One Uninhibited Night - Redux

Started by Xantham, January 31, 2012, 04:23:02 AM

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One Uninhibited Night


Dr. Todd Thornton had created a marvel of science.  He was employed as a Marriage counselor, but he was a part-time inventor as well.  He had been playing around with effects of sonic frequencies and he stumbled onto a machine that seemed to create an ultrahigh frequency sound that created in nearby people a feeling of openness, a willingness to listen, and general peaceful harmony.  His entirely unscientific testing placed its limits at about 20ft.  For him as a marriage counselor, it was genius.  Sessions became much more fruitful.  What he didn't know was that the machine was working on a deeper level as well.  It also removed almost all inhibitions when active.  It was like a switch that turned off the brain's self-editing capabilities.  This did not matter much during strictly controlled sessions, but recently, still unaware of the side effects, he had built a second small version that he was going to give to troubled patients on a short term basis to help them away from the office.  He had simple instructions:  Pick a spot in the house, call it your talking zone.  Turn this machine on and leave it there.  Anytime the two of you feel the need to fight, go to your talking zone, breath deep and talk, instead.  This is the story of one of those couples.  They took the machine home, made the living room their talking zone, and then remembered that they were entertaining two friends that night.  What could possibly occur when four people got together with no inhibitions?


This is going to be a short free-form game.  All action takes place in one night.  Understandably, it will be heavier on the sex and a little light on the story.  However, I am not looking for a complete lack of story.  The set-up is what makes the payoff interesting.  I want the couples to slowly devolve.  The machine does not create sex-crazed machines, it just removes inhibitions.  If you need a parallel, think about alcohol as a remover of inhibitions.  This does the same thing except without the sloppy side effects.

Example of machine behavior:

No Machine
Male:  Wow, your wife has nice tits!
Other Male:  What the Hell! (Punches Male) Who the hell do you think you are, talking about my wife like that!

Male:  Wow, your wife has nice tits!
Other Male:  It's true and they are wonderful to hold, but I don't think you should be discussing my wife like that.  You and I do not have that kind of relationship.

Some things to think about:  What happens if someone leaves the circle of sound?  And when they come back?  The machine does not erase memories.  The visitors can be anyone, with any relationships, though I think it would be most interesting if they were a couple as well, or somehow related to each other and not two disparate individuals.  All kinks are welcome, but the machine definitely turns off violent tendencies.  Things I think would be interesting:  An incestuous connection, Emergent D/S tendencies (within machine guidelines for violence), Fetishes, Emergent bi-sexual tendencies.  This is just a short list.  Please pick at least one thing for your PM.

For the game, I will play one male.  I am looking for two females and another male.  I can be the husband or the other male depending on need.
Posting rate required - approx. once per three days.

If you are interested, please send a PM with the following information:

Character Slot:  (Husband, Wife, Male Visitor, Female Visitor)
If visitor, Relationship to Husband and Wife and Other character:  (This will not be set in stone, but act as a jumping off point.)
One interesting thing about the character that might emerge:  (As per above)

This will not be first come first served, I will be looking over the characters and picking those that are interesting and compatible.
Once we have a foursome, we will do fuller bios.

Please reply to this post only if you have an urgent question.  Some details will be worked out in planning.


For those who want to get an idea how this played out the first time...

One Uninhibited Night - Old Friends

Still looking for players...