my body swap roleplay idea

Started by playfullchick76, September 16, 2008, 08:23:06 AM

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I dont often get to roleplay this kind, but i;ll put some ideas in, and if you like one, reply with a post.

Im holidaying in a us city. While travelling, i stop to talk to a homeless girl, petite and good looking. I buy her a meal, give her some money and tell her that i wish i could do more to help her. The next morning, i wake up in her body, while she wakes up in mine, and flies home, leaving me trapped in her body, to live her life.

Another one is where im part of a  bus tour. Stopping at a roadhouse or servo, i start to talk to a teenager in the resturant area. we both go to the restroom together.unknown to me, she;s a novice witch looking to escape her life and parents., swaps bodies with me and leaves in mine, leaving me trapped in hers, to live her life.

Another one is where im offered the chance to swap lives with a wealthy woman who appears to have everything. I agree to for a few days, only to find that she vanishes, leaving me there to live her life.

if you like it, or have an idea of your own,feel free to share.