Doctor Who / Good Omens (mxm, mxf, fxf)

Started by Akiravadel, July 22, 2020, 06:42:19 PM

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I've been rping for 10+ years and enjoy all kind of different ideas for the rp. Of course we don't have the do the ones below if you have another idea. I'm open! Just pm me and let me know what you think :)

I don't have many kinks I won't do so please just ask.

Doctor Who - (mxm)

I would really like to play the Tenth Doctor for both. If you have other idea's let me know!

Idea 1: Davros is done, Donna is home, Rose is with the hand, Jack is back in Torchwood... Wilf... back home. What's left for the Doctor? Half regenerated and unsure of where to do he fights with the regeneration sickness, not knowing it's so much worse than that. The Tardis finds a way to contact Sarah Jane and Luke to help get her back to Earth. Running inside the Tardis they find a horror of a broken Doctor quickly dying and after some trial and error Luke discovers how to fix a timelord. Bonding to one of them. The logical choice becomes Jack because he can die and break the bond afterwards, but is that what they really want? Also the fun note on how to actually fix him and give him more energy? Sex :)

Idea 2: Stuck on the Valiant for that year... that horrible year the Master enjoys destroying and toying with the Doctor, mentally, physically.... telepathically. The Doctor fights and waits but... what if the Master won?

Idea 3: The Doctor helps the Master in trying to stop the drums in his head. They end up either stuck on the Tardis or in the hospital in New New York trying to help him remove the drums.

Aziraphale and Crowley - (mxm, mxf,fxf)

Cheers... to the world.

I have a few different story ideas and of course welcome others. Given what they are I'm sure they would switch between their gender's with one another. Gender doesn't really matter to them.

Idea 1: Pretend to be husbands. Aziraphale tells a group of "friends" that he is married to stop the advances of another man. Crowley comes in to help and well they discover there is another demon that's friends with the Angel... then the man who made advances happens to be an Angel in disguise and seeing the two of them behaving like husbands. How will they escape this one?

Idea 2: Standing on the side of the road Crowley wishes Aziraphale goodnight. One thing he doesn't notice is his powers are weakening since the demon wards around the city are breaking down his barriers just to be close to Aziraphale. It's so bad he never sees the car coming. Thrown from his body on Earth it clings to life as his spirit form follows after them trying to contact Aziraphale. In order to get Crowley back his Angel has to enter hell and figure out how to rescue him. After finding an old book of Crowley's he realizes there are rules to returning a demon to his post.

Idea 3: Either one of them falls or the other rises. Crowley puts things in place to help protect his Angel just in case he falls. He strikes deals with other demons in fear that maybe he'll accidentally drag Aziraphale down. Then all of a sudden he realizes he's doing more helping than mischief. God appears before them, talking through a bubbling tea pot, and explains that he's forgiven and Crowley is restored. (or vice versa)

Idea 4: Heaven and Hell have caught on and are now stalking them to figure out the best way to take them down. Sending demons and Angel's in to cause trouble and fear in them. The easiest way they realize is to capture Crowley seeing as Aziraphale possesses the flaming sword and the last they knew he figured out how to breathe hellfire. Stepping in as all literal hell is breaking loose, God gives Aziraphale a promotion making him a new age sort of Angel that's a protector of Earth for the people. He's given the power to take their powers away or give them to demon and angel alike. He's proven himself to be the Angel she was looking for to take over the Earth in a way she hadn't.

Idea 5: Takes place after the two of them are free. After the book/tv show. How the two of them confide in each other into their future together.

Thanks! <3

Please see my f-list for my kink list. I'm trying to figure out how to finish my profile at the moment lol



If anyone has another idea I'm open to suggestions!