[Blog Series]Miss Marguerite & The City - Day 38

Started by Marguerite, September 23, 2009, 07:18:42 PM

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Sept 23rd [38] - You break her heart, I break your cajones.

You break her heart, I break your cajones.

This is how I feel about my sister's ex-boyfriend. I have mentioned him in a few blog series posts about how I am willing to go to jail for my sister if he lays a hand on her. Well, the bastard may not have laid a hand on her physically but emotionally he has harmed her. Somehow, I should have seen this coming when I visited the family last weekend. Lil' Mar-Mar (my younger sister's nickname I use in case you are reading this for the first time) was not her somewhat talkative self. It has taken this year alone to come around to speak to one another civilly. I know it was because I was selfish and could care less about her life because she is a teenager and I felt she was going through her rebellious phases. We once were close and somewhere along the way we parted and took different routes. She went into a route where she deemed open sexuality as unnecessary and embarrassing. I embraced my sexuality and revered being involved in the BDSM community. I do not hate her for her choices but like any older sister, I still want the best for her and try to protect her. I failed to protect her heart from this cabron [fuc#$%].

I suspected her mood was dark because the lack of conversation we have when I visit the familia for the weekend. Since I left to live here in San Francisco, it seemed to bring the two of us closer together. Not to say, we are going to hug and say we are best friends (she hates to be given hugs without her permission and does not like her back being touched) but we can talk about what we did the past few days and any girl gossip we want to be given. However, there was no 'sisterly talk' or time spent together mainly because she was assigned a lot of projects for school and extracurricular activities. I am proud of my lil Mar-Mar because of what she can accomplish in twenty four hours while I try to get things done before the deadline. One thing we both have in common is our lack of keeping things on time, sure, I have a planner to keep me from forgetting but I have to chide myself to get it done. She on the other hand will have her times of laziness but snaps herself back to the task at hand.

Last night, I get a call about thirty minutes before Sons of Anarchy on FX is supposed to start; usually I try not to take calls close to Sons of Anarchy but it is the number of my family's house phone. Usually, I get calls from family but on their private cell phone lines. When I get it from the house phone, somehow I know I need to take the call. It was lil Mar-Mar and she wanted to talk to me and there was a hitch in her voice. I took the call downstairs in the garage because I did not want the roommates to overhear the conversation. The walls in the house is easy enough we can hear the other sneeze or even fart if they so choose to let out a queef. Taking the call downstairs, I made sure to wear a warm sweater and my eyes on any rats or bugs in the garage. I managed to find a mice hiding in the corner and informed the rest of the roommates to be wary of a family of mice in case the place is infested. I bet because of the weather, the creatures like to hide in the basement, near the washer and dryer set.

Back to my sister informing me her boyfriend of a year and some change cheated on her. Yes, this man who I informed I would do bodily harm if he hurt my sister. She may be sixteen (yes, sixteen, she is underage and jail bait if anyone is considering trying to have a taste of another Marguerite in the making) but she is somewhat mature for her age. Somehow, the woman can spot bull a mile away and can peg people. I use her to evaluate any potential relationships because in her own psychic way, she picks up on whether this relationship has potential. She aided me in a lot of my own break up's and I was there for her even if it was over the phone. Her boyfriend as far as she has received information started to cheat on her for the last two months. Two months and the dirt bag did not have the cajones to admit the relationship was not working out but no he kept pulling my sister along. My sister does not like for things to drag out and if she notices distance in anyone or something is not right, she will be vocal about it.

Right now, I wonder just what I can do to this idioto but in the end, he is not worth my time. As a minor, I cannot put my hands on him and teach him a proper lesson. He is a blip on my screen and will soon see trying to play the game will come back to bite him in the behind. My sister has impressed me even more by grabbing anything and everything he gave to her and handing it back to him in a trash bag. I rather scratch up the mixed cd's and keep the teddy bears but she wants to exorcise everything about him and his influences out of her life. To her, she wanted the relationship to work out and I am not going to deny or try to brush off her high school love.

In Sex and Relationships class, the subject of puppy love or high school love is an actual type of love recognized by many professors and studies. It may be a love that is considered an infatuation or love but it is a love that is as true as those Hollywood or compassionate romances. Honestly, I never had a high school sweetheart or my first boyfriend/girlfriend that I can reminisce on; my sister has that and I am slightly envious. She tells me she does not regret a thing in the relationship and I believe her but I think she regrets crying over him. That was the one thing she repeated in our conversation was the regret of wasting tears on a guy who did not have the gall to let her know he was seeing other people. She cried the last few days and it makes me sad I did not pick up on her sadness because we were practically doing our own things this weekend.

I think that is where it hit her the most but this weekend I plan to be around as a comforting sister and make sure everything about this idiot is out of her life. She may be a young female but I do not ignore or make fun of her experiences in the love department. Hell, she has more maturity in her love life than in the last ten years of my dating. Yes, I started dating at ten and caused myself a lot of grief in seeing individuals without first looking into their backgrounds. That is for another time but this blog piece is more towards my sister and my adoration for her. We may be four years apart and live different lives but she knows I love her. Plus, she knows I will likely pick her up from school one of these days and if I see the little bastard, I will give him the evil eye. No one hurts my sister but getting hurt is part of the process of experiencing life.

Miss Marguerite & The City
*R.R*A.A*O.O*Wiki*Bordello*Whip and Apple*
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