Real Education by Charles Murray

Started by RubySlippers, December 22, 2008, 01:08:59 PM

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I'm reading his new book and he makes some very good points about education in America to keep it simple. :

1. Ability Varies (he seems to make a good point schools think all students can fit into some box)

2. Half the Children Are Below Average (in that no one generally is above average or even average in every area - he includes things like academics and social skills in that so pushing children like this to be "average" is wasting resources and some students have below average skills in one area and are above-average in others)

3. To Many People Are Going to College (in that face it not everyone needs a college degree and if their skills fall into hand-eye coordination and social skills instead of academic its hurting people making college the ideal ... when in his book an electrician would be likely a better goal for the student)

4. America's Future Depends How We Train the Academically Gifted (the elite run everything so its in the nations best interest to educate them to lead, that can include anyone however gifted even if poor to begin with)

So I think he makes valid points in college now I wonder why many of these students are here? Many struggle, most seem unhappy getting a four year degree or have skills in areas that might flourish in a profession needing a less high level education. Murray does point out one must have education past high school but that is different than earning a bachelors just to meet some senseless obligation for a job that doesn't actually need one. An example is business it used to be one would earn a degree from an applied business school at most and more likely learn on the job things like business management and accounting, with talent rising one to the top.

And he makes a good point if the four year college degree is so common it makes it less appealing, in business the MBA has taken the place of the once widely regarded four year degree, and not everyone he points out should even go to college.

I have a friend was average in school but had an amazing amount of soft social skills, you know the kind of man that everyone just likes. He now works as a host at a restuarant and is studying to be a wine steward for him its a great job, but he is not college material. He is earning a career school diploma in hospitality management however so in his way is advancing his career with education just far more hands-on and practical. I love him but if he went to college it would have been a waste of time and money.

I think we really do need to rethink education so students can enter the world after high school on paths that are best suited for them, and that may not be college for most at least to the four year degree level.

Anyone have any comments on this topic I think it would make a nice discussion?