Gamer Girl (Cyberprep, EX)

Started by Noisekick, October 16, 2011, 10:40:37 AM

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It is the year 2109. After overcoming an energy crisis and the big financial crisis of 2011, humanity had been in full speed in making the world a better place and advancing in cybernetics. The world had become a place where even public nudity was broadly accepted. Many men still dont want to leave their homes without clothing but they don't have anything against others showing up nude. Cybernetics meanwhile had advanced far enough to be used for recreational purposes such as a built in entertainment system or a games console as well as changeable limbs, color changing hair, utilities and much more. Cybernetics are also used for work purposes. Some even go so far that they use cybernetics for sexual enhancement such as being objectified (being turned into a living chair or table).

But recently a new game console had come out. It requires a quick surgical operation. For singleplayer use nothing much changes but for multiplayer use it includes a desirable controller plug point and a holographic screen.  Until now, built in game consoles only featured an external controller plug point and a connection to an external holographic screen was required. Some people think that cybernetics now have gone too far by dehumanizing people and some even violently oppose it but dont know that some of the women who have these cybernetic enhancements can easily tear others apart with their bare hands.

The main story revolves around a college club dedicated to these cybernetic enhancement. The group is known as the Cybernetic Friends of South Chiba University. Thats right, the story takes place in Chiba, Japan about 40 km southeast of Tokyo (because in this future, Japan is the furthest in technology). The club is constantly threatened by Anti-cyborg activists. In case of an attack and no reaction of the police, they will have to take this into their own hands.

This RP was inspired by CGs by ZigZag Company.

Blood and gore are allowed in full detail.
At least 100 words per post (for those who arent great at typing much and well)
Post on a regular basis (at least once per day). If you are on leave, then notify me first.
No godmodding
Just let your creativity in post-cyberpunk/cyberprep flow.

Character sheet:

Appearance (either pic (anime preferred) or detailed description)
Clothing (not a necessity)
Enhancements (cybernetic enhancements)
Stance on cybernetics

Optional features:
Political stance
Religious stance
Alignment (Good, evil, neutral)

If you have any questions, I would love to answer them.


Can you tell me what is your basis for no non-con scenes please? You have gore in there which puts the game in the extreme section. Is the no NC rule your personal preference? What about other players who are okay with it? (BTW I always plan my NC scenes between those it involves anyway unless the game's storyline accepts it can occur at any point).

Is this game mostly an action/combat game with the enhanced gamers club defending its premises against attacks... or what? I think I need more detail on your intended story before I can get a handle on this. Thanks!


Name: (Dr.) Midori Kasasuke
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Occupation: Junior professor in cybernetics
Majors: Cybernetics, cybernetic medical studies, philosophy, finished
Clothing: Normally wears a short black skirt, black thigh highs, a white shirt and a black choker with dark shoes as the professor. But otherwise in more casual clothing at home and out on the streets.
Enhancements: Full cyborg, she has the game console enhancement (, artificial organs, removable head, muscle enhancement
Likes: Cybernetics, video games, loud electronic music
Dislikes: Being criticized, people whining about cybernetics, people who are way too happy go lucky
Stance on cybernetics: Is enthusiastic about cybernetics and wishes to see further development. If it was up to her, she would have everyone enhanced but she doesnt believe people can be forced to something they dont want or need.
Personality: Midori is young, energetic and friendly. She is always looking to make friends with other people. She is not entirely innocent and wont run away from a fight. She shows little mercy for attackers.
Background: Since her teen years, Midori has been interested in cybernetics. She got her first enhancement at the age of 18 and from then on got more and more. She went on to the South Chiba University and got her Dr and Masters qualifications. After completing her Dr in cybernetics, she went on to become a professor at the university. Midori was one of the original members of the Cybernetic Friends of South Chiba University.


Just screw the no NC part. It was a personal preference. But it was more for club member not to rape other club members. And yes it is action oriented with the club members protecting their premises.


I'm sure no group RP would ever have characters randomnly raping other characters without players planning it first, or the GM giving some structure to the game so that it made sense. It doesn't seem at all logical to me for club members to attack each other, so providing that aspect is discussed beforehand I don't think it would be a problem.


Would all members have to have cybernetic enhancements? Like a techie in the group that deals with the enhancements or something?


Yes all members of the group will have to have cybernetic enhancements to be in the group. It is a requirement. It doesnt have tol be anything fancy. Even cybernetic limbs and a telecommunications chip would work.


Would you be able to play a character outside of the group then?


Yes. But characters who are against the group might be exposed to rape before death (that is for the roleplayers to decide).


I was more thinking about a character who wasn't enhanced but a friend of the group. Since no one not enhanced can be in the group I thought to do it that way, after all even the most hated group has friends outside of it.



So then that means a character like that is acceptable?



Alright, is this good?

Character sheet:

Name: Katie Mathews
Gender: female
Occupation: cybernetics and tech student
Majors/Semester: cybernetics and technologies
Appearance (either pic (anime preferred) or detailed description):

Clothing (not a necessity): Katie normally wears baggy clothing with a lot of pockets. Generally the tech guru of the clubs as she does the repairs for a cheaper price then anybody else (if she charges at all) she can often be found with a lot of various devices and tools on her person at all times throughout the day. She is particularly famous around campus as wearing a trench coat filled with items all year long.
Enhancements (cybernetic enhancements): none, though she has many equipable technologies for her work and defense.
Likes: technological knowledge and grids, computers, friends
Dislikes: bigots (on both sides), bullies, authority

Stance on cybernetics: Though Katie herself shudders at the thought of using the technology for replacing anything of herself, she is firmly in the view of people making their own choices about it. She in fact is often the one that helps in most of the malfunctions that happen from time to time. One particular reason for her great reluctance is her suspicion of what those cybernetics could be used for outside of a person’s own will.

Personality: Energetic and somewhat happy-go-lucky Katie often hides her analytical mind behind false cheer and enthusiasm. The one area she allows herself to fully come through though is in technology work, always looking for something new and always trying to improve the technology that she can get her hands on she can be obsessive in the field. Most of her friends will often mention this feature with amusement, but it just adds onto her reliability in their eyes as they can be assured that she won’t ever turn on them without a damn good reason.

Background: Raised in a good family Katie could often be found with her father in the shop he owned as he worked and showed her the ropes. She got a large amount of her enthusiasm of technology in her earlier stages of life, listening and watching as her father explained each thing to her. It was through this actually that she also gained her suspicion as well, seeing the tricks to get around things told her how easily it could be done with the right things and tricks. That didn’t make her take a stance against cybernetics for one simple reason though, she saw the good it could do as well, her father himself having a cybernetic arm in replacement for his original and her mother’s own recreations taking that belief out before it even began. She started college in hopes of striking out on her own to make her father proud.

Optional features: n/a
Political stance: individualism
Religious stance:: n/a
Sexuality: straight
Alignment (Good)
