Movie director needs female star =D

Started by Radov, January 19, 2011, 02:15:44 AM

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Hi there I'm new around here, this is my first new topic and I haven't got to rolplay here with anyone yet. I've never played 1 on 1 so if you feel I can do better just correct me so I can learn. If you are interested please look at my on/off to see if we have things in common, I wont be demanding to fit everything (the only thing I wont have is naive characters, I just can't sorry folks), we can choose what we are comfortable with and then send me a pm. I'd like to tell you that I'm fan of options, decisions and so on and as result in my rp's I don't have an established ending but it flows with the players so we can all die, take that in consideration.

My stories:

1- The Butcher
A young rich kid had a rough childhood. He was not popular in his school, other kids used him for he had money and then discarded him.  Not very charismatic and unable to even buy friendships he has spent his years alone till his 20th birthday. Being angry with society cause he can't fit he decides to start using his wealth for macabre purposes. His beach house becomes his headquarters and every weekend he kidnaps, torture and murder people until he get a girl that gives him hard times...
[This story could go anywhere we like, depends on the rolplay, maybe cause she's cute or because with her wits she makes him doubt, or any idea you could give]

2- Spac3scape (sci-fi)
A small prisoner spaceship get hited by an asteroid. While it is being repaired the doomed ship gets attacked by some infamous space pirates killing 2 of the 3 crewmembers. The female officer's got the bitter decision of dying at the hands of the pirates or making a deal with the dangerous prisoner she was carrying  to help her fight back the pirates.
[The outcome of the battle and the ending depends on the connection that both characters will establish]

3- Demon's Dilemma
There is a spell that most demons use to bind their life fonts to them, they require to feed on the blood of a virgin. This was no problem but now things are changing since a demon is starting to fall for his life font. As the demon loses concentration because of his emotions the spell grows weaker giving the life font more freedom and this makes the demon fall even more for his victim making him unable to feed properly. [The demon will be searching for excuses to hate his life font in order to regain his carelesness and be able to dominate his life font so depending on rolplay the girl will end up free or in eternal dominion]

More rp's to come