Aother one wanting to do solo game

Started by Zaer Darkwail, April 18, 2008, 08:31:50 AM

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Zaer Darkwail

Well, I want GM to make a solo system based game. I have folowing systems and intrested to game with them;

- 3.5 DnD (ALOT source books, so hope open minded DM who allows alot stuff)
- 1 edition Exalted
- 3.0 Star Wars roleplay sourcebook (basically the one first books and which is one book which had parts for players and DM etc. It shows basic rules how use force powers and use them via skill checks and use vitality power them etc).

I am intrested to do any of the above and I wish game where we do traditional adventuring but also sexual encounters (or erotic at least). Anycase starting level somewhere 'above average but not medium'. In DnD terms around 7-9lvl chars. I count +10 level to be medium and +15 high level.