A Wee Trove of Ideas [Seeking Male Characters]

Started by Airindel, July 31, 2016, 12:34:37 PM

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Famous in a Small Town

Genre: Contemporary
Setting: Small town

Once gone, she never wanted to return home.
City life was enticing as it was intoxicating, addictive.
A great job. A fantastic boyfriend. An amazing apartment.
Life was fabulous …

Until fired. Until infidelity. Until eviction.
The fabric of her life changing forever in the matter of days.

Sometimes one has no choice but to go home.

A small town.
Old friends who ‘went nowhere with their lives’.
The only entertainment is the old arcade, a sports bar and the strip club.
Saturday nights may as well be spent alone with a bottle of wine watching PBS fundraisers.

But he had returned home, too.
Never had the two anything in common while in their youth, their social circles differing.
Circumstances—and people—change with time, however.

Notes: Looking for a partner to write from the perspective of the male character, and who is also comfortable writing and creating NPCs as well as contributing to the plot. Themes to be explored: quirky small town life, dysfunctional families, new beginnings, finding oneself, romance, sex and sexual tension, jealousy...and some comedy elements.

If interested, please send a PM.
Thank you.

Of How It All Ends

Genre: Historical
Setting: 1920s Prohibition America
Inspiration: Boardwalk Empire, The Immigrant


America was the land of opportunity, of dreams, and immigrants flooded to the new land—in desperation, in want of hope, penniless and emotionally starved—to start a life anew. Chances were taken, but once through the gates of Ellis Island, once through the stations of inspection, one did not always find themselves welcomed, and it became a struggle to survive. No better was it than the homelands.

Violence escalated in Hell’s Kitchen…
Warehouses stored bootleg whiskey…
Crime became rampant.

She was Irish, the working class poor, and she resided in an overcrowded tenement with her siblings as they attempt to make ends meet.
Her brother was a boxer, once a soldier for the IRA, and his past never escaped him. Deadly, he could be, when required.  His promoter, an Irish crime lord, asked him to take a fall in a match. It was during this meeting in which she would meet her future suitor for the Irish crime lord had a business partner with him: a well groomed self-made gentleman, a former immigrant, a Sicilian.

Being hit with the ‘thunderbolt’, lust, obsession and jealousy never knew mankind to be reasonable. The Sicilian would want her, would have her, and their worlds would collide.
Romance there would be chased by hardships, and blossoms of appreciation followed by tragedy. They would become an American dream.

Notes: Looking for a partner to write from the point-of-view of the Sicilian. Looking to explore the themes of lust, obsession and jealousy; the rise from poverty, or the making of the American dream and the possible threats of losing it all; violence; pregnancy or the risk of; cultural differences etc.

If interested, please send me a PM.

The Reckoning

Genre: Historical
Setting: Medieval Viking Era
Inspiration: The Last Kingdom

She had been born a Saxon, a daughter of a King when English lands were divided and wars and raids from the Danes haunted the isle.

She was cloistered, hidden from the world, but not because she was a beauty or that she held worth, but her father feared her. She predicted events that only God should have been privy to, and so it was that the devil had whispered in her ears, but given her youth, perhaps she could be saved …but her mother was charmed, seduced by fallen Lucifer, and she was burned alive at the stake.

Then, the Danes came and with the invasion, war and slaughter; blood, entrails and death would saturate the land in Saxon defeat. Prisoners would be taken, sold into slavery … and she would meet him.

He feared her not, and her beauty, her features, it drew upon his base instincts.
He would have her, first as a slave and then as his woman.
He would offer her life, his word, his love.

But life is never simple …and even the most pious of men crave vengeance for past wrongs.

Notes: Looking for a partner to write from the perspective of the Dane, and to help create the story. Themes that may be explored are: cultural differences, pagan and Christianity beliefs, violence, pregnancy & sexuality, myth & legends, servitude. Kinks: voyeurism, sexual tension, rough sex, possible rape (depends on partner’s regard toward it), and whatever else thought suitable to the tale.

If interested, please send me a PM.
Thank you.

Lips that taste of tears, they say,
Are the best for kissing
~Dorothy Parker
