Gladiator's Super Hero RP's (searching for willing Females!)

Started by Gladiator0161, August 11, 2011, 11:00:16 PM

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So, some of these rp's I've tried to get going before but, they've obviously run aground and I'd still very much like to play out. Some are new, just please take a look and let me know by either PM or writing a reply on here.

So, the first one is...

Spider-Man, Captain America, Hawkeye, Cyclops, or Colossus/Black Cat, Spider-Woman, Ms. Marvel, Black Widow or Psylocke (Sex: vanilla, anal, oral worship, strap on sex, voyeur/exhibition)

Things have always been flirtatious between Spidey and the Black Cat but, I was thinking, what if Spidey saved Black Cat from a particularly harrowing experience? How would she repay him? and I came up with this.

I was thinking that she could be chasing Scorpion who just robbed a bank and, who unknowingly is teamed up with Venom and Mysterio. Spidey comes across the chase and follows to make sure everything is ok, when he thinks he spots Venom nearby and begins to chase him. Unfortunately, it's only one of Mysterio's illusions and the real Venom is teaming up with Scorpion, who back Black Cat into a corner and are about to rape her when Spidey figures it out and saves the day. We could even do a nude fight with Black Cat, which....I really want to do, lol.

This can be modified to include any of the aforementioned heroes.

Angel/Ms. Marvel (Sex: mid flight sex (loved the sound of that and wanted to try it), anal, oral worship, vanilla, strap on sex, exhibition sex, voyeur )

I was thinking that Ms. Marvel and Angel could be on vacation and unknowingly visit the same beach, (a nude beach maybe?) when they meet, out away from the stresses of everyday life, they get to know each other and get to like each other. However, a Super Heroes life is never easy, so I was thinking that something comes up where they are forced to dawn their costumes, thus revealing who each other are, which only intensifies their relationship. I was thinking some kind of maniac is shooting at innocent civilians or something on the beach.

We can discuss the disturbance further.

Legend of Zelda: Erotic Captivity

This rp was taken from Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time when Link is captured by the Gerudu people. Since it's a tribe of women, I thought why not have them have some fun with him?

So, the story is Link is chained to a wall in a cell after being caught snooping around, he's still got his clothes on but, none of his weapons and the women there have been without sex for years, making them very, very hungry. This could go multiple ways, so just lemme know what you think.