Picture Based Prompt and RP Request Thread

Started by Kelindel, October 26, 2023, 01:42:29 AM

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This a bit  more unusual of a thread for me to be posting, but I spent much of today on the Finders and Seekers thread and on Pinterest and started developing loose ideas that are more centered around specific face claims or aesthetics related to specific pictures and themes. I normally don't request specific face claims from people, though in this thread I'll have some specific face claims that I am seeking a partner for writing stories related to them with.

I am looking to play a Male character opposite a female character in these prompts. Your IRL gender doesn't matter to me. My O/O's are linked in my signature and cover a lot of ground, though I tend to be pretty open as far as trying things out, it doesn't hurt to ask, if it's something that just doesn't work for me, I'll let you know. And I do not, by any means, need all of my On's in a given rp.

I also am needing for any of these rp, someone who can be understanding that I do have health issues and sometimes can be slow for a bit, though I will inform you of any issues as they arise. As far as venue, I am happy to play on boards through PM's or on Discord. Just let me know your preference and PM me if any of these prompts intrigue you.

Madeline Ford

I find Madeline Ford to be absolutely gorgeous and I would love a chance to play with someone using her as a face claim. This would be for something that is more of a contemporary story, though I could see it going a lot of different ways. Perhaps a trophy wife/girlfriend situation, a couple meeting in college, a professor and his student having an affair, a criminal taking advantage of a young woman. This one I think does lend itself to a more romantic angle with me than most others that will be on this list and I am a sucker for romance. If you are interested in playing a character with her as the face claim, I'd love to hear your ideas, be they variations on ones suggested here or something else entirely. Do you have a face claim you'd like to pair with her? Let me know! Lets talk!

Blue Haired Beauty
This has less to do with the specific model I picked and more to do with the shade of hair and general aesthetic of the model. If you are interested in playing this specific model, I'd be happy to play against her as well, her name is Blue Astrid. I like the more goth/punk aesthetic that she gives off and I absolutely adore her hair. I think this sort of picture/imagery can work for both a modern game and something a bit more fantastical. Perhaps a bit less of the innocence of say a Madeline Ford type as above. More on the confident sensuality and struggle for power dynamics.

Debauched Victorian/Regency Era
This is less about the specific images and more the era/style that they evoke. I am somewhat inclined to use the male figure in this pairing as a face claim for an RP involving Victorian or Regency era. I am drawn to the idea of a dichotomy between a very prim and proper outward public face that belies an undercurrent of debauchery and indulgence in private. Definite D/s themes with this one in my mind. Perhaps he's a rake who falls for, or is forced into marriage with a debutant. Perhaps she is fresh on the scene and seeking prospects, or has been there for several seasons and there are those that whisper that she'll end up a spinster, alone. Perhaps their origins are something else. Maybe they keep a cool and collected front for everyone else, the proper couple, but she secretly wears the dilators that he purchased for her during society events. Perhaps he spanks her regularly, as much as a reward for her good behavior as to punish her for breaching societies protocols sometimes. Perhaps they sneak away at parties sometimes to indulge in illicit fornication. I'd love to hear your thoughts if this intrigues you.

If any of these seem up your alley, feel free to PM me with your thoughts on any of them and what you are interested in. And again, don't forget to check out my O/O's below!