Loosing control (Exotic/no-C)

Started by Far eyes, December 28, 2008, 10:53:51 PM

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Far eyes

Now the exact garnishing of the idea are up for change as they fit best but the main outline is as followed. It takes place in some form of bunker, civilization as known has ended the feeling of isolation and the fact that you cant just g out and purchases new supplies play a roll. But the exact nature of the apocalypse is not important

There is a vault with a soul survivor in it, she has lived in the vault all her life the only human their depending on the place for resources of all kinds (You). She is not alone though. I would be playing a kind of synthetic life form, not strictly human she would be a bit larger and a lot stronger not necessarily muscular. She has both male and female sexual organs and is totally subordinate. Until now she was a total servant her build and programming enabling her to enjoy all and put her owners needs and wants over her own. The perfect slave, servant, bodyguard.

The story would begin when the vault starts running low on supplies most importantly the chemical control agent required keeping my character (Aurora) in a docile and submissive state. But soon the chemicals start warring off and more and more the incidents of small lapses in her obedience start piling up, the story would begin as this starts happening.
Once trebles are turned she would still have some of her programming in place but without the control chemical to keep her subordinate she would start interpretating these on her own. So while she would still keep your character out of harms way and defend her at all costs. She might redefine “keeping her secure” as keeping her securely tied up. And with her sense of self building up she might be a bit cross with her for having bin kept as she was. 

I am looking for a partner who enjoys playing submissive characters, and also likes (Humiliation, Bondage, Spanking and other forms of play) I prefer partners who like writing descriptively and will not just laps into echoing my writing.
What a man says: "Through roleplaying, I want to explore the reality of the female experience and gain a better understanding of what it means to be a woman."

What he means: "I like lesbians".