[F for M] Fairy Tail

Started by Amber, July 22, 2012, 01:29:25 AM

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I've found a few great IM Fairy Tail games, but as usual I'd like to open up a few more, this time looking for forum games.

Firstly, I'd like to play with canon characters. I haven't seen the anime but I have read up to chapter 265 of the manga.

Looking for:


If you can play another male, let me know - those are just the ones that I'd -prefer- but I would consider another one if you have a suggestion.

I can play:


I'm PRETTY confident in my abilities to play more; for example, I think I can play Cana, Mira, Lisanna, but I don't have as much experience playing them.

I'd prefer for the game to be Light. I totally don't mind bondage or extreme things, but since Fairy Tail is heavily plot-based I'd like for this to be some sort of amazing plot-based game, with adult themes sprinkled in.

"HUWAAA! Don't put my name up on this website! D-Don't read this, Lucy Heartfilia has NOTHING TO DO WITH ADULT THEMES!" - Lucy

"What kinds of shining light from the heavens rain down upon Juvia? Is Gray-sama really here? On this website? Juvia will find him, JUVIA WILL BE WITH GRAY-SAMA! Not you; JUVIA!" - Juvia

"I find this intriguing. What is this place? Is this another Edolas? Hmmm... it seems suspicious. But I will do my best." - Erza