Winter Stories: Swords and Sorcery

Started by Vaiya, December 21, 2011, 05:09:23 AM

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I must admit that your Bride of the Spider God scenario fascinates me. I've recently explored within the Elder Scrolls games the outcomes of choosing to favor the causes of the Daedra, which are equivalent to demons. They tend to toy with the minds of mortals, making them their servants either through fealty, slavery or sheer madness, often offering a taste of their power to a mortal in exchange, oftentimes because the Daedra themselves cannot emerge within the mortal plane to do their own will, but can urge a mortal to do it for them. Yes, a similar scenario twisting a typical hunt and rescue mission would interest me greatly. The fact that grittier settings and stories interest you attracts me further.

My character concept is that of a hardy old wood elf who doesn't care for the tree hugging and witchcraft of his kin. He is a shrewd ranger with somewhat weathered features and a knack for having a sharp, heartless tongue. The only thing that keeps him living is the hunt... that urge to kill another being, but the patience to await justification and pay for it. He would be skilled in the bow, the dagger, and stealth. A rogue or assassin of sorts, with a murky history muddled in rumors of war crimes against fellow wood elves in favor of an emperor or king of the humans. Anyway, its a start to my ideas for a M/F story. Smut hardly interests me as much as the adventure and developing a bloodthirsty character in a gritty environment. That has me very much thrilled.