Sea monkeys from the future make deadly lovers

Started by Spookie Monster, July 13, 2011, 08:48:31 PM

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Spookie Monster

Now you tell me!

Sea monkeys from the future make deadly lovers

Having sex with a time traveler might be bad for your health, according to a new sea monkey study.


I might just stop wanting you...
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Next time someone tells me the government should not be involved in funding science, i'm liking this article. I'll be all "Think so? WHAM! Time traveling sea monkeys, dude. Eat it!"

Undoubtedly they'll agree that that is very awesome.

Actually even without hte title (which would be an awesome name for a garage band, by the way) it's a neat article. Reminds me of Lenski's experiments with bacteria generations. I wonder if there are other organisms out there that generational "time travel" experiments could be performed with.

I also wonder if Andrew Schlafly is going to start barking up this tree.

...Moah, "deadly mating strategies?" I think that if your strategy results in the target of your amour being... dead... that sort of defeats the purpose. Not a very good strategy.

Aludiana of the Dusk

This is one of those things that makes you stop and go "Huh?"

To me,  its sort of common sense that a sea monkey that had 20 some odd years of evolution on their side would fare better than one that didn't. But I'd like to see them do the same thing with spiders or praying mantises. Maybe the males will take a cue from female sea monkeies and evolve escape tactics?
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