The Monster of Cricket Hollow [Seeking Male Character]

Started by Airindel, November 29, 2011, 03:20:43 PM

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The Monster of Cricket Hollow
Inspired by the tv series Criminal Minds, and the films Silence of the Lambs and Red Dragon

How far would you go to protect the one you love?

Cricket Hollow is a quaint small town in the Eastern US that remains fairly remote and untouched from the influences of larger cities. There are two main thoroughfares that run parallel to one another, highways; one is fairly busy, that which connects Cricket Hollow to the stretch of road that paves a path to the cities. The other highway is rarely used, and in turn, is the main street of Cricket Hollow.  Only a block or two south of the main street, is a vast river, one that stretches for a mile and a half at it's fullest, and it splinters into creeks that flow along the outskirts of town.

The town is charming or 'picturesque' as the locals would say.
The townspeople are friendly, and many know one another with neighbours looking out for and helping each other through difficult times.

But Cricket Hollow is seemingly deceptive.

A third body has been recovered from the remote forested area outside of town.
A third body in three years.
A third body killed in the same similar fashion as the other two.
The local police request the aid from the FBI.

How close would you dare to get?

The BAU, the one that is designated to crimes against adults, investigates the deaths, the crime scenes, interviews a few of the locals, and a profile is offered to the local police.
An arrest is made.
Cricket Hollow, the residents of it, are safe once more.

The one member of the BAU, however, revisits Cricket Hollow on his own accord. Something is urging him there, feelings for a woman he had met, who had offered her assistance to the unit, and there is an emotional struggle within him on whether or not it is right to have a relationship with her.

Equal she is to his intelligence, holding similar interests, a quirky wit and sense of humour, and neither can deny that there is an attraction there. Neither can deny their relationship.

Can secrets be kept?

Requesting an individual to write from the perspective of the FBI BAU member, an intellectual and 'geeky' male. Plot is negotiable.
Content of story may contain violence, gore, strong language and consensual and/or NC sex.
Wanting to explore the emotional and psychological aspects of the characters.
I'm a detailed writer and I would appreciate the same in my partner (please check previous posts).
Since my life is hectic with work and family, I do not expect the game to be fast paced.
I won't lie: I'll be particular on who I accept as a writing partner. If interested, please PM me.
Many thanks.
Lips that taste of tears, they say,
Are the best for kissing
~Dorothy Parker
