Reporter looking for a story becomes one (F lf Dom F or M)

Started by subjuanita, June 14, 2015, 12:40:21 PM

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My Character (MC) is a young beautiful reporter who is struggling on the job. It is her first job, and she has been assigned to cover minor stories. MC is envious of the reporters who get to cover "real news". MC just got a bad review at work and told if things don't improve she will be fired.

Depressed MC drives out of town the next day and goes for an early morning run. During her run she stumbles upon a group of criminals plotting a major crime in town that will happen in a couple days. MC hides behinds some rocks and listens. MC thinks this is finally the big break she been waiting for and runs back to her car to call in her story. Unfortunately she is discovered and chased.MC is tackled by your character (YC) or one of their fellow criminals. At first they plan to just keep MC at their HQ until after they pull off the crime. But after seeing MC's press badge in her purse in her car, YC decides to find out what she knows and interrogates her in various cruel and humiliating ways. Not getting any real info out of MC they plan to kill her, but then change their minds and decide to sell her after having some fun with her, and training her.