The Next Generation

Started by Lady Jenn, September 06, 2017, 02:07:25 PM

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Lady Jenn

"Sounds good to me," he said, standing up. "Could...could you not tell Geri about my fits? I don't want her worrying about me. I'm not used to ANYONE worrying about me."


" can't lie to Geri, besides she worries about every one I feel it remember "

Lady Jenn

"I just..." he paused for a moment, trying to choose the right words. "The fits, when I have those visions my fits are worse. It's the reason I don't sleep much, I'm worried something bad will happen when I don't have anyone to help me. Which is a catch 22 because I want to know what the hell my vision is about."


" so I get all the worry? She looked at him " may I try some thing I've only done a few times "

Lady Jenn

"I didn't mean it like that, I..." he sighed, closing his eyes. "I'm not used to other people trying to help me, I've been running for pretty much five years at this point. If you think it'll help then okay," he said, with an almost resigned tone.


She started to glow, a bright white glow before  turning ghost like she walked up to him and then in to him " hi "she said in his head " I want to see your visions "

Lady Jenn

"I'm not sure this..." he started saying, but his body took over, an image appearing a quite tall girl with long brown hair, her back turned to both of them. He held his head. "This is as far as it gets before the pain kicks in."


Despite being in him she hugs him " we can beat the pain " she smiled which some her knew despite not seeing her

Lady Jenn

"Clint?" came a voice that seemed to emanate from the air around them. "Can you hea-" the voice seemed to stop as suddenly as it began, the girl's image wavering slightly as Clint felt himself beginning to black out, but tried to keep his composure.

"Not now," he thought to himself, hoping she couldn't sense his panic. "I don't know what'll happen to her if I fit like this." The image of the girl turned slightly, but there wasn't a clear image where her face should have been.


She could feel her self being rejected once that starts it won't belong she is sucked out of his body and is now stand in opposite him " you rejected me?"

Lady Jenn

"I wasn't..." he started saying, having to steady himself against the bed. "I could feel the start of a fit, if you were linked with me when it happened...I don't know what would have happened to you."


" I should have asked first properly, and beside now I am out I am not sure it was you rejecting me" she looked at him " I won't tell Geri  any thing until I am asked but I promise I can't lie if I'm asked and if you think I'd only say that to your so wrong"

Lady Jenn

"I..." he could feel a severe bout of nausea kicking in. "Water...I need...wa..." before he knew it he had collapsed, alive and unharmed, but unconscious.


He woke up being flown by Geri to hero corp hq

Lady Jenn

"Wha...where am I?" he asked, feeling groggy. "Geri, where are you taking me?" He inwardly cursed the fact he was in no state to do more than shift slightly to see if he could make sense of his surroundings.


" we are entire to hero corp " she looked at him " and when in costume call me goldie or shoot not Geri"

Lady Jenn

"Sorry, I..." suddenly an image flashed before his eyes. "Goldie, you can't take me there, I..." he felt an intense pain in his head but tried to fight through it. "While I was out cold I...I don't know why, but I saw more of my vision. The accident...the one before I got my powers, where I lost my eyesight...Goldie, we were run off the road by a hero corp truck. I don't know why my memory picked RIGHT NOW to remind me of that."


She landed near the ocean she was clearly not pleased and failing at her attempt to hide it. " Need to know everything right here, right now ! " She demanded " if hero corp are responsible then all registered supers are in danger so you better spill and do it now"

Lady Jenn

"I don't know," he said. "You think I haven't tried remembering what happened, the person in the car with me..." Angry tears were forming in his eyes. "My sister was in the car with me, I only discovered she died because I overheard one of my doctors discussing LYING to me about it." He could feel heat building within his body, to the point where he had to force himself to calm down before he did something he regretted. "I have spent longer than I care to think about trying to figure out what happened, but I have epilepsy and..." he closed his eyes, trying to hide how upset he was. "Every time I see what happened I have a fit, I don't know if I can find out the whole truth without risking my health in the process."


" you can" a young female said behind them " I am a healer, I can heal you"

Lady Jenn

"Not the epilepsy," he said bitterly. "I tried, I had an episode not long after I first had these nearly killed me. I found a healer, someone who hero corp had targeted too, she tried healing me and it worked for a time...and then it came back with a vengeance. If you want to TRY blocking it temporarily then I guess I can't give a good reason why not to. I'd love to know why our car was targeted, I think my sister knew something she was going to tell me if she..." he paused. "Look, if you think we can do this without risks then okay."


She looked at him " I am mymi the last mermaid I do not understand half of what you said but I can you that with a tail healing will never fail.

Lady Jenn

"I'm not sure about this," he looked between the two. "But okay, we can try. But if I tell you to stop, you've got to stop, okay?"


Gold looked at them both before turning to Mymi " I say do as you must I don't know any more she walked up the cold and dark beach, transformed in Geri and cried

Mymi looked at him " I require my tail come in the ocean" she starts to strip off

Lady Jenn

As Clint began to follow Mymi a strange young woman appeared in front of Geri.

"If I had any sense I would have done this earlier," she said to Geri. "I do not believe you or the girl mean my brother harm, but this is not the way to find the answers you seek. I can tell you what you want to know, but even ignoring the danger to his health...he is not ready to know the whole truth, I don't know how he would deal with it. Tell them to stop and I will tell you everything I know."