*So* not breaking a nail over this [MxF]

Started by graverunner, May 13, 2010, 05:35:17 AM

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Alright, this post would be quite long, so brace yourselves.

First Plot

1. Character

I've had a character by the name of Eryn Jacobsen that I've always wanted to RP but have never had the chance to because I could not think up of a plot that did not go along the lines of a stereotypical geekxpopular girl romance.

A few bits and pieces from her character profile:

Among the outcasts, Eryn Jacobsen is the sort of person you'd love to hate. Among the girls, they either want to be her or kill her.
Among the guys, they either want to screw her or kill her.

She is the typical queen bee to be found in many a high school, with a posse of friends only with her because of her status and a line of adoring guys who only adore her because of her looks and a generous physical endowment concentrated in the chest area.

She titters with her close companions over the latest inane piece of gossip and fashion trends, makes fun of those not in the 'in' clique, and finds it excusable to skip school because of a bad hair day or a pimple alert.

She gets inanely jealous over other pretty girls and those that have managed to snatch the attentions of any boy she currently has her eye on will result in their downfall being plotted by her: Eryn trying to seduce the guy away, or even the girl herself from the guy in some cases.


Lesser known facts about Eryn:

She has to make an effort to keep her marks down so she can go for extra lessons. Anyway, the teacher is cute and it is easier to keep people wrapped around your thumbs when they think you are intellectually challenged.

She has beautiful shimmering blonde hair (dyed) and shining blue eyes (contacts).

She has to physically keep herself from bashing her head against the nearest wall when she is with her friends. Some times.

She loves romantic bodice-rippers because they are hilarious. Her friends however, take them seriously.

Beneath her gossip magazines and said romantic bodice-ripper novels are fantasy novels. What? She only has them because they are. Um. Well. For research purposes. Yes.




2. Setting

Nope. Not a high school setting. Sorry disappointed high-school romance setting seekers!

She finds a beautiful ring at an antique store and finds herself transported to another world.

Before she has time to be shocked at how she is now living out the ultimate shoujo/fantasy cliche, and at the fact that she actually knows what a shoujo/fantasy cliche is, she is attacked by a monster.

Here, her inner power is unleashed by traumatic stress.

Instead of getting some sort of cool superpower, she finds that she is now able to explode into gooey, acidic, green slime.

Eryn is officially freaked out.


The world she is in has had people from all races, genders and time streams dropping in for times unknown now.

In short, it is over-the-top, colourful, scary and fucked up all at the same time. It is a land with no reason nor rhyme.

You can find yourself in a desert, a fairy-tale-ish atmosphere right down to a typical American suburb. The people and monsters that populate the lands are just as varied.

3. Plot

Eryn finds herself discovering her true potential of exploding into gooey green slime at the right moment.

Namely, when a grizzled, tough war veteran (what the man looks like to Eryn) is about to be attacked and is on the brink of being defeated.

All thought of thanking this advantageously coincidental woman (it is normal for people to randomly drop in) flies out of his head when Eryn starts spazzing out.

Somehow, despite repeated attempts to try and lose Eryn, he is inexplicably annoyingly stuck with her.

Eryn keeps herself in denial about her ability and claims that she needs a man to protect her frail constitution.

The man, in question, thinks this is bullshit.

4. Looking for:

The grizzled war veteran
[[Doesn't necessarily have to be one. This is simply what he looks like to Eryn. He's the typical standard big, buff, scarred guy.]]

5. Setting Part 2

If you've not gotten the feel of the RP by now, it is over-the-top graphic violence, comedy, weird randomness, with a dash of srz bznz and romance all rolled into one.

6. Romance

Sexual tension that you can cut with a dull pike staff and deep-seated denial. That sounds about right.

Why a grizzled war veteran (to Eryn) then, out of all possible people?
Because, on top of finding that she has been transported to a crazy land and that she can explode into green goo, it is only normal for the higher beings to then make her fall for a man almost twice her age instead of a hunky prince.

7. Plot Part 2

It starts off with the Prologue, the part where Eryn defeats the giant monster.

It then goes off into episodes, which me and my potential RP partner would take turns suggesting to each other.

Eg. It can be as smutty as "They find themselves underneath the influence of a sex pollen and also have to battle groping tentacles" to something as silly as "Eryn has to save [grizzled war veteran dude] from the attentions of annoying ukes in yaoiland".

Really, anything's possible in the land they're in. So if you're in the mood for something post-apocalyptic, victorian era, 20s.. anything goes.

8. Requirements

I also think, by now, you would have a feel whether this RP is for you or if it just creeps/weirds you out or turns you off.

I laughed when I first came up with Eryn's chara. profile and laughed even more when the rp plot for her hit me.

If you have not been amused thus far... well. Probably not for you either.

So. Am hoping this would be successful.

Any takers??? (And congrats for having made it this far!)


Person that contacted me for this plot has gone MIA. Could be RL/internet problems of some sort, but I'm usually willing to do the same plot again twice.
Thus, am bumping this up again.