Underground City Cult Brothel Chapter One: Revamp...

Started by Zombie Apocalypso, February 23, 2008, 10:20:52 PM

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Zombie Apocalypso

Above ground

Above the earth people move freely unafraid of things that go bump in the night. There are stories, abductions, random slayings, however unless one visits a bigger city these things are but fleeing memories. These wayward tales seemed like fiction, works of pure ingenious your parents used to keep you in line.

Don’t go out after a certain time or you will be killed by some random psychopath.

Don’t tread busy highways or some stranger will abduct you

Stay close to your parents when visiting malls or markets; children get abducted in places like these…

When you grew into adult hood you thought you were home free, safe to surpass these ‘stupid’ rules. Of course when you set out on your own you didn’t know that a majority of adult abductions never went reported, and if they did they were filed away to never be reviewed. Maybe if you had known what was to become of you, you might have made a conscious effort to be a bit more careful in your adult life.


Captured in the Night

The trucker: A man/woman who drives aimlessly appearing to be carrying a cargo of propane. People picked up by the trucker are always for whatever reason picked up along side major highways and freeways. Sometimes even trucker bars.


It is about 1:00 am and you were traveling home on interstate five after a long day of work. Although you only live forty minutes from your job and could easily get there by passing through cities, you decided that the freeway is a much faster route. This night, however, you break down just outside an off ramp leading from a small rest stop. It’s only a few minutes from your house, you decided to walk. But, just as you begin to walk it begins to rain on your parade. Lucky for you, an elderly truck driver sees your distress and offers you a ride to the next exit. It’s only maybe a mile away but you don’t want to get home soaked so you take the man/woman’s offer and climb in. All seems to go well; she goes ahead and pulls off at your stop and parks outside an abandoned gas station. You think things are going smoothly. But wait three people in masks approach the side of the truck and hand the driver a sack of money. They then began to reach for you; despite your screams and fighting they are able to drug you and move you without being noticed.

A few hours later you wake up with a splitting headache sitting inside the propane tank of the truck. It seems that it has never been filled; it also seems that it has been decorated for your comfort. There is just one problem, you don’t know where you are and are stuck. You’re naked and collared, tagged with a serial code on a random part of your body and very afraid.

Perfect Stranger: A person whom you meet in a bar and decide to go home with. They are very charming and generally loaded so why not? Strangers are most often met in bars or on random outings. They may date their victim for a short period of time before doing them in.


They were beautiful, charming, elegant, rich, everything that would draw anyone’s attention. But how special do you feel? They chose you, and of course on your very first date you need to look your best. You spend weeks finding things that might impress that special someone, and anticipate the date, fantasize continuously until the night. You get there maybe five minutes late; the taxi didn’t arrive in a reasonable time after you called them to pick you up, or so you say. Your patron is waiting, standing elegantly until you sit in which time they too sit. Oh, how beautiful they look staring across the table at you affectionately. Immediately they offer to pay for your portion of the meal and also tell you to go wild and order whatever you want, drinks included. They do not drink all that often but nevertheless they inquire as too the prices of the more expensive wines on the menu. Things go well; they give a general explanation for their shady line of work then drill you about your own life. Once your sob story is out you are almost finished with your meal and quite punch drunk. They request to take you home, after such a beautiful evening you don’t say no. During the car ride, in their limousine, you two get physical and you agree to go home with your counterpart.

But sad for you, you pass out before you can get home and wake up with the sun shining down through the tinted windows. When you try to move you find your hands bound, when you try to call for help you are gagged. Outside the person you were with last night leans against the vehicle looking out into the open desert. Stepping inside they regard you with little more then a sickened glance and direct the chauffeur to a city you have never heard of.


Your Profile/Intro

When you post your character information in whatever format you choose…Intro is quite fine by me, then you will be asked to elaborate on one of these scenarios…If you are doing an intro you will be asked to elaborate on your characters personality and appearance based on the or after the information provided as well as the way they would feel and interact with an Abductor…No, nobody will play an abductor the descriptions are simply for your viewing pleasure as well as a helpful beginning.

A general profile set up



Appearance: Written appearance…If you post a picture the written appearance is still needed…

Story: This is the portion where you will tell the little story of your abduction…


A mile below the ground…City of Fantasy and Desire…

Inside a church beneath a rug and an oak pew there is a large door that leads to what appears to be a basement. There is only one other exit or entrance to the city below and it is in a remote location some ways away from the actual city.

The underground Brothel resembles a city with houses that extend up and out of the rooms to what is probably a housing façade of a housing development above. It is very bright here, the strange lights invisible far above you. This is seemingly a normal city, shops are open for business, houses litter the roads, people move too and fro and even children can be seen playing. There are no vehicles, only cobblestone walkways and walking people. It must not be too large an area if everybody can walk from place too place. The outside of the first houses that leads up and outwards is painted white and glossed over with a substance that makes the building look watery. This is the house of diamond; many more houses similar can be seen, each representing a gem.

The actual story of the Underground Brothel City..


About a hundred years after the ending of slavery a bunch of men and woman got together and came to an agreement. They would kidnap men and woman much younger then them to fulfill their every sexual desire. Some of these wanted to be dominant, some submissive but whatever the appetite, they needed to take someone and train them. The city started out being just basements of Victorian houses. The houses expanded and eventually came together. These men and woman were rich and easily afforded the wall they placed up around their city. The city above expanded and the wall grew outwards stopping behind a church that they soon bought as well. Generation after generation continued to expand and the underground city finally became a reality.


When one of the original five died they kidnapped a person and trained them to take their place. This continued up until the present time until the houses were filled and the reigning trainers stayed. Now the trainers needed their own fresh meet, it was the time of revamping, out with the old and in with the new. They went on a kidnapping spree, sending out trained individuals to snake their way indirectly into the lives of the profiles sub in order to eventually abduct them.  The house stories will begin with the general buying and selling of slaves…Buying and selling done by a generic character by me…


I don’t know what to say about future other then the future of your characters can be however you and your partner end up playing the games out.


Extended information on game setup…

The players

Trainers: Trainers will have their own houses based on the gem of their choice…Two trainers can not occupy one house, so basically after a gem is chosen a person must pick something different. Trainers can have up to two trainees/subs, and can establish their own house setting and rules for what they want in submissive.  This information will go into their first post and afterwards they are free to go to the selling arena and get their subs.

Submissive/Trainees: You will post a general description of what kind of sub you are going to be and the kind of trainer you are looking for in the selling arena. This information will help me match you too a trainer or conversantly help a trainer find you. You get to choose the setting in which you start the actual RP...So basically if you want to start inside the house or on the way home, or at the arena, this will be done once you are given a trainer…

Randomocity: There will be stores and bars, places in the general public of the underground city. These spots will be open for people who really aren’t looking for a new game but would like to go really slow and maybe drop in every now and again to stir things up if someone happens to drop by…There will also be permanent places but these places will be controlled by the Trainers…

My Role: I will probably be open to be a submissive, but will also play random characters at trainers discretion if asked…People can also sign up to play random characters if they so choose, just post it in your profile…

Other game setup-Player information


Sub names-

Interest in shop/bars

General Interest

Other: Well that’s about it; I am putting together a city map, places of interest, the entrance to the church…

If you have any suggestions or comments feel free to jump in and express them outright…

Yes I know that there are some, DUH, type things but I figured I would cover as much ground as possible…

This is a general outlined freeform gamed and will randomly be GM-ed by me unless somebody else wants that job…It will probably involve bondage and nonconsensual just a pre-warning for those who plan on signing up…


Am I reading it correctly that there's only 5 trainers? I only ask because I think it'd be interesting if there were more, and they traded with each other and had Machiavellian political wars between the various houses. On the other hand, that does sound very much like the Drow if you were going to do something like that.

I'm interested in this game. However, I'm worried about spreading myself too thin between various games. If it's a systemless game then I'll consider it. If I go for it, I'm playing a sub (male, and for the first time).
O/O   A/A