, 2012, 04:18:14 PM

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After the untimely dropping out of our third player, whtbitch4u2own and I are looking for a female to hop into the role of "Lizzie", who only recently became the step-sister of boy near her own age.

In a completely new environment, Lizzie and Todd's teenage lust spirals in and out of control while Todd tries to get through the rest of his senior year of high school before he can escape to college. Lizzie is everything he's secretly fantasized about, though, and Lizzie knows it. She takes delight in control, especially sexual control. While at first she plotted to destroy Todd and his girlfriend's relationship, now she has other ideas.

She's convinced his girlfiend,"Amanda" that she is a friend to her, and can help her rekindle the relationship that has seemed to fade from Todd ever since Lizzie came around...She intends to lure both Todd and Amanda into being her sexual puppets this very day, while they are alone for a night.

If you are interested in playing Lizzie, feel free to read through the story so far, to see when and what you would be asked to hop in at. "White" and I are patient fun loving, so feel free to contact us (PM or responding to this thread) if you have questions.

Story so far
To the best of nights, play on...

ON's and OFF's


To the best of nights, play on...

ON's and OFF's


If the rp still needs Lizzie I would be interested in tormenting the young couple as the devious step-sister. Let me know if so..