Games you wish were brought to the US

Started by Spynmaster, November 21, 2012, 01:30:53 AM

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I think it's safe to say that most of us gamers wish that certain of the several titles that were only made in Japan would be localized in the US as well. For me, top of the list belongs to the Tales series. I kinda growled that the PSX version of Tales of Phantasia never ported to US, even though we got a GBA version, even though it was sub-par. Then there's the Director's Cut of Tales of Destiny, which would've been fun for the PS2. And then there's the sequel, Tales of Destiny 2, and lemme tell you, I was annoyed as hell when I found out they tried to pass Tales of Eternia as Destiny 2. Why did they think this was cool? Did they think people wouldn't catch on? Was it a cruel joke, 'cause I'm not laughing. The list of not-US'd games in the Tales series goes on for a while, and I, for one, am sad. (Though I am thankful they FINALLY decided to bring Tales of Graces to the PSP.)

Then there's games like the Marl Kingdom series, the Atelier series, a Lunar game, Namco x Capcom, and Super Robot Taisen OG Saga: Endless Frontier EXCEED. No-shows like these left considerably big holes in the plot that can't be filled by any substitute, and as a story-hunting gamer like me, this is unacceptable.

We may or may not ever receive a US port for these potentially awesome games, but I can hope. I know there's alot of legal crap swishing back and forth, but I wish they'd get that out of the way and give the fans what they want. If we can rally to get Xenoblade Chronicles(which I never even heard about), surely we can keep pushing for more.