M/f pair of writers looking for a f sub for cowgirl play

Started by art3mis, November 18, 2013, 07:33:04 PM

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We have received some quality responses to this posting, so we're not currently looking for new writers.

Black Hand and myself are in talks for a roleplay featuring cowgirl pet play and all the fun associated kinks, and the plot we would like to try would really work best with an additional female sub character, so that's where you come in (maybe)!

The basic idea is that my character is a female journalist who is covering a routine story when she discovers a human cow farm full of brainwashed, trained, and altered cowgirls. Despite her shock, she finds herself developing a powerful crush on one particular cowgirl, and the crush is so strong that she finds herself wanting to come back again and again to see the girl...and this eventually leads to her being taken and trained as a cowgirl herself. Black Hand would play the staff/trainers/other dominant roles.

We're looking for someone to play the cowgirl (either just one or multiple members of the herd) with whom my character becomes infatuated. Your character would begin the story already trained and brainwashed or "broken" and would be used in part to lure my character more deeply into the cowgirl world.

The main focus of the story would be on my character's descent into becoming the newest member of the herd, but your character will have an active submissive role in the process as well. We're looking for someone who would be comfortable writing at least three paragraphs in a post.

Please PM me if you are interested.
